27 research outputs found

    Engineering the Performance of a Meta-modeling Architecture

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    An Approach for Guiding Developers to Performance and Scalability Solutions

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    This thesis proposes an approach that enables developers who are novices in software performance engineering to solve software performance and scalability problems without the assistance of a software performance expert. The contribution of this thesis is the explicit consideration of the implementation level to recommend solutions for software performance and scalability problems. This includes a set of description languages for data representation and human computer interaction and a workflow

    Co-Occurrence of Design Patterns and Bad Smells in Software Systems: An Exploratory Study

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    A design pattern is a general reusable solution to a recurring problem in software design. Bad smells are symptoms that may indicate something wrong in the system design or code. Therefore, design patterns and bad smells represent antagonistic structures. They are subject of recurring research and typically appear in software systems. Although design patterns represent good design, their use is often inadequate because their implementation is not always trivial or they may be unnecessarily employed. The inadequate use of design patterns may lead to a bad smell. Therefore, this paper performs an exploratory study in order to identify instances of co-occurrences of design patterns and bad smells. This study is performed over five systems and discovers some co-occurrences between design patterns and bad smells. For instance, we observed the co-occurrences of Command with God Class and Template Method with Duplicated Code. The results of this study make it possible to understand in which situations design patterns are misused or overused and establish guidelines for their better use

    Intelligent Web Services Architecture Evolution Via An Automated Learning-Based Refactoring Framework

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    Architecture degradation can have fundamental impact on software quality and productivity, resulting in inability to support new features, increasing technical debt and leading to significant losses. While code-level refactoring is widely-studied and well supported by tools, architecture-level refactorings, such as repackaging to group related features into one component, or retrofitting files into patterns, remain to be expensive and risky. Serval domains, such as Web services, heavily depend on complex architectures to design and implement interface-level operations, provided by several companies such as FedEx, eBay, Google, Yahoo and PayPal, to the end-users. The objectives of this work are: (1) to advance our ability to support complex architecture refactoring by explicitly defining Web service anti-patterns at various levels of abstraction, (2) to enable complex refactorings by learning from user feedback and creating reusable/personalized refactoring strategies to augment intelligent designers’ interaction that will guide low-level refactoring automation with high-level abstractions, and (3) to enable intelligent architecture evolution by detecting, quantifying, prioritizing, fixing and predicting design technical debts. We proposed various approaches and tools based on intelligent computational search techniques for (a) predicting and detecting multi-level Web services antipatterns, (b) creating an interactive refactoring framework that integrates refactoring path recommendation, design-level human abstraction, and code-level refactoring automation with user feedback using interactive mutli-objective search, and (c) automatically learning reusable and personalized refactoring strategies for Web services by abstracting recurring refactoring patterns from Web service releases. Based on empirical validations performed on both large open source and industrial services from multiple providers (eBay, Amazon, FedEx and Yahoo), we found that the proposed approaches advance our understanding of the correlation and mutual impact between service antipatterns at different levels, revealing when, where and how architecture-level anti-patterns the quality of services. The interactive refactoring framework enables, based on several controlled experiments, human-based, domain-specific abstraction and high-level design to guide automated code-level atomic refactoring steps for services decompositions. The reusable refactoring strategy packages recurring refactoring activities into automatable units, improving refactoring path recommendation and further reducing time-consuming and error-prone human intervention.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142810/1/Wang Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Wang Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio

    Architecture Information Communication in Two OSS Projects: the Why, Who, When, and What

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    Architecture information is vital for Open Source Software (OSS) development, and mailing list is one of the widely used channels for developers to share and communicate architecture information. This work investigates the nature of architecture information communication (i.e., why, who, when, and what) by OSS developers via developer mailing lists. We employed a multiple case study approach to extract and analyze the architecture information communication from the developer mailing lists of two OSS projects, ArgoUML and Hibernate, during their development life-cycle of over 18 years. Our main findings are: (a) architecture negotiation and interpretation are the two main reasons (i.e., why) of architecture communication; (b) the amount of architecture information communicated in developer mailing lists decreases after the first stable release (i.e., when); (c) architecture communications centered around a few core developers (i.e., who); (d) and the most frequently communicated architecture elements (i.e., what) are Architecture Rationale and Architecture Model. There are a few similarities of architecture communication between the two OSS projects. Such similarities point to how OSS developers naturally gravitate towards the four aspects of architecture communication in OSS development.Comment: Preprint accepted for publication in Journal of Systems and Software, 202

    An Approach for Guiding Developers to Performance and Scalability Solutions

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    The quality of enterprise software applications plays a crucial role for the satisfaction of the users and the economic success of the enterprises. Software applications with unsatisfying performance and scalability are perceived by its users as low in quality, as less interesting and less attractive, and cause frustration when preventing the users from attaining their goals. This book proposes an approach for a recommendation system that enables developers who are novices in software perfor

