8 research outputs found

    Speed data collection methods: a review

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    Various studies have been focusing on a wide range of techniques to detect traffic flow characteristics, like speed and travel times. Therefore, a key aspect to obtain statistically significant set of data is to observe and record driver behaviours in real world. To collect traffic data, traditional methods of traffic measurement - such as detection stations, radar guns or video cameras - have been used over the years. Other innovative methods refer to probe vehicles equipped with GPS devices and/or cameras, which allow continuous surveys along the entire road route. While point-based devices provide information of the entire flow, just in the section in which they are installed and only in the time domain, probe vehicles data are referred both to temporal and space domains but ignore traffic conditions. Obviously, it is necessary that the data collected refer to representative samples, by number and composition, of the user population. The paper proposes a review of the most used methods for speed data collection, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each experimental approach. Accordingly, the comparison illustrates the best relief method to be adopted depending on the research and investigation that will be performed

    Systematic bias in transport model calibration arising from the variability of linear data projection

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    In transportation and traffic planning studies, accurate traffic data are required for reliable model calibration to accurately predict transportation system performance and ensure better traffic planning. However, it is impractical to gather data from an entire population for such estimations because the widely used loop detectors and other more advanced wireless sensors may be limited by various factors. Thus, making data inferences based on smaller populations is generally inevitable. Linear data projection is a commonly and intuitively adopted method for inferring population traffic characteristics. It projects a sample of observable traffic quantities such as traffic count based on a set of scaling factors. However, scaling factors are subject to different types of variability such as spatial variability. Models calibrated based on linearly projected data that do not account for variability may introduce a systematic bias into their parameters. Such a bias is surprisingly often ignored. This paper reveals the existence of a systematic bias in model calibration caused by variability in the linear data projection. A generalized multivariate polynomial model is applied to examine the effect of this variability on model parameters. Adjustment factors are derived and methods are proposed for detecting and removing the embedded systematic bias. A simulation is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. To illustrate the applicability of the method, case studies are conducted using real-world global positioning system data obtained from taxis. These data calibrate the Macroscopic Bureau of Public Road function for six 1 Ă— 1 km regions in Hong Kong.postprin

    Biased standard error estimations in transport model calibration due to heteroscedasticity arising from the variability of linear data projection

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    Reliable transport models calibrated from accurate traffic data are crucial for predicating transportation system performance and ensuring better traffic planning. However, due to the impracticability of collecting data from an entire population, methods of data inference such as the linear data projection are commonly adopted. A recent study has shown that systematic bias may be embedded in the parameters calibrated due to linearly projected data that do not account for scaling factor variability. Adjustment factors for reducing such biases in the calibrated parameters have been proposed for a generalized multivariate polynomial model. However, the effects of linear data projection on the dispersion of and confidence in the adjusted parameters have not been explored. Without appropriate statistics examining the statistical significance of the adjusted model, their validity in applications remains unknown and dubious. This study reveals that heteroscedasticity is inherently introduced by data projection with a varying scaling factor. Parameter standard errors that are estimated by linearly projected data without any appropriate treatments for non-homoscedasticity are definitely biased, and possibly above or below their true values. To ensure valid statistical tests of significance and prevent exposure to uninformed and unnecessary risk in applications, a generic analytical distribution-free (ADF) method and an equivalent scaling factor (ESF) method are proposed to adjust the parameter standard errors for a generalized multivariate polynomial model, based on the reported residual sum of squares. The ESF method transforms a transport model into a linear function of the scaling factor before calibration, which provides an alternative solution path for achieving unbiased parameter estimations. Simulation results demonstrate the robustness of the ESF method compared with the ADF method at high model nonlinearity. Case studies are conducted to illustrate the applicability of the ESF method for the parameter standard error estimations of six Macroscopic Bureau of Public Road functions, which are calibrated using real-world global positioning system data obtained from Hong Kong.postprin

