25,366 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Up/Down Routing Architecture for Ethernet backbones and campus networks

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    We describe a new layer two distributed and scalable routing architecture. It uses an automatic hierarchical node identifier assignment mechanism associated to the rapid spanning tree protocol. Enhanced up/down mechanisms are used to prohibit some turns at nodes to break cycles, instead of blocking links like the spannning tree protocol does. The protocol performance is similar or better than other turn prohibition algorithms recently proposed with lower complexity O(Nd) and better scalability. Simulations show that the fraction of prohibited turns over random networks is less than 0.2. The effect of root bridge election on the performance of the protocol is limited both in the random and regular networks studied. The use of hierarchical, tree-descriptive addresses simplifies the routing, and avoids the need of all nodes having a global knowleddge of the network topology. Routing frames through the hierarchical tree at very high speed is possible by progressive decoding of frame destination address, without routing tables or port address learning. Coexistence with standard bridges is achieved using combined devices: bridges that forward the frames having global destination MAC addresses as standard bridges and frames with local MAC frames with the proposed protocol.Publicad

    Nature-Inspired Interconnects for Self-Assembled Large-Scale Network-on-Chip Designs

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    Future nano-scale electronics built up from an Avogadro number of components needs efficient, highly scalable, and robust means of communication in order to be competitive with traditional silicon approaches. In recent years, the Networks-on-Chip (NoC) paradigm emerged as a promising solution to interconnect challenges in silicon-based electronics. Current NoC architectures are either highly regular or fully customized, both of which represent implausible assumptions for emerging bottom-up self-assembled molecular electronics that are generally assumed to have a high degree of irregularity and imperfection. Here, we pragmatically and experimentally investigate important design trade-offs and properties of an irregular, abstract, yet physically plausible 3D small-world interconnect fabric that is inspired by modern network-on-chip paradigms. We vary the framework's key parameters, such as the connectivity, the number of switch nodes, the distribution of long- versus short-range connections, and measure the network's relevant communication characteristics. We further explore the robustness against link failures and the ability and efficiency to solve a simple toy problem, the synchronization task. The results confirm that (1) computation in irregular assemblies is a promising and disruptive computing paradigm for self-assembled nano-scale electronics and (2) that 3D small-world interconnect fabrics with a power-law decaying distribution of shortcut lengths are physically plausible and have major advantages over local 2D and 3D regular topologies

    Overview of Swallow --- A Scalable 480-core System for Investigating the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Many-core Applications and Operating Systems

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    We present Swallow, a scalable many-core architecture, with a current configuration of 480 x 32-bit processors. Swallow is an open-source architecture, designed from the ground up to deliver scalable increases in usable computational power to allow experimentation with many-core applications and the operating systems that support them. Scalability is enabled by the creation of a tile-able system with a low-latency interconnect, featuring an attractive communication-to-computation ratio and the use of a distributed memory configuration. We analyse the energy and computational and communication performances of Swallow. The system provides 240GIPS with each core consuming 71--193mW, dependent on workload. Power consumption per instruction is lower than almost all systems of comparable scale. We also show how the use of a distributed operating system (nOS) allows the easy creation of scalable software to exploit Swallow's potential. Finally, we show two use case studies: modelling neurons and the overlay of shared memory on a distributed memory system.Comment: An open source release of the Swallow system design and code will follow and references to these will be added at a later dat

    HURP/HURBA: Zero-configuration hierarchical Up/Down routing and bridging architecture for Ethernet backbones and campus networks

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    Ethernet switched networks do not scale appropriately due to limitations inherent to the spanning tree protocol. Ethernet architectures based on routing over a virtual topology in which turns are prohibited offer improved performance over spanning tree, although in some cases suffer from excessive computational complexity. Up/Down routing is a turn prohibition algorithm with low computational complexity. In this paper we propose HURBA, a new layer-two architecture that improves Up/Down routing performance due to an optimization based on the use of hierarchical addressing, while preserving the computational complexity of Up/Down. The resulting architecture requires zero-configuration, uses the same frame format as Ethernet, allows upgrades by software update, and is compatible with 802.1D bridges by means of encapsulation. HURP protocol builds automatically a core with the interconnected HURP routing bridges and the standard bridges get connected to the edges in standard spanning trees. Simulations show that the performance of HURP, evaluated over various combinations of network topology and size, is close to the one of shortest path, is consistently better than that of Up/Down, and is equal or better than Turn Prohibition, with the advantage of having a lower complexity.En prens

    Intensity-based image registration using multiple distributed agents

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    Image registration is the process of geometrically aligning images taken from different sensors, viewpoints or instances in time. It plays a key role in the detection of defects or anomalies for automated visual inspection. A multiagent distributed blackboard system has been developed for intensity-based image registration. The images are divided into segments and allocated to agents on separate processors, allowing parallel computation of a similarity metric that measures the degree of likeness between reference and sensed images after the application of a transform. The need for a dedicated control module is removed by coordination of agents via the blackboard. Tests show that additional agents increase speed, provided the communication capacity of the blackboard is not saturated. The success of the approach in achieving registration, despite significant misalignment of the original images, is demonstrated in the detection of manufacturing defects on screen-printed plastic bottles and printed circuit boards

    Generating Representative ISP Technologies From First-Principles

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    Understanding and modeling the factors that underlie the growth and evolution of network topologies are basic questions that impact capacity planning, forecasting, and protocol research. Early topology generation work focused on generating network-wide connectivity maps, either at the AS-level or the router-level, typically with an eye towards reproducing abstract properties of observed topologies. But recently, advocates of an alternative "first-principles" approach question the feasibility of realizing representative topologies with simple generative models that do not explicitly incorporate real-world constraints, such as the relative costs of router configurations, into the model. Our work synthesizes these two lines by designing a topology generation mechanism that incorporates first-principles constraints. Our goal is more modest than that of constructing an Internet-wide topology: we aim to generate representative topologies for single ISPs. However, our methods also go well beyond previous work, as we annotate these topologies with representative capacity and latency information. Taking only demand for network services over a given region as input, we propose a natural cost model for building and interconnecting PoPs and formulate the resulting optimization problem faced by an ISP. We devise hill-climbing heuristics for this problem and demonstrate that the solutions we obtain are quantitatively similar to those in measured router-level ISP topologies, with respect to both topological properties and fault-tolerance

    The Chameleon Architecture for Streaming DSP Applications

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    We focus on architectures for streaming DSP applications such as wireless baseband processing and image processing. We aim at a single generic architecture that is capable of dealing with different DSP applications. This architecture has to be energy efficient and fault tolerant. We introduce a heterogeneous tiled architecture and present the details of a domain-specific reconfigurable tile processor called Montium. This reconfigurable processor has a small footprint (1.8 mm2^2 in a 130 nm process), is power efficient and exploits the locality of reference principle. Reconfiguring the device is very fast, for example, loading the coefficients for a 200 tap FIR filter is done within 80 clock cycles. The tiles on the tiled architecture are connected to a Network-on-Chip (NoC) via a network interface (NI). Two NoCs have been developed: a packet-switched and a circuit-switched version. Both provide two types of services: guaranteed throughput (GT) and best effort (BE). For both NoCs estimates of power consumption are presented. The NI synchronizes data transfers, configures and starts/stops the tile processor. For dynamically mapping applications onto the tiled architecture, we introduce a run-time mapping tool