215 research outputs found

    Designing Efficient Network Interfaces For System Area Networks

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    The network is the key component of a Cluster of Workstations/PCs. Its performance, measured in terms of bandwidth and latency, has a great impact on the overall system performance. It quickly became clear that traditional WAN/LAN technology is not too well suited for interconnecting powerful nodes into a cluster. Their poor performance too often slows down communication-intensive applications. This observation led to the birth of a new class of networks called System Area Networks (SAN). The ATOLL network introduces a new optimized architecture for SANs. On a single chip, not one but four network interfaces (NI) have been implemented, together with an on-chip 4x4 full-duplex switch and four link interfaces. This unique "Network on a Chip" architecture is best suited for interconnecting SMP nodes, where multiple CPUs are given an exclusive NI and do not have to share a single interface. It also removes the need for any additional switching hardware, since the four byte-wide full-duplex links can be connected by cables with neighbor nodes in an arbitrary network topology

    Acceleration of the hardware-software interface of a communication device for parallel systems

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    During the last decades the ever growing need for computational power fostered the development of parallel computer architectures. Applications need to be parallelized and optimized to be able to exploit modern system architectures. Today, scalability of applications is more and more limited both by development resources, as programming of complex parallel applications becomes increasingly demanding, and by the fundamental scalability issues introduced by the cost of communication in distributed memory systems. Lowering the latency of communication is mandatory to increase scalability and serves as an enabling technology for programming of distributed memory systems at a higher abstraction layer using higher degrees of compiler driven automation. At the same time it can increase performance of such systems in general. In this work, the software/hardware interface and the network interface controller functions of the EXTOLL network architecture, which is specifically designed to satisfy the needs of low-latency networking for high-performance computing, is presented. Several new architectural contributions are made in this thesis, namely a new efficient method for virtual-tophysical address-translation named ATU and a novel method to issue operations to a virtual device in an optimal way which has been termed Transactional I/O. This new method needs changes in the architecture of the host CPU the device is connected to. Two additional methods that emulate most of the characteristics of Transactional I/O are developed and employed in the development of the EXTOLL hardware to facilitate usage together with contemporary CPUs. These new methods heavily leverage properties of the HyperTransport interface used to connect the device to the CPU. Finally, this thesis also introduces an optimized remote-memory-access architecture for efficient split-phase transactions and atomic operations. The complete architecture has been prototyped using FPGA technology enabling a more precise analysis and verification than is possible using simulation alone. The resulting design utilizes 95 % of a 90 nm FPGA device and reaches speeds of 200 MHz and 156 MHz in the different clock domains of the design. The EXTOLL software stack is developed and a performance evaluation of the software using the EXTOLL hardware is performed. The performance evaluation shows an excellent start-up latency value of 1.3 μs, which competes with the most advanced networks available, in spite of the technological performance handicap encountered by FPGA technology. The resulting network is, to the best of the knowledge of the author, the fastest FPGA-based interconnection network for commodity processors ever built

    Researching methods for efficient hardware specification, design and implementation of a next generation communication architecture

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    The objective of this work is to create and implement a System Area Network (SAN) architecture called EXTOLL embedded in the current world of systems, software and standards based on the experiences obtained during the ATOLL project development and test. The topics of this work also cover system design methodology and educational issues in order to provide appropriate human resources and work premises. The scope of this work in the EXTOLL SAN project was: • the Xbar architecture and routing (multi-layer routing, virtual channels and their arbitration, routing formats, dead lock aviodance, debug features, automation of reuse) • the on-chip module communication architecture and parts of the host communication • the network processor architecture and integration • the development of the design methodology and the creation of the design flow • the team education and work structure. In order to successfully leverage student know-how and work flow methodology for this research project the SEED curricula changes has been governed by the Hochschul Didaktik Zentrum resulting in a certificate for "Hochschuldidaktik" and excellence in university education. The complexity of the target system required new approaches in concurrent Hardware/Software codesign. The concept of virtual hardware prototypes has been established and excessively used during design space exploration and software interface design

    Tightly-Coupled and Fault-Tolerant Communication in Parallel Systems

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    The demand for processing power is increasing steadily. In the past, single processor architectures clearly dominated the markets. As instruction level parallelism is limited in most applications, significant performance can only be achieved in the future by exploiting parallelism at the higher levels of thread or process parallelism. As a consequence, modern “processors” incorporate multiple processor cores that form a single shared memory multiprocessor. In such systems, high performance devices like network interface controllers are connected to processors and memory like every other input/output device over a hierarchy of peripheral interconnects. Thus, one target must be to couple coprocessors physically closer to main memory and to the processors of a computing node. This removes the overhead of today’s peripheral interconnect structures. Such a step is the direct connection of HyperTransport (HT) devices to Opteron processors, which is presented in this thesis. Also, this work analyzes how communication from a device to processors can be optimized on the protocol level. As today’s computing nodes are shared memory systems, the cache coherence protocol is the central protocol for data exchange between processors and devices. Consequently, the analysis extends to classes of devices that are cache coherence protocol aware. Also, the concept of a transfer cache is proposed in this thesis, which reduces latency significantly even for non-coherent devices. The trend to the exploitation of process and thread level parallelism leads to a steady increase of system sizes. Networks that are used in such large systems are very susceptible to both hard and transient faults. Most transient fault rates are constant per bit that is stored or transmitted. With increasing system sizes and higher clock frequencies, the number of faults in time increases drastically. In the end, the error rate may rise at a level where high level error recovery becomes too costly if lower layers do not perform error correction that is transparent to the layers above. The second part of this thesis describes a direct interconnection network that provides a reliable transport service even without the use of end-to-end protocols. Also, a novel hardware based solution for intermediate routing is developed in this thesis, which allows an efficient, deadlock free routing around faulty links

