17 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Waste Bank Berbasis Blockchain

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    Blockchain merupakan sebuah jenis teknologi buku besar terdistribusi yang menerima banyak perhatian pada dunia digital saat ini. Pada jaringan blockchain ini memungkinkan adanya lebih dari satu pihak untuk membuat transaksi melalui protokol peer-to-peer yang transparan dan dapat diverifikasi. Jaringan blockchain terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu public dan permissioned. Salah satu contohnya adalah melalui jaringan Hyperledger Fabric, di mana pada jaringan terautentikasi ini setiap peserta saling mengenal dan dapat mengidentifikasi, tetapi tidak sepenuhnya percaya satu sama lain. Pada penelitian sebelumnya sebuah arsitektur blockchain diterapkan pada sistem informasi bank sampah dengan mengadopsi konsep transaksional Hyperledger Fabric, dengan tujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah transparansi anggaran dan validasi transaksi pada proses pembelian dan penjualan. Tetapi pada penelitian tersebut masih terdapat kekurangan dimana belum jelasnya bagaimana proses pembuatan channel dan pemanggilan chain code dilakukan, termasuk adanya masalah pada performa dan skalabilitas yang berkurang seiring bertambahnya jumlah data. Berdasarkan hasil temuan tersebut, kontribusi penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan arsitektur blockchain berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya dengan menambahkan metode broadcast service, dan pipeline & chunking untuk menangani proses pembuatan channel, pemanggilan chain code, peningkatan performa, dan skalabilitas. Dengan hasilnya adalah peningkatan performa penyebaran pembaruan data dengan kecepatan rata-rata antara 0,28 - 0,36 detik yang diuji menggunakan 1.020 baris data pada 30 database berbeda

    Benchmark and comparison between hyperledger and MySQL

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    In this paper, we report the benchmarking results of Hyperledger,  a Distributed Ledger, which is the derivation Blockchain Technology.  Method to evaluate Hyperledger in a limited infrastructure is developed. Themeasured infrastructure consists of 8 nodes with a load of up to 20000 transactions/second. Hyperledger consistently runs all evaluation, namely, for 20,000 transactions, the run time 74.30s, latency 73.40ms latency, and 257 tps. The benchmarking of Hyperledger shows better than a database system in a high workload scenario. We found that the maximum size data volume in one transaction on the Hyperledger network is around ten (10) times of MySQL. Also, the time spent on processing a single transaction in the blockchain network is 80-200 times faster than MySQL. This initial analysis can provide an overview for practitioners in making decisions about the adoption of blockchain technology in their IT systems

    Empowering Communications in Vehicular Networkswith an Intelligent Blockchain-Based Solution

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    Blockchains have emerged over time as a reliable and secure way to record transactions in an immutable manner in a wide range of application domains. However, current related solutions are not yet capable of appropriately checking the authenticity of data when their volumes are huge. They are not also capable of updating Blockchain data blocks and synchronizing them within reasonable timeframes. This is the case within the specific context of Blockchain vehicular networks, where these solutions are commonly cumbersome when attempting to add new vehicles to the network. In order to address these problems, we propose in this paper a new Blockchain-based solution that intelligently implement selective communication and collaborative endorsement approaches to reduce communications between vehicles. Our solution represents the vehicles of the Blockchain as intelligent software agents with a Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) architecture. Furthermore, we propose an approach based on multi-endorsement levels to exchange data of varying sensitive categories. This approach, which is based on endorsing scores, is also used to shorten the admission of new vehicles into the Blockchain. We run simulations using the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain tool. Results show the efficiency of our solution in reducing the processing times of transactions within two different scenarios