22 research outputs found

    Overlapping of Communication and Computation and Early Binding: Fundamental Mechanisms for Improving Parallel Performance on Clusters of Workstations

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    This study considers software techniques for improving performance on clusters of workstations and approaches for designing message-passing middleware that facilitate scalable, parallel processing. Early binding and overlapping of communication and computation are identified as fundamental approaches for improving parallel performance and scalability on clusters. Currently, cluster computers using the Message-Passing Interface for interprocess communication are the predominant choice for building high-performance computing facilities, which makes the findings of this work relevant to a wide audience from the areas of high-performance computing and parallel processing. The performance-enhancing techniques studied in this work are presently underutilized in practice because of the lack of adequate support by existing message-passing libraries and are also rarely considered by parallel algorithm designers. Furthermore, commonly accepted methods for performance analysis and evaluation of parallel systems omit these techniques and focus primarily on more obvious communication characteristics such as latency and bandwidth. This study provides a theoretical framework for describing early binding and overlapping of communication and computation in models for parallel programming. This framework defines four new performance metrics that facilitate new approaches for performance analysis of parallel systems and algorithms. This dissertation provides experimental data that validate the correctness and accuracy of the performance analysis based on the new framework. The theoretical results of this performance analysis can be used by designers of parallel system and application software for assessing the quality of their implementations and for predicting the effective performance benefits of early binding and overlapping. This work presents MPI/Pro, a new MPI implementation that is specifically optimized for clusters of workstations interconnected with high-speed networks. This MPI implementation emphasizes features such as persistent communication, asynchronous processing, low processor overhead, and independent message progress. These features are identified as critical for delivering maximum performance to applications. The experimental section of this dissertation demonstrates the capability of MPI/Pro to facilitate software techniques that result in significant application performance improvements. Specific demonstrations with Virtual Interface Architecture and TCP/IP over Ethernet are offered

    Design of efficient Java communications for high performance computing

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    [Abstract] There is an increasing interest to adopt Java as the parallel programming language for the multi-core era. Although Java offers important advantages, such as built-in multithreading and networking support, productivity and portability, the lack of efficient communication middleware is an important drawback for its uptake in High Performance Computing (HPC). This PhD Thesis presents the design, implementation and evaluation of several solutions to improve this situation: (1) a high performance Java sockets implementation (JFS, Java Fast Sockets) on high-speed networks (e.g., Myrinet, InfiniBand) and shared memory (e.g., multi-core) machines; (2) a low-level messaging device, iodev, which efficiently overlaps communication and computation; and (3) a more scalable Java message-passing library, Fast MPJ (F-MPJ). Furthermore, new Java parallel benchmarks have been implemented and used for the performance evaluation of the developed middleware. The final and main conclusion is that the use of Java for HPC is feasible and even advisable when looking for productive development, provided that efficient communication middleware is made available, such as the projects presented in this Thesis.[Resumen] La tesis doctoral "Design of Efficient Java Communications for High Performance Computing" parte de la hip贸tesis inicial de que es posible desarrollar aplicaciones Java en computaci贸n de altas prestaciones, un 谩mbito en el que el rendimiento es crucial, siempre que est茅 disponible un middleware de comunicaci贸n eficiente. As铆, se han dise帽ado, desarrollado y evaluado diferentes bibliotecas de comunicaci贸n en Java, desde el nivel de sockets al de paso de mensajes, obteniendo notables incrementos de eficiencia, confirmando que la hip贸tesis inicial es factible

    The global unified parallel file system (GUPFS) project: FY 2002 activities and results

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    Java in the High Performance Computing arena: Research, practice and experience

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Science of Computer Programming. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2011.06.002[Abstract] The rising interest in Java for High Performance Computing (HPC) is based on the appealing features of this language for programming multi-core cluster architectures, particularly the built-in networking and multithreading support, and the continuous increase in Java Virtual Machine (JVM) performance. However, its adoption in this area is being delayed by the lack of analysis of the existing programming options in Java for HPC and thorough and up-to-date evaluations of their performance, as well as the unawareness on current research projects in this field, whose solutions are needed in order to boost the embracement of Java in HPC. This paper analyzes the current state of Java for HPC, both for shared and distributed memory programming, presents related research projects, and finally, evaluates the performance of current Java HPC solutions and research developments on two shared memory environments and two InfiniBand multi-core clusters. The main conclusions are that: (1) the significant interest in Java for HPC has led to the development of numerous projects, although usually quite modest, which may have prevented a higher development of Java in this field; (2) Java can achieve almost similar performance to natively compiled languages, both for sequential and parallel applications, being an alternative for HPC programming; (3) the recent advances in the efficient support of Java communications on shared memory and low-latency networks are bridging the gap between Java and natively compiled applications in HPC. Thus, the good prospects of Java in this area are attracting the attention of both industry and academia, which can take significant advantage of Java adoption in HPC.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n; TIN2010-16735Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura y Deporte; AP2009-211

