6,366 research outputs found

    The Employment Relation from the Transactions Cost Perspective

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    CAD laboratory students activity is mandatory for microelectronics teaching. This, applied in the deep-submicron era, creates new challenges to couple software management simplicity to user friendliness inside lab sessions, which requires the use of complex tools and concepts. In this paper, a new approach to microelectronics CAD deployment is presented, based on virtualization capabilities of new servers hardware and software technology. A test case, realized at Politecnico di Torino, degree of Electronic Engineering, is presented, with real world results on resource consumption and user satisfactio

    An Inquiry into the Status and Nature of University-Industry Research Collaborations in Japan and Korea

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    University-industry collaboration (UIC) has become an increasingly frequent innovation strategy, especially in the Western hemisphere. But we know much less about such research collaborations in East Asia. This study explores and contrasts the current nature and status of UICs in Japan and Korea focusing on factors that facilitate the development and management of such research linkages. The findings indicate that UICs are path dependent, i.e. firms benefit from their experience with previous projects when collaborating with universities. At the same time, cultural factors appear to result in significant differences in the organization of UICs in Japan and Korea.University-industry collaboration, R&D collaboration, International comparison, Japan, Korea

    National models of ISR: Belgium

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    Impact of University Intellectual Property Policy on the Performance of University-Industry Research Collaboration

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    Despite various expected advantages, university-industry research collaboration (UIC), a relationship between two different worlds, often faces serious difficulties. Thus, the performance of UIC depends on the research partners' strategies to bridge the gaps between them according to the institutional environment. In Japan, UIC has developed rapidly since the late 1990s based on drastic institutional changes regarding universities. We pay special attention to the role of the university intellectual property (IP) policy introduced after 2003 and empirically examine its impact on the performance of UIC projects. A clear and equitable IP policy that can be applied flexibly to the needs of partners would be optimal for a UIC to be efficiently managed. Otherwise, the project might face serious conflicts of interests and low incentive for cooperation. Using a sample of Japanese firms from our original survey, we find that the IP policy of partner universities indeed has a positive and significant impact on various performances of UIC projects, controlling for firm and project characteristics and considering potential selection bias from UIC participation.intellectual property, research collaboration, small business, Japan

    Improving industry science links through university technology transfer units: An analysis and a case.

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    Connectivity has become one of the critical success factors in generating and sustaining high-performing National Innovation Systems. Industry Science Links (ISLs) are an important dimension of this connectivity. Over the last decades, multiple insights have been gained (both from theory and practice) as to how 'effective' ISLs can be fostered through the design and the development of university-based technology transfer units. In this paper, we document and analyze the evolution of 'effective' university-based technology transfer mechanisms, towards a matrix structure allowing an active involvement of the research groups in commercial exploitation of their research findings, while specialized supporting services like intellectual property management and business plan development are centralized. We show that the establishment of:(1) an appropriate context within academia;(2) the design of stimulating incentive structures for academic research groups and,(3) the implementation of appropriate decision and monitoring processes within the interface unit itself, are critical elements in fostering 'effective' linkages between industry and the academic science base.Decision; Factors; Industry; Management; Matrix; Processes;

    The Dynamic Cooperation Network as an Instrument for the Technological management and Innovation Process: The Case of the Brazilian Aeronautic Sector

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    The articulation of the Science,Technology & Innovation actors and the development of collaborative actions are essential to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Brazilian aeronautic process and to maintain its global competitiveness. The present paper analyzes the dynamic cooperation network model of the Brazilian aeronautic sector based on the case study executed in joint with the Industrial Promotion and Coordination Institute (IFI) – an organization responsible for the industrial support and infrastructure programs to improve the quality and the training of this sector. As a result, this work identifies some critical factors for success related to the cooperation network model for the growth of the sector competitiveness potential.La articulación entre los actores de la Ciencia, Tecnología y la Innovación, y el desarrollo de acciones en conjunto son esenciales para realizar mejoras en la eficiencia y efectividad del proceso Brasilero de aeronáutica, y para mantener su competitividad global. El siguiente trabajo analiza el modelo dinámico de cooperación en red del sector aeronáutico Brasilero basado en el estudio de caso llevado a cabo en conjunto con el Instituto de Coordinación y Promoción Industrial (IFI)- una organización responsable del apoyo e infraestructura de programas que mejoren la calidad y la capacitación en éste sector. Como resultado, éste trabajo identifica algunos factores críticos para el éxito relacionado al modelo de cooperación en red para el crecimiento del potencial competitivo del sector.The articulation of the Science, Technology &Innovation actors and the development of collaborative actions are essential to improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Brazilian aeronautic process and to maintain its global competitiveness. The present paper analyzes the dynamic cooperation network model of the Brazilian aeronautic sector based on the case study executed in joint with the Industrial Promotion and Coordination Institute (IFI) – an organization responsible for the industrial support and infrastructure programs to improve the quality and the training of this sector. As a result, this work identifies some critical factors for success related to the cooperation network model for the growth of the sector competitiveness potential

