49 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of non-persistent CSMA as anti-collision protocol for active RFID tags.

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    In this paper we propose the use of non-persistent CSMA as an anti-collision procedure for RFID active tags. Current proposals for both passive and active tags are based on the framed slotted ALOHA protocol, which does not scale well requiring additional procedures for frame length adaptation. However, active RFID devices already include carrier sense capabilities with no additional cost and, thus, CSMA may be employed seamlessly. Nevertheless, selecting the contention micro-slots of CSMA in the classical way (i.e., with a uniform distribution and an exponential back-off algorithm) does not result in an efficient identification process, as we will demonstrate. Fortunately, better choices can be found. Recently, an optimal distribution for the selection of micro-slots for event-driven sensor networks has been computed, as well as a practical implementation: the Sift distribution. In this work we propose the application of the quasi-optimal Sift distribution along with CSMA for active tag identification. By means of an analytical study, we evaluate the average time needed for identification with this mechanism and compare it with the current ISO 18000-7 and EPC “Gen 2” standard. The results reveal that the Sift-based non-persistent CSMA outperforms both of them. Moreover, it also scales much better, without the need for further adaptation mechanismsThis work has been funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia with the projects DEP2006-56158-C03-03/EQUI and m:ciudad (FIT-330503- 2006-2, partially funded by ERDF) and by the Spanish Research Council with the ARPaq project (TEC2004-05622-C04-02/TCM)

    Analysis of Tag Loss Ratio in dynamic RFID systems

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    Abstract. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems promise a revolution in logistics and inventory applications. By means of wireless communication, a master device can detect and identify nearby electronic tags. Traditionally, the performance of RFID systems and their identification protocols has been analyzed for static configurations, that is, without considering incoming or outgoing tags, but just a fixed number of initially unidentified tags. However, many real scenarios cannot be consistently modeled that way. In this work we introduce a Markov model which allows us to study a dynamic RFID tag scenario, where a flow of tags is considered. This model can be used to compute the Tag Loss Ratio, which measures the ratio of outgoing unidentified tags to the incoming tags in the system, which is a critical metric in dynamic configurations. The analysis is carried out for two families of protocols used as medium access control in RFID, Framed Slotted Aloha and non-persistent CSMA. With the aim of validating the analysis predictions, we get simulation results, by means of a simulator. We evaluate a scenario similar to a real application, i.e. a mail control system based on RFID

    Embedded Dual Band Rfid Based Blood Glucose Monitoring System For Internet Of Medical Things

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    Manually recorded health information could lead to errors such as inaccurate patient identification and mismatch patient data that could seriously affect patient safety. In order to reduce the risks of error for patients with diabetes, a new design of wireless blood glucose monitoring system with the embedment of dual band RFID for Internet of Medical Things is being developed. Using this method, passive RFID allows short-range communication to read automatically the patient identification number and active RFID extends long-range communication for recording and monitoring blood glucose data through multi-hop WSN. The work presented in this thesis contributes mainly to the embedded system and its application in healthcare to reduce the burden of recording, tracing and monitoring the patient‘s data by embedding blood glucose sensor, passive RFID, active RFID, WSN, M2M and IoMT into a single platform. A new design concept is established for the patient identification mechanism, where the mechanism is embedded in the source device to enhance the ability of the system to automatically assign the identification number to each blood glucose measurement (mmol/L) during multiple patients monitoring. Additionally, the results from the experiments conducted showed that the developed system produced better overall performance compared to the Bluetooth BGM and conventional BGM system in terms of the shortest recording time and the ability to retransmit data. In the reliability analysis using ANOVA and DOE statistical methods, the result validates that the number of hop and number of end node significantly affects the PDR performance of conventional CSMA/CA. These two parameters are then taken into account in experimental setup for performance evaluation of the enhanced CSMA/CA (EN-CSMA/CA) algorithm that uses an external interrupt mechanism and a cross layer approach. The PDR increased from 94% (conventional CSMA/CA) to 99.33% (EN-CSMA/CA), an improvement of 5.33%. The PDR model estimates that for the best and worst scenario, the percentage of PDR is 100.0% and 51.67%, respectively. To optimize the arrangement of routers for real implementation of the developed system in health facilities, the developed path loss model estimates that the router should be positioned at a distance of 30 m from each other, which agrees with the test results which indicate that the router should be positioned ≤ 40 m in order to achieve the best PDR performance