    Hardware Support for Efficient Packet Processing

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    Scalability is the key ingredient to further increase the performance of today’s supercomputers. As other approaches like frequency scaling reach their limits, parallelization is the only feasible way to further improve the performance. The time required for communication needs to be kept as small as possible to increase the scalability, in order to be able to further parallelize such systems. In the first part of this thesis ways to reduce the inflicted latency in packet based interconnection networks are analyzed and several new architectural solutions are proposed to solve these issues. These solutions have been tested and proven in a field programmable gate array (FPGA) environment. In addition, a hardware (HW) structure is presented that enables low latency packet processing for financial markets. The second part and the main contribution of this thesis is the newly designed crossbar architecture. It introduces a novel way to integrate the ability to multicast in a crossbar design. Furthermore, an efficient implementation of adaptive routing to reduce the congestion vulnerability in packet based interconnection networks is shown. The low latency of the design is demonstrated through simulation and its scalability is proven with synthesis results. The third part concentrates on the improvements and modifications made to EXTOLL, a high performance interconnection network specifically designed for low latency and high throughput applications. Contributions are modules enabling an efficient integration of multiple host interfaces as well as the integration of the on-chip interconnect. Additionally, some of the already existing functionality has been revised and improved to reach better performance and a lower latency. Micro-benchmark results are presented to underline the contribution of the made modifications

    Checkout system tradeoff study

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    Selection considerations for prelaunch test equipment system for Apollo telescope moun

    Automated array assembly, phase 2

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    Tasks of scaling up the tandem junction cell (TJC) from 2 cm x 2 cm to 6.2 cm and the assembly of several modules using these large area TJC's are described. The scale-up of the TJC was based on using the existing process and doing the necessary design activities to increase the cell area to an acceptably large area. The design was carried out using available device models. The design was verified and sample large area TJCs were fabricated. Mechanical and process problems occurred causing a schedule slippage that resulted in contract expiration before enough large-area TJCs were fabricated to populate the sample tandem junction modules (TJM). A TJM design was carried out in which the module interconnects served to augment the current collecting buses on the cell. No sample TJMs were assembled due to a shortage of large-area TJCs

    Saturn IB Stage Launch Operations

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    The prelaunch and launch activities are described as they pertain to the S-IB (booster) stage of the 1.6 mi11ion-pound thrust Uprated Saturn Launch Vehicle. The typical over-all schedule for an Uprated Saturn Launch is presented, culminating in the launch, and concluding with analysis of the data returned. The launch vehicle is described, with a precis of the stages and the role each has in the performance of the mission. The paper is concerned with the testing performed to bring the composite parts of the launch vehicle to flight readiness status, with emphasis on the booster stage

    Methodology and Ecosystem for the Design of a Complex Network ASIC

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    Performance of HPC systems has risen steadily. While the 10 Petaflop/s barrier has been breached in the year 2011 the next large step into the exascale era is expected sometime between the years 2018 and 2020. The EXTOLL project will be an integral part in this venture. Originally designed as a research project on FPGA basis it will make the transition to an ASIC to improve its already excelling performance even further. This transition poses many challenges that will be presented in this thesis. Nowadays, it is not enough to look only at single components in a system. EXTOLL is part of complex ecosystem which must be optimized overall since everything is tightly interwoven and disregarding some aspects can cause the whole system either to work with limited performance or even to fail. This thesis examines four different aspects in the design hierarchy and proposes efficient solutions or improvements for each of them. At first it takes a look at the design implementation and the differences between FPGA and ASIC design. It introduces a methodology to equip all on-chip memory with ECC logic automatically without the user’s input and in a transparent way so that the underlying code that uses the memory does not have to be changed. In the next step the floorplanning process is analyzed and an iterative solution is worked out based on physical and logical constraints of the EXTOLL design. Besides, a work flow for collaborative design is presented that allows multiple users to work on the design concurrently. The third part concentrates on the high-speed signal path from the chip to the connector and how it is affected by technological limitations. All constraints are analyzed and a package layout for the EXTOLL chip is proposed that is seen as the optimal solution. The last part develops a cost model for wafer and package level test and raises technological concerns that will affect the testing methodology. In order to run testing internally it proposes the development of a stand-alone test platform that is able to test packaged EXTOLL chips in every aspect

    Spectral calibration and modeling of the NuSTAR CdZnTe pixel detectors

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    The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) will be the first space mission to focus in the hard X-ray (5-80 keV) band. The NuSTAR instrument carries two co-aligned grazing incidence hard X-ray telescopes. Each NuSTAR focal plane consists of four 2 mm CdZnTe hybrid pixel detectors, each with an active collecting area of 2 cm x 2 cm. Each hybrid consists of a 32 x 32 array of 605 micron pixels, read out with the Caltech custom low-noise NuCIT ASIC. In order to characterize the spectral response of each pixel to the degree required to meet the science calibration requirements, we have developed a model based on Geant4 together with the Shockley-Ramo theorem customized to the NuSTAR hybrid design. This model combines a Monte Carlo of the X-ray interactions with subsequent charge transport within the detector. The combination of this model and calibration data taken using radioactive sources of Co-57, Eu-155 and Am-241 enables us to determine electron and hole mobility-lifetime products for each pixel, and to compare actual to ideal performance expected for defect-free material.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the SPIE Conference 8145: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVI
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