    NEOREG : design and implementation of an online neonatal registration system to access, follow and analyse data of newborns with congenital cytomegalovirus infection

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    Today's registration of newborns with congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is still performed on paper-based forms in Flanders, Belgium. This process has a large administrative impact. It is imortant that all screening tests are registered to have a complete idea of the impact of cCMV. Although these registrations are usable in computerised data analysis, these data are not available in a format to perform electronic processing. An online Neonatal Registry (NEOREG) System was designed and developed to access, follow and analyse the data of newborns remotely. It allows patients' diagnostic registration and treatment follow-up through a web interface and uses document forms in Portable Document Format (PDF), which incorporate all the elements from the existing forms. Forms are automatically processed to structured EHRs. Modules are included to perform statistical analysis. The design was driven by extendibility, security and usability requirements. The website load time, throughput and execution time of data analysis were evaluated in detail. The NEOREG system is able to replace the existing paper-based CMV records

    Impact of University Intellectual Property Policy on the Performance of University-Industry Research Collaboration

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    Despite various expected advantages, university-industry research collaboration (UIC), a relationship between two different worlds, often faces serious difficulties. Thus, the performance of UIC depends on the research partners’ strategies to bridge the gaps between them according to the institutional environment. In Japan, UIC has developed rapidly since the late 1990s based on drastic institutional changes regarding universities. We pay special attention to the role of the university intellectual property (IP) policy introduced after 2003 and empirically examine its impact on the performance of UIC projects. A clear and equitable IP policy that can be applied flexibly to the needs of partners would be optimal for a UIC to be efficiently managed. Otherwise, the project might face serious conflicts of interests and low incentive for cooperation. Using a sample of Japanese firms from our original survey, we find that the IP policy of partner universities indeed has a positive and significant impact on various performances of UIC projects, controlling for firm and project characteristics and considering potential selection bias from UIC participation.university, intellectual property policy, research collaboration, project performance, Japan

    Determinants of emerging technology commercialization: evidence from MEMS technology

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    The term “emerging technology” refers to new technologies that create substantial changes to industry evolution and enterprise management. Nowadays, such technologies are mainly based on the development of information technology, internet technology, biotechnology and other interdisciplinary areas with potential industrial applications. Although emerging technologies have created opportunities for technological and economic innovation, their “creative destruction” characteristics also result in a very high failure rate in their commercialization processes. Most of the recent studies on the commercialization of emerging technology have focused on developed areas such as the United States, Japan, and the European Union, with few studies on developing countries like China. The present thesis seeks to fill this gap. Taking 112 Chinese MEMS enterprises as a sample, this thesis empirically investigated the determinants of emerging technology in China. Furthermore, a case study (Wuxi BEWIS Sensing Technology, Ltd.) was employed to analyze how these determinants affect the real commercializing process in the Chinese economy. Through multiple regression analysis, the empirical results show that technology property, market conditions, regional innovation network, and enterprise capability are determinants of MEMS commercialization, whereas social environment and policy and regulation do not have significant impacts on the performance of MEMS commercialization.O termo “tecnologia emergente” diz respeito a novas tecnologias que estão a gerar mudanças substanciais na evolução da indústria e na gestão das empresas. Atualmente essas tecnologias baseiam-se sobretudo no desenvolvimento da tecnologia de informação, da tecnologia de internet, da biotecnologia e de outras áreas interdisciplinares com potencial de aplicação industrial. Embora as tecnologias emergentes tenham criado oportunidades para a inovação, tecnológica e económica, as suas características de “destruição criativa” também resultaram numa elevada taxa de insucesso nos processos de comercialização. A maioria dos estudos recentes relativos à comercialização de tecnologia emergente têm-se focado em regiões desenvolvidas tais como os Estados Unidos, o Japão, e a União Europeia, existindo poucos estudos em países em vias de desenvolvimento como é o caso da China. Esta tese procura contribuir para o preenchimento dessa lacuna. Partindo de uma amostra de 112 empresas chinesas de sistemas microeletromecânicos (MEMS), procurou-se investigar empiricamente os determinantes de tecnologia emergente na China. Além disso, foi efetuado um estudo de caso (Wuxi BEWIS Sensing Technology, Ltd.) para analisar como esses determinantes afetam o processo real de comercialização na economia chinesa. Os resultados empíricos, obtidos através de análises de regressão múltipla, mostram que a propriedade tecnológica, as condições de mercado, a rede regional de inovação e a capacidade empresarial são determinantes para a comercialização de MEMS. Por outro lado, constata-se que o ambiente social, a política e a regulamentação não têm impactos significativos no desempenho da comercialização de MEMS