    LPDQ: a self-scheduled TDMA MAC protocol for one-hop dynamic lowpower wireless networks

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    Current Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for data collection scenarios with a large number of nodes that generate bursty traffic are based on Low-Power Listening (LPL) for network synchronization and Frame Slotted ALOHA (FSA) as the channel access mechanism. However, FSA has an efficiency bounded to 36.8% due to contention effects, which reduces packet throughput and increases energy consumption. In this paper, we target such scenarios by presenting Low-Power Distributed Queuing (LPDQ), a highly efficient and low-power MAC protocol. LPDQ is able to self-schedule data transmissions, acting as a FSA MAC under light traffic and seamlessly converging to a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) MAC under congestion. The paper presents the design principles and the implementation details of LPDQ using low-power commercial radio transceivers. Experiments demonstrate an efficiency close to 99% that is independent of the number of nodes and is fair in terms of resource allocation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    An MILP-Based Cross-Layer Optimization for a Multi-Reader Arbitration in the UHF RFID System

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    In RFID systems, the performance of each reader such as interrogation range and tag recognition rate may suffer from interferences from other readers. Since the reader interference can be mitigated by output signal power control, spectral and/or temporal separation among readers, the system performance depends on how to adapt the various reader arbitration metrics such as time, frequency, and output power to the system environment. However, complexity and difficulty of the optimization problem increase with respect to the variety of the arbitration metrics. Thus, most proposals in previous study have been suggested to primarily prevent the reader collision with consideration of one or two arbitration metrics. In this paper, we propose a novel cross-layer optimization design based on the concept of combining time division, frequency division, and power control not only to solve the reader interference problem, but also to achieve the multiple objectives such as minimum interrogation delay, maximum reader utilization, and energy efficiency. Based on the priority of the multiple objectives, our cross-layer design optimizes the system sequentially by means of the mixed-integer linear programming. In spite of the multi-stage optimization, the optimization design is formulated as a concise single mathematical form by properly assigning a weight to each objective. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimization design

    Anti-Collision Adaptations of BLE Active Scanning for Dense IoT Tracking Applications

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    Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is one of most promising technologies to enable the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm. The BLE neighbor discovery process (NDP) based on active scanning may be the core of multiple IoT applications in which a large and varying number of users/devices/tags must be detected in a short period of time. Minimizing the discovery latency and maximizing the number of devices that can be discovered in a limited time are challenging issues due to collisions between frames sent by advertisers and scanners. The mechanism for resolution of collisions between scanners has a great impact on the achieved performance, but backoff in NDP has been poorly studied so far. This paper includes a detailed analysis of backoff in NDP, identifies and studies the factors involved in the process, reveals the limitations and problems presented by the algorithm suggested by the specifications and proposes simple and practical adaptations on scanner functionality. They are easily compatible with the current definitions of the standard, which together with a new proposal for the backoff scheme, may significantly improve the discovery latencies and, thus, the probability of discovering a large number of devices in high density scenarios