    Transportation System Performance Measures Using Internet of Things Data

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    The transportation system is undergoing a rapid change with innovative and promising technologies that provide real-time data for a variety of applications. As we transition into a technology-driven era and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, where everything is connected via a network of smart sensors and cloud computing, there will be an increasing amount of real-time data that will allow a better understanding of the transportation system. Devices emerging as a part of this connected environment can provide new and valuable data sources in a variety of transportation areas including safety, mobility, operations and intelligent transportation systems. Agencies and transportation professionals require effective performance measures and visualization tools to mine this big data to make design, operation, maintenance and investment decisions to improve the overall system performance. This dissertation discusses the development and demonstration of performance measures that leverage data from these emerging IoT devices to support analysis and guide investment decisions. Selected case studies are presented that demonstrate the impact of these new data sources on design, operation, and maintenance decisions. Performance measures such as vibration, noise levels and retroreflectivity were used to conduct a comprehensive assessment of different rumble strip configurations in the roadway and aviation environment. The results indicated that the 12 in sinusoidal wavelength satisfied the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) recommendations and reduced the noise exposure to adjacent homeowners. The application of low-cost rumble strips to mitigate runway incursions at general aviation airports was evaluated using the accelerations on the airframe. Although aircraft are designed for significant g-forces on landing, the results of analyzing accelerometers installed on airframes showed that long-term deployment of rumble strips is a concern for aircraft manufacturers as repeated traversal on the rumble strips may lead to excessive airframe fatigue. A suite of web dashboards and performance measures were developed to evaluate the impact of signal upgrades, signal retiming and maintenance activities on 138 arterials in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For five corridors analyzed before and after an upgrade, the study found a reduction of 1.2 million veh-hours of delay, 10,000 tons of CO2 and an economic benefit of $32 million. Several billion dollars per year is expended upon security checkpoint screening at airports. Using wait time data from consumer electronic devices over a one-year period, performance dashboards identified periods of the day with high median wait times. The performance measures outlined in this study provided scalable techniques to analyze operating irregularities and identify opportunities for improving service. Reliability and median wait times were also used as performance measures to compare the standard and expedited security screening. The results found that the expedited screening was highly reliable than the standard screening and had a median wait time savings of 5.5 minutes. Bike sharing programs are an eco-friendly mode of transportation gaining immense popularity all over the world. Several performance measures are discussed which analyze the usage patterns, user behaviors and effect of weather on a bike sharing program initiated at Purdue University. Of the 1626 registered users, nearly 20% of them had at least one rental and around 6% had more than 100 rentals, with four of them being greater than 500 rentals. Bikes were rented at all hours of the day, but usage peaked between 11:00 and 19:00 on average. On a yearly basis, the rentals peaked in the fall semester, especially during September, but fell off in October and November with colder weather. Preliminary results from the study also identified some operating anomalies, which allowed the stakeholders to implement appropriate policy revisions. There are a number of outlier filtering algorithms proposed in the literature, however, their performance has never been evaluated. A curated travel time dataset was developed from real-world data, and consisted of 31,621 data points with 243 confirmed outliers. This dataset was used to evaluate the efficiency of three common outlier filtering algorithms, median absolute deviation, modified z-score and, box and whisker plots. The modified Z-score had the best performance with successful removal of 70% of the confirmed outliers and incorrect removal of only 5% of the true samples. The accuracy of vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication is an important metric for connected vehicle applications. Traffic signal state indication is an early development in the V2I communication that allows connected vehicles to display the current traffic signal status on the driver dashboard as the vehicle approaches an intersection. The study evaluated the accuracy of this prediction with on-field data and results showed a degraded performance during phase omits and force-offs. Performance measures such as, the probability of expected phase splits and the probability of expected green for a phase, are discussed to enhance the accuracy of the prediction algorithm. These measures account for the stochastic variations due to detectors actuations and will allow manufacturers and vendors to improve their algorithm. The application of these performance measures across three transportation modes and the transportation focus areas of safety, mobility and operations will provide a framework for agencies and transportation professionals to assess the performance of system components and support investment decisions