    NewMadeleine: a Fast Communication Scheduling Engine for High Performance Networks

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    International audienceCommunication libraries have dramatically made progress over the fifteen years, pushed by the success of cluster architectures as the preferred platform for high performance distributed computing. However, many potential optimizations are left unexplored in the process of mapping application communication requests onto low level network commands. The fundamental cause of this situation is that the design of communication subsystems is mostly focused on reducing the latency by shortening the critical path. In this paper, we present a new communication scheduling engine which dynamically optimizes application requests in accordance with the NICs capabilities and activity. The optimizing code is generic and portable. The database of optimizing strategies may be dynamically extended

    F-MPJ: scalable Java message-passing communications on parallel systems

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in The Journal of Supercomputing. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-009-0270-0[Abstract] This paper presents F-MPJ (Fast MPJ), a scalable and efficient Message-Passing in Java (MPJ) communication middleware for parallel computing. The increasing interest in Java as the programming language of the multi-core era demands scalable performance on hybrid architectures (with both shared and distributed memory spaces). However, current Java communication middleware lacks efficient communication support. F-MPJ boosts this situation by: (1) providing efficient non-blocking communication, which allows communication overlapping and thus scalable performance; (2) taking advantage of shared memory systems and high-performance networks through the use of our high-performance Java sockets implementation (named JFS, Java Fast Sockets); (3) avoiding the use of communication buffers; and (4) optimizing MPJ collective primitives. Thus, F-MPJ significantly improves the scalability of current MPJ implementations. A performance evaluation on an InfiniBand multi-core cluster has shown that F-MPJ communication primitives outperform representative MPJ libraries up to 60 times. Furthermore, the use of F-MPJ in communication-intensive MPJ codes has increased their performance up to seven times.Ministerio de Educaci贸n y Ciencia; TIN2004-07797-C02Ministerio de Educaci贸n y Ciencia; TIN2007-67537-C03-2Xunta de Galicia; PGIDIT06PXIB105228P

    Kernel-assisted and Topology-aware MPI Collective Communication among Multicore or Many-core Clusters

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    Multicore or many-core clusters have become the most prominent form of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. Hardware complexity and hierarchies not only exist in the inter-node layer, i.e., hierarchical networks, but also exist in internals of multicore compute nodes, e.g., Non Uniform Memory Accesses (NUMA), network-style interconnect, and memory and shared cache hierarchies. Message Passing Interface (MPI), the most widely adopted in the HPC communities, suffers from decreased performance and portability due to increased hardware complexity of multiple levels. We identified three critical issues specific to collective communication: The first problem arises from the gap between logical collective topologies and underlying hardware topologies; Second, current MPI communications lack efficient shared memory message delivering approaches; Last, on distributed memory machines, like multicore clusters, a single approach cannot encompass the extreme variations not only in the bandwidth and latency capabilities, but also in features such as the aptitude to operate multiple concurrent copies simultaneously. To bridge the gap between logical collective topologies and hardware topologies, we developed a distance-aware framework to integrate the knowledge of hardware distance into collective algorithms in order to dynamically reshape the communication patterns to suit the hardware capabilities. Based on process distance information, we used graph partitioning techniques to organize the MPI processes in a multi-level hierarchy, mapping on the hardware characteristics. Meanwhile, we took advantage of the kernel-assisted one-sided single-copy approach (KNEM) as the default shared memory delivering method. Via kernel-assisted memory copy, the collective algorithms offload copy tasks onto non-leader/not-root processes to evenly distribute copy workloads among available cores. Finally, on distributed memory machines, we developed a technique to compose multi-layered collective algorithms together to express a multi-level algorithm with tight interoperability between the levels. This tight collaboration results in more overlaps between inter- and intra-node communication. Experimental results have confirmed that, by leveraging several technologies together, such as kernel-assisted memory copy, the distance-aware framework, and collective algorithm composition, not only do MPI collectives reach the potential maximum performance on a wide variation of platforms, but they also deliver a level of performance immune to modifications of the underlying process-core binding