    Towards zero-power wireless machine-to-machine networks

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    This thesis aims at contributing to overcome two of the main challenges for the deployment of M2M networks in data collection scenarios for the Internet of Things: the management of massive numbers of end-devices that attempt to get access to the channel; and the need to extend the network lifetime. In order to solve these challenges, two complementary strategies are considered. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the design, analysis and performance evaluation of MAC protocols that can handle abrupt transitions in the traffic load and minimize the energy consumption devoted to communications. And secondly, the use of energy harvesting (EH) is considered in order to provide the network with unlimited lifetime. To this end, the second part of the thesis focuses on the design and analysis of EH-aware MAC protocols. While the Frame Slotted-ALOHA (FSA) protocol has been traditionally adopted in star topology networks for data collection, results show that FSA-based protocols lack of scalability and present synchronization problems as the network density increases. Indeed, the frame length of FSA must be adjusted to the number of contenders, which may be complex to attain in dense networks with large and dynamic number of end-devices. In order to overcome these issues, a tree splitting-based random access protocol, referred to as Low Power Contention Tree-based Access (LP-CTA), is proposed in the first part of this thesis. In LP-CTA, the frame length can be very short and fixed, which facilitates synchronization and provides better network scalability than FSA. While LP-CTA uses data slots for contention, it is possible to use short access requests in minislots, where collisions are resolved using tree splitting, and avoid the contention in data. Since these minislots can be much shorter than the duration of a data packet, the performance can be improved. The Low Power Distributed Queuing (LP-DQ) protocol proposed in this thesis is based on this idea. LP-DQ combines tree splitting with the logic of two distributed queues that manage the contention resolution and the collision-free data transmission. Results show that LP-DQ outperforms LP-CTA and FSA in terms of delay and energy efficiency, and it relaxes the need to know the size of the network and adapts smoothly to any change in the number of end-devices. The approach of LP-DQ is convenient when the messages transmitted by each end-device fit in one single slot, however, if the end-devices generate long messages that have to be fragmented, it is better to add a reservation mechanism in order to boost the performance. In this sense, the LPR-DQ protocol is proposed as an extension of LP-DQ where the concept of reservation is integrated to allow the end-devices reserve as many collision-free slots as needed. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the integration of the MAC layer with the use of energy harvesting. The variability and fluctuations of the harvested energy is considered for the design of EH-aware MAC protocols and three performance metrics are proposed: the probability of delivery, the data delivery ratio and the time efficiency. Previous works on data collection networks with EH focus on DFSA. In this thesis, the EH-CTA protocol is proposed as an adaptation of LP-CTA that takes the energy harvesting process into account. Results show that EH-CTA outperforms DFSA if the energy threshold for an end-device to become active is properly configured. In addition, while DFSA needs to adapt the frame length dynamically, EH-CTA uses a fixed frame length, thus facilitating scalability and synchronization. Finally, the EH-RDFSA and EH-DQ protocols are proposed for scenarios where data must be fragmented. EH-RDFSA is a combination of RFSA and DFSA, and EH-DQ is an extension of LPR-DQ.Esta