15,580 research outputs found

    Hand Image Segmentation by means of Gaussian Multiscale Aggregation for biometric applications

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    Applying biometrics to daily scenarios involves demanding requirements in terms of software and hardware. On the contrary, current biometric techniques are also being adapted to present-day devices, like mobile phones, laptops and the like, which are far from meeting the previous stated requirements. In fact, achieving a combination of both necessities is one of the most difficult problems at present in biometrics. Therefore, this paper presents a segmentation algorithm able to provide suitable solutions in terms of precision for hand biometric recognition, considering a wide range of backgrounds like carpets, glass, grass, mud, pavement, plastic, tiles or wood. Results highlight that segmentation accuracy is carried out with high rates of precision (F-measure 88%)), presenting competitive time results when compared to state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms time performanc

    Color image segmentation using a self-initializing EM algorithm

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    This paper presents a new method based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm that we apply for color image segmentation. Since this algorithm partitions the data based on an initial set of mixtures, the color segmentation provided by the EM algorithm is highly dependent on the starting condition (initialization stage). Usually the initialization procedure selects the color seeds randomly and often this procedure forces the EM algorithm to converge to numerous local minima and produce inappropriate results. In this paper we propose a simple and yet effective solution to initialize the EM algorithm with relevant color seeds. The resulting self initialised EM algorithm has been included in the development of an adaptive image segmentation scheme that has been applied to a large number of color images. The experimental data indicates that the refined initialization procedure leads to improved color segmentation

    Combining local regularity estimation and total variation optimization for scale-free texture segmentation

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    Texture segmentation constitutes a standard image processing task, crucial to many applications. The present contribution focuses on the particular subset of scale-free textures and its originality resides in the combination of three key ingredients: First, texture characterization relies on the concept of local regularity ; Second, estimation of local regularity is based on new multiscale quantities referred to as wavelet leaders ; Third, segmentation from local regularity faces a fundamental bias variance trade-off: In nature, local regularity estimation shows high variability that impairs the detection of changes, while a posteriori smoothing of regularity estimates precludes from locating correctly changes. Instead, the present contribution proposes several variational problem formulations based on total variation and proximal resolutions that effectively circumvent this trade-off. Estimation and segmentation performance for the proposed procedures are quantified and compared on synthetic as well as on real-world textures

    A Fully Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Algorithm

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    This paper presents a fully unsupervised texture segmentation algorithm by using a modified discrete wavelet frames decomposition and a mean shift algorithm. By fully unsupervised, we mean the algorithm does not require any knowledge of the type of texture present nor the number of textures in the image to be segmented. The basic idea of the proposed method is to use the modified discrete wavelet frames to extract useful information from the image. Then, starting from the lowest level, the mean shift algorithm is used together with the fuzzy c-means clustering to divide the data into an appropriate number of clusters. The data clustering process is then refined at every level by taking into account the data at that particular level. The final crispy segmentation is obtained at the root level. This approach is applied to segment a variety of composite texture images into homogeneous texture areas and very good segmentation results are reported

    Joint Learning of Intrinsic Images and Semantic Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation of outdoor scenes is problematic when there are variations in imaging conditions. It is known that albedo (reflectance) is invariant to all kinds of illumination effects. Thus, using reflectance images for semantic segmentation task can be favorable. Additionally, not only segmentation may benefit from reflectance, but also segmentation may be useful for reflectance computation. Therefore, in this paper, the tasks of semantic segmentation and intrinsic image decomposition are considered as a combined process by exploring their mutual relationship in a joint fashion. To that end, we propose a supervised end-to-end CNN architecture to jointly learn intrinsic image decomposition and semantic segmentation. We analyze the gains of addressing those two problems jointly. Moreover, new cascade CNN architectures for intrinsic-for-segmentation and segmentation-for-intrinsic are proposed as single tasks. Furthermore, a dataset of 35K synthetic images of natural environments is created with corresponding albedo and shading (intrinsics), as well as semantic labels (segmentation) assigned to each object/scene. The experiments show that joint learning of intrinsic image decomposition and semantic segmentation is beneficial for both tasks for natural scenes. Dataset and models are available at: https://ivi.fnwi.uva.nl/cv/intrinsegComment: ECCV 201

    Segmentation of Radiographs of Hands with Joint Damage Using Customized Active Appearance Models

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    This paper is part of a project that investigates the possibilities of automating the assessment of joint damagein hand radiographs. Our goal is to design a robust segmentationalgorithm for the hand skeleton. The algorithm is\ud based on active appearance models (AAM) [1], which have been used for hand segmentation before [2]. The results will be used in the future for radiographic assessment of rheumatoid arthritis and the early detection of joint damage. New in this work with respect to [2] is the use of multiple object warps for each individual bone in a single AAM. This method prevents modelling and reconstruction defects caused when warping overlapping objects. This makes the algorithm more robust in cases where joint damage is present. The current implementation of the model includes the metacarpals, the phalanges, and the carpal region. For a first experimental evaluation a collection of 50 hand radiographs has been gathered. The image data set was split into a training set (40) and a test set (10) in order to evaluate the algorithm’s performance. First results show that in 8 images from the test set the bone contours are detected correctly within 1.3 mm (1 STD) at 15 pixels/cm resolution. In two images not all contours are detected correctly. Possibly this is caused by extreme deviations in these images that have not yet been incorporated in the model due to a limited training set. More training examples are needed to optimize the AAM and improve the quality and reliability of the results