    ODOT Radar System for Real-Time Traffic Flow Monitoring

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    ODOT SPR Item Number 2314This report presents research results and experiments that were designed to compare four traffic systems: Radar, AVC, HERE, and INRIX in terms of speed, volume, and travel time. The first three chapters introduce the systems, related studies, data collection procedures, and preprocessing techniques. The second three chapters detail the comparison results. Machine learning models that utilize radar speed data for travel time estimation are introduced in chapter 7. Chapter 8 presents the geospatial and temporal analysis experiment results

    Integration of Real-time Traffic State Estimation and Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Applications to Advanced Traveller Information Systems

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    Accurate depiction of existing traffic states is essential to devise effective real-time traffic management strategies using Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Existing applications of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) methods are mainly based on either the prediction from macroscopic traffic flow models or measurements from the sensors and do not take advantage of traffic state estimation techniques, which produce estimate of the traffic states with less uncertainty than the prediction or measurement alone. On the other hand, research studies highlighting estimation of real-time traffic state are focused only on traffic state estimation and have not utilized the estimated traffic state for DTA applications. This research introduces a framework which integrates real-time traffic state estimate with applications of DTA to optimize network performance during uncertain traffic conditions through traveller information system. The estimate of real-time traffic states is obtained by combining the prediction of traffic density using Cell Transmission Model (CTM) and the measurements from the traffic sensors in Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) recursive algorithm. The estimated traffic state is used for predicting travel times on available routes in a traffic network and the predicted travel times are communicated to the commuters by a variable message sign (VMS). In numerical experiments, the proposed estimation and information framework is applied to optimize network performance during traffic incident on a two route network. The proposed framework significantly improved the network performance and commuters’ travel time when compared with no-information scenario during the incident. The application of the formulated methodology is extended to model day-to-day dynamics of traffic flow and route choice with time-varying traffic demand. The day-to-day network performance is improved by providing accurate and reliable traveller information. The implementation of the proposed framework through numerical experiments shows a significant improvement in daily travel times and stability in day-to-day performance of the network when compared with no-information scenario. The use of model based real-time traffic state estimation in DTA models allows modelling and estimating behaviour parameters in DTA models which improves the accuracy of the modelling process. In this research, a framework is proposed to model commuters’ level of trust in the information provided which defines the weight given to the information by commuters while they update their perception about expected travel time. A methodology is formulated to model and estimate logit parameter for perception variation among commuters for expected travel time based on measurements from traffic sensors and estimated traffic state. The application of the proposed framework to a test network shows that the model accurately estimated the value of logit parameter when started with a different initial value of the parameter

    Algorithm combining point and interval detector data to estimate highway travel times

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    The dissertation is divided into three interconnected parts. The first part presents a link travel time estimation algorithm that is based on the use of robust statistic able to exclude the impact of outliers. Outliers in travel time measurements are vehicles whose shortened or extended travel times are not caused by the traffic conditions, but are the result of individual behavior of such vehicle. As the adequate information on travel times is the one of personal cars, the influence of other vehicle categories should be eliminated from the samples which is not feasible with the use of existing link travel time estimation algorithms. The second part of the dissertation presents a method to estimate the value of travel time based on speed extrapolations from point measurements. The method is able to determine whether a speed variation represents a random fluctuation due to individual driver’s behavior and should therefore be smoothed or is a consequence of a change in traffic conditions as a result of a shock wave and should therefore be kept as it is in order to provide prompt response of the algorithm. By extrapolating the speed, the value of travel time from point speed measurements is obtained. In the third part of the dissertation, a data fusion algorithm is presented, combining point and interval detector data to estimate highway travel times also taking into account qualititative measurements of traffic flow. The purpose of travel time data fusion from different sources is to overcome on one hand the spatial inaccuracy of indirect travel time estimation from point speed measurements and on the other hand to overcome the information delay of the direct travel time measurements. By combining both data sources, a short-term travel time prediction is achieved, as the input for the travel time information system