tesis contribuye a resolver dos de los retos para el despliegue de redes M2M en escenarios de recolección de datos para el Internet de las Cosas: la gestión del acceso al canal de un número masivo de dispositivos; y la necesidad de extender la vida de la red. Para resolverlos se consideran dos estrategias complementarias. En primer lugar, se centra en el diseño, el análisis y la evaluación de protocolos MAC que pueden manejar transiciones abruptas de tráfico y reducen el consumo de energía. Y en segundo lugar, se considera el uso de mecanismos de captura de energía (Energy Harvesters, EH) para ofrecer un tiempo de vida ilimitado de la red. Con este fin, la segunda parte de la tesis se centra en el diseño y el análisis de protocolos MAC de tipo "EH-aware". Mientras que Frame Slotted-ALOHA (FSA) ha sido tradicionalmente adoptado en aplicaciones de recolección de datos, los resultados muestran que FSA presenta problemas de escalabilidad y sincronización cuando aumenta la densidad de la red. De hecho, la longitud de trama de FSA se debe ajustar según sea el número de dispositivos, lo cual puede ser difícil de estimar en redes con un número elevado y dinámico de dispositivos. Para superar estos problemas, en esta tesis se propone un protocolo de acceso aleatorio basado en "tree-splitting" denominado Low Power Contention Tree-based Access (LP-CTA). En LP-CTA, la longitud de trama puede ser corta y constante, lo cual facilita la sincronización y proporciona mejor escalabilidad. Mientras que LP-CTA utiliza paquetes de datos para la contienda, es posible utilizar solicitudes de acceso en mini-slots, donde las colisiones se resuelven utilizando "tree-splitting", y evitar la contención en los datos. Dado que estos mini-slots pueden ser mucho más cortos que la duración de un slot de datos, el rendimiento de LP-CTA puede ser mejorado. El protocolo Low Power Distributed Queuing (LP-DQ) propuesto en esta tesis se basa en esta idea. LP-DQ combina "tree-splitting" con la lógica de dos colas distribuidas que gestionan la resolución de la contienda en la solicitud de acceso y la transmisión de datos libre de colisiones. Los resultados demuestran que LP-DQ mejora LP-CTA y FSA en términos de retardo y eficiencia energética, LP-DQ no requiere conocer el tamaño de la red y se adapta sin problemas a cualquier cambio en el número de dispositivos. LP-DQ es conveniente cuando los mensajes transmitidos por cada dispositivo caben en un único slot de datos, sin embargo, si los dispositivos generan mensajes largos que requieren fragmentación, es mejor añadir un mecanismo de reserva para aumentar el rendimiento. En este sentido, el protocolo LPR-DQ se propone como una extensión de LP-DQ que incluye un mecanismo de reserva para permitir que cada dispositivo reserve el número de slots de datos según sea el número de fragmentos por mensaje. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada a la integración de la capa MAC con el uso de "Energy Harvesters". La variabilidad y las fluctuaciones de la energía capturada se consideran para el diseño de protocolos MAC de tipo "EH-aware" y se proponen tres métricas de rendimiento: la probabilidad de entrega, el "Data Delivery Ratio" y la eficiencia temporal. Los trabajos previos en redes de recolección de datos con EH se centran principalmente en DFSA. En esta tesis, el protocolo EH-CTA se propone como una adaptación de LP-CTA que tiene en cuenta el proceso de captura de energía. Los resultados muestran que EH-CTA supera DFSA si el umbral de energía para que un dispositivo se active está configurado correctamente. Además, mientras que en DFSA se necesita adaptar la longitud de trama de forma dinámica, EH-CTA utiliza una longitud de trama fija, facilitando así la escalabilidad y la sincronización. Por último, se proponen los protocolos EH-RDFSA y EH-DQ para escenarios en los que los datos deben ser fragmentados. EH-RDFSA es una combinación de RFSA y DFSA, y EH-DQ es una extensión de LPR-DQ.Aquesta tesi contribueix a resoldre dos dels reptes per al desplegament de xarxes M2M en escenaris de recol·lecció de dades per a l'Internet de les Coses: la gestió de l'accés al canal d'un nombre massiu de dispositius; i la necessitat d'extendre la vida de la xarxa. Per resoldre'ls es consideren dues estratègies complementàries. En primer lloc, es centra en el disseny, l'anàlisi i l'avaluació de protocols MAC que poden manegar transicions abruptes de trànsit i redueixen el consum d'energia. I en segon lloc, es considera l'ús de mecanismes de captura d'energia (Energy Harvesters, EH) per a oferir un temps de vida il·limitat de la xarxa. Amb aquesta finalitat, la segona part de la tesi es centra en el disseny i l'anàlisi de protocols MAC de tipus "EH-aware".Mentre que Frame Slotted-ALOHA (FSA) ha estat tradicionalment adoptat en aplicacions de recol·lecció de dades, els resultats mostren que FSA presenta problemes d'escalabilitat i sincronització quan augmenta la densitat de la xarxa. De fet, la longitud de trama de FSA s'ha d'ajustar segons sigui el nombre de dispositius, la qual cosa pot ser difícil d'estimar en xarxes amb un nombre elevat i dinàmic de dispositius. Per superar aquests problemes, en aquesta tesi es proposa un protocol d'accés aleatori basat en "tree-splitting" denominat Low Power Contention Tree-based Access (LP-CTA). En LP-CTA, la longitud de trama pot ser curta i constant, la qual cosa facilita la sincronització i proporciona millor escalabilitat.Mentre que LP-CTA utilitza paquets de dades per a la contenció, és possible utilitzar sol·licituds d'accés a mini-slots, on les col·lisions es resolen utilitzant "tree-splitting", i evitar la contenció a les dades. Atès que aquests mini-slots poden ser molt més curts que la durada d'un slot de dades, el rendiment de LP-CTA pot ser millorat. El protocol Low Power Distributed Queuing (LP-DQ) proposat en aquesta tesi es basa en aquesta idea. LP-DQ combina "tree-splitting" amb la lògica de dues cues distribuïdes que gestionen la resolució de la contenció en la sol·licitud d'accés i la transmissió de dades lliure de col·lisions. Els resultats demostren que LP-DQ millora LP-CTA i FSA en termes de retard i eficiència energètica, LP-DQ no requereix conèixer la mida de la xarxa i s'adapta sense problemes a qualsevol canvi en el nombre de dispositius.LP-DQ és convenient quan els missatges transmesos per cada dispositiu caben en un únic slot de dades, però, si els dispositius generen missatges llargs que requereixen fragmentació, és millor afegir un mecanisme de reserva per augmentar el rendiment. En aquest sentit, el protocol LPR-DQ es proposa com una extensió de LP-DQ que inclou un mecanisme de reserva per a permetre que cada dispositiu reservi el nombre de slots de dades segons sigui el nombre de fragments per missatge.La segona part de la tesi està dedicada a la integració de la capa MAC amb l'ús de "Energy Harvesters". La variabilitat i les fluctuacions de l'energia capturada es consideren per al disseny de protocols MAC de tipus "EH-aware" i es proposen tres mètriques de rendiment: la probabilitat d'entrega, el "Data Delivery Ratio" i l'eficiència temporal.Els treballs previs en xarxes de recol·lecció de dades amb EH se centren principalment en DFSA. En aquesta tesi, el protocol EH-CTA es proposa com una adaptació de LP-CTA que té en compte el procés de captura d'energia. Els resultats mostren que EH-CTA supera DFSA si el llindar d'energia perquè un dispositiu s'activi s'ajusta correctament. A més, mentre que a DFSA es necessita adaptar la longitud de trama de forma dinàmica, EH-CTA utilitza una longitud de trama fixa, facilitant així l'escalabilitat i la sincronització. Finalment, es proposen els protocols EH-RDFSA i EH-DQ per a escenaris en els quals les dades han de ser fragmentades. EH-RDFSA és una combinació de RFSA i DFSA, i EH-DQ és una extensió de LPR-DQ.Postprint (published version