    Linguistic Anti-Patterns: Impact Analysis on Code Quality

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    Les “mauvaises odeurs” de conception sont des structures qui indiquent une violation des principes fondamentaux de conception et qui nuisent à la qualité des systèmes logiciels. Ils représentent des choix d’architectures, de conception, et d’implémentation qui doivent être suivis et améliorés. Dans ce travail, on considère deux sous types de ces “mauvaises odeurs” qui sont les anti-patrons de conception (DAPs) et les anti-patrons linguistiques (LAs). Les anti-patrons de conception (DAPs) sont les patrons que les développeurs considèrent comme étant des bonnes solutions à certains problèmes mais qui ont en réalité un impact négatif sur la qualité des logiciels. Des études récentes ont démontré que les anti-patrons rendent la maintenance logicielle plus difficile dans les systèmes orientés objets ainsi qu’ils augmentent le changement et les défaillances. Le concept d’anti-patrons linguistiques (LAs) fait référence aux mauvaises pratiques de nommage, de documentation et de l’implémentation du code source qui peuvent négativement impacter la qualité des systèmes logiciels et la compréhension du programme. Contrairement aux anti-patrons, les patrons de conception (DPs) présentent une solution prometteuse qui sert à améliorer la qualité des systèmes orientés objets. Dans certains cas, les patrons de conception et contrairement à ce qui est connu, peuvent avoir aussi un impact négatif sur la qualité logicielle. Pour cela, nous considérons également les patrons de conception dans ce travail afin d’étudier leurs comportements et leurs qualité au cours de l’évolution des logiciels. Avoir une bonne qualité logicielle est primordial pour contrôler et réduire les coûts de la maintenance des systèmes orientés objets. Il est important de disposer de mécanismes permettant de mesurer la qualité logicielle. Cependant, la qualité a des différentes significations qui peuvent être par exemple la capacité d’un système à changer à faible coût ou même l’absence de bogues dans le logiciel. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons comme mesures indirectes de la qualité: la compréhension du code, la propension au changement, et la prévalance de fautes. Au cours de l’évolution d’un logiciel, les développeurs risquent d’introduire des anti-patrons durant leurs tâches de développement (fixer des bogues, ajouter des nouvelles fonctionnalités, ou même appliquer des nouvelles exigences). Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié l’impact des anti-patrons de conception, les anti-patrons linguistiques, et les patrons de conception sur la qualité logicielle. ----------ABSTRACT: Design smells are bad practices in software design that lower the quality of software systems. They represent architectural, design, and implementation choices that should be tracked and removed. We consider design anti-patterns (DAPs) and linguistic anti-patterns (LAs) as two special types of design smells in our work, in contrast to design patterns (DPs). DAPs are software patterns that are thought by developers to be good solutions to some design problems but that have actually a negative impact on quality. Recent studies have brought evidence that DAPs make maintenance more difficult in object-oriented systems and increase change- and fault-proneness. LAs refer to bad practices of naming, documentation, and implementation of code entities, which could decrease the quality of software systems and have a negative impact on program comprehension. Opposite to design smells, DPs are promising solutions to improve the quality of object-oriented systems. Yet against popular wisdom, design patterns in practice can impact quality negatively. Achieving good quality is important to control and reduce the maintenance cost of object-oriented systems. This goal requires means to measure the quality of systems. However, quality has different meanings, e.g., the capacity of a system to change at low cost or the absence of bugs. In this thesis, we consider code understanding, change-proneness, and fault-proneness as three proxy measures for quality

    Studying and Assisting the Practice of Java and C# Exception Handling

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    Programming languages provide features that handle exceptions. These features separate error-handling from regular code and aim to assist software maintenance. Nevertheless, their misuse can cause reliability degradation or even catastrophic failures. Prior studies on exception handling aim to understand the practices of exception handling and their anti-patterns. However, little knowledge was shared about the prevalence of these anti-patterns, nor the relationship between exception handling practices and software quality. In this thesis, I, first, study the exception handling features by enriching the knowledge of handling code with a flow analysis of exceptions. Second, I investigate the prevalence of exception handling anti-patterns. Finally, I investigate the relationship between software quality and: (i) flow characteristics and (ii) 17 handling anti-patterns. Our case study is conducted with over 10K handling blocks, and over 77K related flows from 16 Java and C# projects. I built statistical models of the chance of post-release defects using traditional software metrics and exception handling metrics. Our case study results show the complexity of exception handling. Moreover, I found that although exception handling anti-patterns widely exist in all of our subjects, only a few anti-patterns can be commonly identified. Finally, I conclude that exception flow characteristics in Java projects and some exception handling anti-patterns can provide significant explanatory power to the chance of post-release defects