3 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Linux Operating Systems

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    Recently Linux has undergone a significant progress and since it provides many helpful features to companies and home users it has become one of the most commonly used operating systems in IT industry Considering the popularity of available Linux distributions three Linux desktop distributions were selected for further evaluation The idea of this paper is to evaluate performance and compare three different Linux distributions and their influence on processor memory graphics system and disk drive performance Measurements were performed with a three different benchmarking tools specialized for a specific computer component All Linux operating system distributions were installed on the same desktop computer and based on the achieved performance measurement results it was concluded that the best results were achieved by using Pop OS 20 04 Linux distribution which is very surprising because it is a relatively new distribution on the marke


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    Seringkali kita lupa bahwa bukan hanya kita yang memerlukan sebuah informasi-informasi umum, tetapi ada teman-teman ataupun oranglain di antara kita terutama orang-orang yang memiliki sindrom autis juga membutuhkannya. Informasi umum yang paling mendasar seperti apa, ada berapa, dan bagaimana bentuk dari alfabet diperlukan juga oleh mereka agar bisa membaca dan menulis dengan baik dan benar dan dapat dipahami oleh lingkungan sekitarnya. Tetapi masalahnya, kemampuan membaca dan menulis mereka berbeda dengan masyarakat pada umumnya, mereka memerlukan sebuah perlakuan khusus. Perlakuan khusus ini bisa melalui sebuah media pembelajaran yang tidak biasa agar mereka mudah memahami dan bisa mengingat alfabetnya dengan benar dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Salah satu contoh dari media tersebut adalah teknologi VR. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi virtual reality ini diharapkan bisa membantu mereka yang memiliki sindrom autis untuk mempelajari cara membaca dan menulis dengan lebih mudah dan cepat. Hasil penelitian menampilkan anak-anak autis dapat lebih termotivasi dan mengetahui cara membaca dan menulis alfabetnya, berikut dengan contoh penerapan dari alfabet itu sendiri. Oftentimes we forget that we are not the only ones who need general information, but there are friends or other people among us, especially people with autistic syndrome who also need it. The most basic general information such as what, how many, and how the shape of the alphabet is also needed by them in order to be able to read and write properly and correctly and can be understood by the surrounding environment. But the problem is, their ability to read and write is different from society in general, they need a special treatment. This special treatment can be through an unusual learning media so that they can easily understand and can remember the alphabet correctly for a long time. One example of such media is VR technology. By utilizing virtual reality technology, it is hoped that it can help those with autistic syndrome to learn how to read and write more easily and quickly. The results of the study show that autistic children can be more motivated and know how to read and write their alphabet, along with examples of the application of the alphabet itself

    Performance Evaluation of Recent Windows Operating Systems

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    Abstract: The primary goal of most OSs (Operating Systems) is the efficient use of computer systems software and hardware resources. Since Windows OSs are most widely used OS for personal computers, they need to satisfy needs of all different kind of computer systems users. In comparison with Windows XP, new versions of the Windows OS; namely Windows Vista and Windows 7, introduce a number of new features and enhancements. Furthermore, performance improvement was imposed as one of the key design goals for both Windows Vista and Windows 7. This paper presents a performance evaluation of three latest versions of the Microsoft OS for personal computers; namely Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. OS performance measurement is done by means of a set of benchmark applications in the controlled environment. To ensure accurate, reliable and repeatable performance measurement results, we have created a performance measurement process and a performance evaluation model. Special emphasis is placed on evaluation areas with the greatest impact on the performance: CPU scheduling, memory management, graphic subsystem management, hard disk drive management and network performance. To determine the Windows OSs performance in different environments, performance measurement is done in three experiments. Experimental results indicate that Windows Vista and Windows 7 have several performance improvements on the stand-alone high-end computer system, but Windows XP outperforms Windows Vista and Windows 7 on the stand-alone low-end computer system. Furthermore, o