    The performance of genetic algorithms in medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2016This paper evaluates the performance of the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) scheme, a genetic algorithm, as used in Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In doing so, the protocol is implemented and compared to round-robin, a contention-free protocol that makes sensor nodes take turns in sending their data packet to the sink, and a p-persistent CSMA protocol with a p-value of 0.01. The concept of p-persistence as used in the CSMA protocol is employed to tweak the PSO scheme to form a fourth protocol that is used in the evaluation process. All four protocols are simulated in OMNET++, a network simulator, and performance analysis is done based on the throughput and transmission delays of the various protocols. It was discovered that the PSO scheme performed poorly in terms of throughput in highly populated networks with high traffic. The modified PSO scheme with p-persistence performed better than the original PSO scheme in terms of throughput for densely populated networks with high traffic. On low populated networks with low traffic, the original PSO scheme showed the best throughput performance. Round-robin displayed higher throughput performance than the other three protocols for both low and high traffic networks with a high node population.Ashesi University Colleg

    An Energy Aware and Secure MAC Protocol for Tackling Denial of Sleep Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks which form part of the core for the Internet of Things consist of resource constrained sensors that are usually powered by batteries. Therefore, careful energy awareness is essential when working with these devices. Indeed,the introduction of security techniques such as authentication and encryption, to ensure confidentiality and integrity of data, can place higher energy load on the sensors. However, the absence of security protection c ould give room for energy drain attacks such as denial of sleep attacks which have a higher negative impact on the life span ( of the sensors than the presence of security features. This thesis, therefore, focuses on tackling denial of sleep attacks from two perspectives A security perspective and an energy efficiency perspective. The security perspective involves evaluating and ranking a number of security based techniques to curbing denial of sleep attacks. The energy efficiency perspective, on the other hand, involves exploring duty cycling and simulating three Media Access Control ( protocols Sensor MAC, Timeout MAC andTunableMAC under different network sizes and measuring different parameters such as the Received Signal Strength RSSI) and Link Quality Indicator ( Transmit power, throughput and energy efficiency Duty cycling happens to be one of the major techniques for conserving energy in wireless sensor networks and this research aims to answer questions with regards to the effect of duty cycles on the energy efficiency as well as the throughput of three duty cycle protocols Sensor MAC ( Timeout MAC ( and TunableMAC in addition to creating a novel MAC protocol that is also more resilient to denial of sleep a ttacks than existing protocols. The main contributions to knowledge from this thesis are the developed framework used for evaluation of existing denial of sleep attack solutions and the algorithms which fuel the other contribution to knowledge a newly developed protocol tested on the Castalia Simulator on the OMNET++ platform. The new protocol has been compared with existing protocols and has been found to have significant improvement in energy efficiency and also better resilience to denial of sleep at tacks Part of this research has been published Two conference publications in IEEE Explore and one workshop paper

    Localisation en intérieur et gestion de la mobilité dans les réseaux sans fils hétérogènes émergents

