9,403 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of On-Demand Routing Protocols in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have recently gained a lot of popularity due to their rapid deployment and instant communication capabilities. WMNs are dynamically self-organizing, self-configuring and self-healing with the nodes in the network automatically establishing an adiej hoc network and preserving the mesh connectivity. Designing a routing protocol for WMNs requires several aspects to consider, such as wireless networks, fixed applications, mobile applications, scalability, better performance metrics, efficient routing within infrastructure, load balancing, throughput enhancement, interference, robustness etc. To support communication, various routing protocols are designed for various networks (e.g. ad hoc, sensor, wired etc.). However, all these protocols are not suitable for WMNs, because of the architectural differences among the networks. In this paper, a detailed simulation based performance study and analysis is performed on the reactive routing protocols to verify the suitability of these protocols over such kind of networks. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) routing protocol are considered as the representative of reactive routing protocols. The performance differentials are investigated using varying traffic load and number of source. Based on the simulation results, how the performance of each protocol can be improved is also recommended.Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), IEEE 802.11s, AODV, DSR, DYMO

    Performance analysis of on-demand routing protocols in wireless mesh networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have recently gained a lot of popularity due to their rapid deployment and instant communication capabilities. WMNs are dynamically self-organizing, self-configuring and self-healing with the nodes in the network automatically establishing an adiej hoc network and preserving the mesh connectivity. Designing a routing protocol for WMNs requires several aspects to consider, such as wireless networks, fixed applications, mobile applications, scalability, better performance metrics, efficient routing within infrastructure, load balancing, throughput enhancement, interference, robustness etc. To support communication, various routing protocols are designed for various networks (e.g. ad hoc, sensor, wired etc.). However, all these protocols are not suitable for WMNs, because of the architectural differences among the networks. In this paper, a detailed simulation based performance study and analysis is performed on the reactive routing protocols to verify the suitability of these protocols over such kind of networks. Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) routing protocol are considered as the representative of reactive routing protocols. The performance differentials are investigated using varying traffic load and number of source. Based on the simulation results, how the performance of each protocol can be improved is also recommended

    Variable power transmission in highly Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks pose challenges in terms of power control, due to their fixed transmission power, the mobility of nodes and a constantly changing topology. High levels of power are needed in wireless networks, particularly for routing. As a result of the increase in the number of communication devices being used, there is the challenge of increased density within these networks, and a need to extend the battery life of communication devices. In order to address this challenge, this thesis presents the development of a new protocol (Dynamic Power AODV), which is an enhancement of the Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol. The new protocol dynamically adjusts the transmission power based on the range, which depends on node density. This thesis provides a systematic evaluation of the performance of DP-AODV, in a high speed and high density environment, in comparison with three other routing protocols. The experiments demonstrated that DP-AODV performed better than two of the protocols in all scenarios. As compared to the third protocol (AOMDV), DP-AODV gave better performance results for throughput and Power Consumption, but AOMDV performed better in terms of Packet Delivery Fraction rate and End-to-End Delay in some cases

    Performance Enhancement of Routing Protocols in Mobile Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Using Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm

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    The challenge in creating a routing protocol for ad-hoc networks is to design a single protocol that can adapt to the wide variety of conditions that can be present in any ad-hoc network enviroment. The routing protocol must perform efficiently in enviroments in which it suffers from high nodes mobility and many wireless transmission constraints. Because it it often impossible to know what enviroment the protocol will find itself in, and because the enviroment can change unpredictably, the routing protocol must be able to adapt automatically. In this thesis, we use a fuzzy reasoning algorithm (FRA) as a highly adaptive algorithm to achieve that goal. We will present the various application of that algorithm to ad-hoc routing protocols. Then, we will focus on four major applications that are the core of any ad-hoc routing protocol. These applications are: route lifetime estimation, local connectivity management, nodes affinity management, and active queue management. In the first method, the fuzzy reasoning is used to estimate the time route can stay active in the routing table. In the second method, fuzzy reasoning is used to optimize the maximum time period that can transpire before the node broadcast the ‘Hello” messages. Mapping the relationship between the signal strength fluctuation and links lifetime is presented in the third method. Finally, in the last method fuzzy reasoning is used for network congestion estimation and estimating time to start dropping incoming packets. Extensive performance analysis via simulation proves the effectiveness of using the FRA to improve the accuracy of routing protocol parameters and hence the overall network performance

    Na neizrazitoj logici zasnovano upravljanje frekvencijom za ODMRP u mobilnim ad hoc mrežama

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    On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) is a popular solution designed for ad hoc networks with mobile hosts. Its efficiency, simplicity, and robustness to mobility render it one of the most widely used multicast routing protocols in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANET). In ODMRP, there is no input rate control for upper layer traffic. So, it’s possible that high dense traffic flow causes congestion in networks. In this work, an enhancement to ODMRP is proposed referred to as fuzzy logic based Rate Control ODMRP (FRC-ODMRP). FRC-ODMRP attempts to adapt the arrival rate from upper layers to the state in the network by using feedback information from receivers of the multicast group. Accordingly, source comes up with a decision whether to increase or decrease its transmission rate based on information collected from the receivers. In this research, delay and packet delivery ratio reconsidered as indicators of congestion in addition to number of received packets. Simulation results demonstrate that FRC-ODMRP achieves significant performance improvements in comparison to conventional ODMRP and QoS-ODMRP. Indeed, it efficiently handles simultaneous traffic flows such that no one could dominate available bandwidth of networks.On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) popularno je rješenje namijenjeno ad hoc mrežama s mobilnim domaćinima. Efikasnost, jednostavnost i robusnost u smislu mobilnosti učini su ovu metodu jednom od najraširenijih multicast protokola u ad hoc mobilnim mrežam (eng. MANET). Kod ODMRP-a nema upravljanja ulaznom frekvencijom za promet višeg sloja. Zbog toga je moguće da gusti promet uzrokuje zagušenje u mrežama. U ovome je radu predstavljeno poboljšanje ODMRP-a nazvano ODMRP zasnovan na fuzzy logici (FRC-ODRMP). FRC-ODRMP pokušava prilagoditi dolazne signale iz viših slojeva stanju u mreži koristeći povratnu informaciju od primatelja iz multicast grupe. Prilikom istraživanja dodatno je uzet omjer kašnjenja i dostavljenih paketa kao pokazatelj zagušenosti mreže uz broj dostavljenih paketa. Simulacijski rezultati pokazuju kako FRC-ODMRP značajno poboljšava performanse u odnosu na konvencionalni ODMRP i Qos-ODMRP. Dodatno, simultani promet efikasno je upravljan tako da nitko ne može dominirati dostupnom propusnošću mreže

    A probabilistic approach to reduce the route establishment overhead in AODV algorithm for manet

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETS) is a collection of wireless nodes without any infrastructure support. The nodes in MANET can act as either router or source and the control of the network is distributed among nodes. The nodes in MANETS are highly mobile and it maintains dynamic interconnection between those mobile nodes. MANTEs have been considered as isolated stand-alone network. This can turn the dream of networking "at any time and at any where" into reality. The main purpose of this paper is to study the issues in route discovery process in AODV protocol for MANET. Flooding of route request message imposes major concern in route establishment. This paper suggests a new approach to reduce the routing overhead during the route discovery phase. By considering the previous behaviour of the network, the new protocol reduces the unwanted searches during route establishment processComment: International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.3, No.2, March 201