70,982 research outputs found

    Lattice QCD Production on Commodity Clusters at Fermilab

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    We describe the construction and results to date of Fermilab's three Myrinet-networked lattice QCD production clusters (an 80-node dual Pentium III cluster, a 48-node dual Xeon cluster, and a 128-node dual Xeon cluster). We examine a number of aspects of performance of the MILC lattice QCD code running on these clusters.Comment: Talk from the 2003 Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP03), La Jolla, Ca, USA, March 2003, 6 pages, LaTeX, 8 eps figures. PSN TUIT00

    The DCU laser ion source

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    Laser ion sources are used to generate and deliver highly charged ions of various masses and energies. We present details on the design and basic parameters of the DCU laser ion source (LIS). The theoretical aspects of a high voltage (HV) linear LIS are presented and the main issues surrounding laser-plasma formation, ion extraction and modeling of beam transport in relation to the operation of a LIS are detailed. A range of laser power densities (I ∼ 108–1011 W cm−2) and fluences (F = 0.1–3.9 kJ cm−2) from a Q-switched ruby laser (full-width half-maximum pulse duration ∼ 35 ns, λ = 694 nm) were used to generate a copper plasma. In “basic operating mode,” laser generated plasma ions are electrostatically accelerated using a dc HV bias (5–18 kV). A traditional einzel electrostatic lens system is utilized to transport and collimate the extracted ion beam for detection via a Faraday cup. Peak currents of up to I ∼ 600 μA for Cu+ to Cu3+ ions were recorded. The maximum collected charge reached 94 pC (Cu2+). Hydrodynamic simulations and ion probe diagnostics were used to study the plasma plume within the extraction gap. The system measured performance and electrodynamic simulations indicated that the use of a short field-free (L = 48 mm) region results in rapid expansion of the injected ion beam in the drift tube. This severely limits the efficiency of the electrostatic lens system and consequently the sources performance. Simulations of ion beam dynamics in a “continuous einzel array” were performed and experimentally verified to counter the strong space-charge force present in the ion beam which results from plasma extraction close to the target surface. Ion beam acceleration and injection thus occur at “high pressure.” In “enhanced operating mode,” peak currents of 3.26 mA (Cu2+) were recorded. The collected currents of more highly charged ions (Cu4+–Cu6+) increased considerably in this mode of operation

    Performance analysis of a Master/Slave switched Ethernet for military embedded applications

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    Current military communication network is a generation old and is no longer effective in meeting the emerging requirements imposed by the next generation military embedded applications. A new communication network based upon Full Duplex Switched Ethernet is proposed in this paper to overcome these limitations. To allow existing military subsystems to be easily supported by a Switched Ethernet network, our proposal consists in keeping their current centralized communication scheme by using an optimized master/slave transmission control on Switched Ethernet thanks to the Flexible Time Triggered (FTT) paradigm. Our main objective is to assess the performance of such a proposal and estimate the quality of service we can expect in terms of latency. Using the Network Calculus formalism, schedulability analysis are determined. These analysis are illustrated in the case of a realistic military embedded application extracted from a real military aircraft network, to highlight the proposal's ability to support the required time constrained communications

    Centralized vs distributed communication scheme on switched ethernet for embedded military applications

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    Current military communication network is a generation old and is no longer effective in meeting the emerging requirements imposed by the future embedded military applications. Therefore, a new interconnection system is needed to overcome these limitations. Two new communication networks based upon Full Duplex Switched Ethernet are presented herein in this aim. The first one uses a distributed communication scheme where equipments can emit their data simultaneously, which clearly improves system’s throughput and flexibility. However, migrating all existing applications into a compliant form could be an expensive step. To avoid this process, the second proposal consists in keeping the current centralized communication scheme. Our objective is to assess and compare the real time guarantees that each proposal can offer. The paper includes the functional description of each proposed communication network and a military avionic application to highlight proposals ability to support the required time constrained communications

    Physical implementations of quantum absorption refrigerators

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    Absorption refrigerators are autonomous thermal machines that harness the spontaneous flow of heat from a hot bath into the environment in order to perform cooling. Here we discuss quantum realizations of absorption refrigerators in two different settings: namely, cavity and circuit quantum electrodynamics. We first provide a unified description of these machines in terms of the concept of virtual temperature. Next, we describe the two different physical setups in detail and compare their properties and performance. We conclude with an outlook on future work and open questions in this field of research.Comment: Patrick P. Potts was formerly known as Patrick P. Hofe

    Fuzzy-logic framework for future dynamic cellular systems

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    There is a growing need to develop more robust and energy-efficient network architectures to cope with ever increasing traffic and energy demands. The aim is also to achieve energy-efficient adaptive cellular system architecture capable of delivering a high quality of service (QoS) whilst optimising energy consumption. To gain significant energy savings, new dynamic architectures will allow future systems to achieve energy saving whilst maintaining QoS at different levels of traffic demand. We consider a heterogeneous cellular system where the elements of it can adapt and change their architecture depending on the network demand. We demonstrate substantial savings of energy, especially in low-traffic periods where most mobile systems are over engineered. Energy savings are also achieved in high-traffic periods by capitalising on traffic variations in the spatial domain. We adopt a fuzzy-logic algorithm for the multi-objective decisions we face in the system, where it provides stability and the ability to handle imprecise data

    Online Discrimination of Nonlinear Dynamics with Switching Differential Equations

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    How to recognise whether an observed person walks or runs? We consider a dynamic environment where observations (e.g. the posture of a person) are caused by different dynamic processes (walking or running) which are active one at a time and which may transition from one to another at any time. For this setup, switching dynamic models have been suggested previously, mostly, for linear and nonlinear dynamics in discrete time. Motivated by basic principles of computations in the brain (dynamic, internal models) we suggest a model for switching nonlinear differential equations. The switching process in the model is implemented by a Hopfield network and we use parametric dynamic movement primitives to represent arbitrary rhythmic motions. The model generates observed dynamics by linearly interpolating the primitives weighted by the switching variables and it is constructed such that standard filtering algorithms can be applied. In two experiments with synthetic planar motion and a human motion capture data set we show that inference with the unscented Kalman filter can successfully discriminate several dynamic processes online

    The Role of Representations in Executive Function: Investigating a Developmental Link between Flexibility and Abstraction.

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    Young children often perseverate, engaging in previously correct, but no longer appropriate behaviors. One account posits that such perseveration results from the use of stimulus-specific representations of a situation, which are distinct from abstract, generalizable representations that support flexible behavior. Previous findings supported this account, demonstrating that only children who flexibly switch between rules could generalize their behavior to novel stimuli. However, this link between flexibility and generalization might reflect general cognitive abilities, or depend upon similarities across the measures or their temporal order. The current work examined these issues by testing the specificity and generality of this link. In two experiments with 3-year-old children, flexibility was measured in terms of switching between rules in a card-sorting task, while abstraction was measured in terms of selecting which stimulus did not belong in an odd-one-out task. The link between flexibility and abstraction was general across (1) abstraction dimensions similar to or different from those in the card-sorting task and (2) abstraction tasks that preceded or followed the switching task. Good performance on abstraction and flexibility measures did not extend to all cognitive tasks, including an IQ measure, and dissociated from children's ability to gaze at the correct stimulus in the odd-one-out task, suggesting that the link between flexibility and abstraction is specific to such measures, rather than reflecting general abilities that affect all tasks. We interpret these results in terms of the role that developing prefrontal cortical regions play in processes such as working memory, which can support both flexibility and abstraction