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    Au cours des dernières décennies, nous avons été témoins d'une évolution considérable dans l'informatique mobile, réseau sans fil et des appareils portatifs. Dans les réseaux de communication à venir, les utilisateurs devraient être encore plus mobiles exigeant une connectivité omniprésente à différentes applications qui seront de préférence au courant de leur contexte. Certes, les informations de localisation dans le cadre de leur contexte est d'une importance primordiale à la fois la demande et les perspectives du réseau. Depuis l'application ou de point de vue utilisateur, la fourniture de services peut mettre à jour si l'adaptation au contexte de l'utilisateur est activée. Du point de vue du réseau, des fonctionnalités telles que le routage, la gestion de transfert, l'allocation des ressources et d'autres peuvent également bénéficier si l'emplacement de l'utilisateur peuvent être suivis ou même prédit. Dans ce contexte, nous nous concentrons notre attention sur la localisation à l'intérieur et de la prévision transfert qui sont des composants indispensables à la réussite ultime de l'ère de la communication omniprésente envisagé. Alors que les systèmes de positionnement en plein air ont déjà prouvé leur potentiel dans un large éventail d'applications commerciales, le chemin vers un système de localisation à l'intérieur de succès est reconnu pour être beaucoup plus difficile, principalement en raison des caractéristiques difficiles à l'intérieur et l'exigence d'une plus grande précision. De même, la gestion de transfert dans le futur des réseaux hétérogènes sans fil est beaucoup plus difficile que dans les réseaux traditionnels homogènes. Régimes de procédure de transfert doit être sans faille pour la réunion strictes de qualité de service (QoS) des applications futures et fonctionnel malgré la diversité des caractéristiques de fonctionnement des différentes technologies. En outre, les décisions transfert devraient être suffisamment souples pour tenir compte des préférences utilisateur d'un large éventail de critères proposés par toutes les technologies. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de mettre au point précis, l'heure et l'emplacement de puissance et de systèmes efficaces de gestion de transfert afin de mieux satisfaire applications sensibles au contexte et mobiles. Pour obtenir une localisation à l'intérieur, le potentiel de réseau local sans fil (WLAN) et Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) que l'emplacement autonome technologies de détection sont d'abord étudiés par des essais plusieurs algorithmes et paramètres dans un banc d'essai expérimental réel ou par de nombreuses simulations, alors que leurs lacunes sont également été identifiés. Leur intégration dans une architecture commune est alors proposée afin de combiner leurs principaux avantages et surmonter leurs limitations. La supériorité des performances du système de synergie sur le stand alone homologues est validée par une analyse approfondie. En ce qui concerne la tâche de gestion transfert, nous repérer que la sensibilité au contexte peut aussi améliorer la fonctionnalité du réseau. En conséquence, deux de tels systèmes qui utilisent l'information obtenue à partir des systèmes de localisation sont proposées. Le premier schéma repose sur un déploiement tag RFID, comme notre architecture de positionnement RFID, et en suivant la scène WLAN analyse du concept de positionnement, prédit l'emplacement réseau de la prochaine couche, c'est à dire le prochain point de fixation sur le réseau. Le second régime repose sur une approche intégrée RFID et sans fil de capteur / actionneur Network (WSAN) de déploiement pour la localisation des utilisateurs physiques et par la suite pour prédire la prochaine leur point de transfert à deux couches de liaison et le réseau. Etre indépendant de la technologie d'accès sans fil principe sous-jacent, les deux régimes peuvent être facilement mises en œuvre dans des réseaux hétérogènes [...]Over the last few decades, we have been witnessing a tremendous evolution in mobile computing, wireless networking and hand-held devices. In the future communication networks, users are anticipated to become even more mobile demanding for ubiquitous connectivity to different applications which will be preferably aware of their context. Admittedly, location information as part of their context is of paramount importance from both application and network perspectives. From application or user point of view, service provision can upgrade if adaptation to the user's context is enabled. From network point of view, functionalities such as routing, handoff management, resource allocation and others can also benefit if user's location can be tracked or even predicted. Within this context, we focus our attention on indoor localization and handoff prediction which are indispensable components towards the ultimate success of the envisioned pervasive communication era. While outdoor positioning systems have already proven their potential in a wide range of commercial applications, the path towards a successful indoor location system is recognized to be much more difficult, mainly due to the harsh indoor characteristics and requirement for higher accuracy. Similarly, handoff management in the future heterogeneous wireless networks is much more challenging than in traditional homogeneous networks. Handoff schemes must be seamless for meeting strict Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of the future applications and functional despite the diversity of operation features of the different technologies. In addition, handoff decisions should be flexible enough to accommodate user preferences from a wide range of criteria offered by all technologies. The main objective of this thesis is to devise accurate, time and power efficient location and handoff management systems in order to satisfy better context-aware and mobile applications. For indoor localization, the potential of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies as standalone location sensing technologies are first studied by testing several algorithms and metrics in a real experimental testbed or by extensive simulations, while their shortcomings are also identified. Their integration in a common architecture is then proposed in order to combine their key benefits and overcome their limitations. The performance superiority of the synergetic system over the stand alone counterparts is validated via extensive analysis. Regarding the handoff management task, we pinpoint that context awareness can also enhance the network functionality. Consequently, two such schemes which utilize information obtained from localization systems are proposed. The first scheme relies on a RFID tag deployment, alike our RFID positioning architecture, and by following the WLAN scene analysis positioning concept, predicts the next network layer location, i.e. the next point of attachment to the network. The second scheme relies on an integrated RFID and Wireless Sensor/Actuator Network (WSAN) deployment for tracking the users' physical location and subsequently for predicting next their handoff point at both link and network layers. Being independent of the underlying principle wireless access technology, both schemes can be easily implemented in heterogeneous networks. Performance evaluation results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed schemes over the standard protocols regarding prediction accuracy, time latency and energy savingsEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF