6 research outputs found

    Performance Management of Accelerated MapReduce Workloads in Heterogeneous Clusters

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    MARLA: MapReduce for Heterogeneous Clusters

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    MapReduce has gradually become the framework of choice for ”big data”. The MapReduce model allows for efficient and swift processing of large scale data with a cluster of compute nodes. However, the efficiency here comes at a price. The performance of widely used MapReduce implementations such as Hadoop suffers in heterogeneous and load-imbalanced clusters. We show the disparity in performance between homogeneous and heteroge-neous clusters in this paper to be high. Subsequently, we present MARLA, a MapReduce framework capable of performing well not only in homogeneous settings, but also when the cluster exhibits heterogeneous properties. We address the problems associated with existing MapReduce implementations affecting cluster heterogeneity, and subsequently present through MARLA the components and trade-offs necessary for better MapReduce performance in heterogeneous cluster and cloud environments. We quantify the performance gains exhibited by our approach against Apache Hadoop and MARIANE in data intensive and compute intensive applications. I

    Virtual Cluster Management for Analysis of Geographically Distributed and Immovable Data

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Informatics and Computing, 2015Scenarios exist in the era of Big Data where computational analysis needs to utilize widely distributed and remote compute clusters, especially when the data sources are sensitive or extremely large, and thus unable to move. A large dataset in Malaysia could be ecologically sensitive, for instance, and unable to be moved outside the country boundaries. Controlling an analysis experiment in this virtual cluster setting can be difficult on multiple levels: with setup and control, with managing behavior of the virtual cluster, and with interoperability issues across the compute clusters. Further, datasets can be distributed among clusters, or even across data centers, so that it becomes critical to utilize data locality information to optimize the performance of data-intensive jobs. Finally, datasets are increasingly sensitive and tied to certain administrative boundaries, though once the data has been processed, the aggregated or statistical result can be shared across the boundaries. This dissertation addresses management and control of a widely distributed virtual cluster having sensitive or otherwise immovable data sets through a controller. The Virtual Cluster Controller (VCC) gives control back to the researcher. It creates virtual clusters across multiple cloud platforms. In recognition of sensitive data, it can establish a single network overlay over widely distributed clusters. We define a novel class of data, notably immovable data that we call "pinned data", where the data is treated as a first-class citizen instead of being moved to where needed. We draw from our earlier work with a hierarchical data processing model, Hierarchical MapReduce (HMR), to process geographically distributed data, some of which are pinned data. The applications implemented in HMR use extended MapReduce model where computations are expressed as three functions: Map, Reduce, and GlobalReduce. Further, by facilitating information sharing among resources, applications, and data, the overall performance is improved. Experimental results show that the overhead of VCC is minimum. The HMR outperforms traditional MapReduce model while processing a particular class of applications. The evaluations also show that information sharing between resources and application through the VCC shortens the hierarchical data processing time, as well satisfying the constraints on the pinned data

    Dynamic Workload Balancing and Scheduling in Hadoop Mapreduce with Software Defined Networking

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    Hadoop offers a platform to process big data. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and MapReduce are two components of Hadoop. Hadoop adopts HDFS which is a distributed file system for storing data and MapReduce for processing this data for users. Hadoop stores data based on space utilization of datanodes, without considering the processing capability and busy level during the running time of each datanode. Furthermore datanodes may be not homogeneous as Hadoop may run in a heterogeneous environment. For these reasons, workload imbalances will appear and result in poor performance. We propose a dynamic algorithm that considers space availability, processing capability and busy level of datanodes to ensure workload balance between different racks. Our results show that the execution time of map tasks moved will be reduced by more than 50%. Furthermore, we propose a method in which Hadoop runs on a Software Defined Network in order to further improve the performance by allowing fast and adaptable data transfers between racks. By installing OpenFlow switches to replace classical switches on a Hadoop cluster, we can modify the topology of the network between racks in order to enlarge the bandwidth if large amounts of data need to be transferred from one rack to another. Our results show that the execution time of map tasks moved is significantly reduced by about 50% when employing our proposed Hadoop cluster Bandwidth Routing algorithm. Apache YARN is the second generation of MapReduce. YARN has three built-in schedulers: the FIFO, Fair and Capacity Scheduler. Though these schedulers provide users different methods to allocate resources of a Hadoop cluster to execute their MapReduce jobs, they do not guarantee that their jobs will be executed within a specific deadline. We propose a deadline constraint scheduler algorithm for Hadoop. This algorithm uses a statistical approach to measure the performance of datanodes and based on this information the proposed algorithm creates several check points to monitor the progress of a job. Based on the progress of jobs at every checkpoint the proposed scheduler will assign them to different job queues. These queues will have different priorities and the proportion of resources used by these queues will depend on their priority. The results of our experiments show that the proposed scheduler ensures that jobs will be completed within a given deadline whereas the native schedulers cannot guarantee this. Moreover, the average job execution time in the proposed scheduler is 56% and 15% less when compared to the Fair and EDF schedulers respectively.Computer Scienc

    Software Approaches to Manage Resource Tradeoffs of Power and Energy Constrained Applications

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    Power and energy efficiency have become an increasingly important design metric for a wide spectrum of computing devices. Battery efficiency, which requires a mixture of energy and power efficiency, is exceedingly important especially since there have been no groundbreaking advances in battery capacity recently. The need for energy and power efficiency stretches from small embedded devices to portable computers to large scale data centers. The projected future of computing demand, referred to as exascale computing, demands that researchers find ways to perform exaFLOPs of computation at a power bound much lower than would be required by simply scaling today's standards. There is a large body of work on power and energy efficiency for a wide range of applications and at different levels of abstraction. However, there is a lack of work studying the nuances of different tradeoffs that arise when operating under a power/energy budget. Moreover, there is no work on constructing a generalized model of applications running under power/energy constraints, which allows the designer to optimize their resource consumption, be it power, energy, time, bandwidth, or space. There is need for an efficient model that can provide bounds on the optimality of an application's resource consumption, becoming a basis against which online resource management heuristics can be measured. In this thesis, we tackle the problem of managing resource tradeoffs of power/energy constrained applications. We begin by studying the nuances of power/energy tradeoffs with the response time and throughput of stream processing applications. We then study the power performance tradeoff of batch processing applications to identify a power configuration that maximizes performance under a power bound. Next, we study the tradeoff of power/energy with network bandwidth and precision. Finally, we study how to combine tradeoffs into a generalized model of applications running under resource constraints. The work in this thesis presents detailed studies of the power/energy tradeoff with response time, throughput, performance, network bandwidth, and precision of stream and batch processing applications. To that end, we present an adaptive algorithm that manages stream processing tradeoffs of response time and throughput at the CPU level. At the task-level, we present an online heuristic that adaptively distributes bounded power in a cluster to improve performance, as well as an offline approach to optimally bound performance. We demonstrate how power can be used to reduce bandwidth bottlenecks and extend our offline approach to model bandwidth tradeoffs. Moreover, we present a tool that identifies parts of a program that can be downgraded in precision with minimal impact on accuracy, and maximal impact on energy consumption. Finally, we combine all the above tradeoffs into a flexible model that is efficient to solve and allows for bounding and/or optimizing the consumption of different resources