6 research outputs found

    Tiled Algorithms for Matrix Computations on Multicore Architectures

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    The current computer architecture has moved towards the multi/many-core structure. However, the algorithms in the current sequential dense numerical linear algebra libraries (e.g. LAPACK) do not parallelize well on multi/many-core architectures. A new family of algorithms, the tile algorithms, has recently been introduced to circumvent this problem. Previous research has shown that it is possible to write efficient and scalable tile algorithms for performing a Cholesky factorization, a (pseudo) LU factorization, and a QR factorization. The goal of this thesis is to study tiled algorithms in a multi/many-core setting and to provide new algorithms which exploit the current architecture to improve performance relative to current state-of-the-art libraries while maintaining the stability and robustness of these libraries.Comment: PhD Thesis, 2012 http://math.ucdenver.ed

    Fault Tolerant and Energy Efficient One-Sided Matrix Decompositions on Heterogeneous Systems with GPUs

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    Heterogeneous computing system with both CPUs and GPUs has become a class of widely used hardware architecture in supercomputers. As heterogeneous systems delivering higher computational performance, they are being built with an increasing number of complex components. This is anticipated that these systems will be more susceptible to hardware faults with higher power consumption. Numerical linear algebra libraries are used in a wide spectrum of high-performance scientific applications. Among numerical linear algebra operations, one-sided matrix decompositions can sometimes take a large portion of execution time or even dominate the whole scientific application execution. Due to the computational characteristic of one-sided matrix decompositions, they are very suitable for computation platforms such as heterogeneous systems with CPUs and GPUs. Many works have been done to implement and optimize one-sided matrix decompositions on heterogeneous systems with CPUs and GPUs. However, it is challenging to enable stable and high performance one-sided matrix decompositions running on computing platforms that are unreliable and high energy consumption. So, in this thesis, we aim to develop novel fault tolerance and energy efficiency optimizations for one-sided matrix decompositions on heterogeneous systems with CPUs and GPUs.To improve reliability and energy efficiency, extensive researches have been done on developing and optimizing fault tolerance methods and energy-saving strategies for one-sided matrix decompositions. However, current designs still have several limitations: (1) Little has been done on developing and optimizing fault tolerance method for one-sided matrix decompositions on heterogeneous systems with GPUs; (2) Limited by the protection coverage and strength, existing fault tolerance works provide insufficient protection when applied to one-sided matrix decompositions on heterogeneous systems with GPUs; (3) Lack the knowledge of algorithms, existing system level energy saving solutions cannot achieve the optimal energy savings due to potentially inaccurate and high-cost workload prediction they rely on when they are used in one-sided matrix decompositions; (4) It is challenging to apply both fault tolerance techniques and energy saving strategies to one-side matrix decompositions at the same time given that their current designs are not naturally compatible with each other.To address the first problem, based on the original (Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance) ABFT, we develop the first ABFT for matrix decomposition on heterogeneous systems with GPUs together with the novel storage errors protection and several optimization techniques specifically for GPUs. As for the second problem, we design a novel checksum scheme for ABFT that allows data stored in matrices to be encoded in two dimensions. This stronger checksum encoding mechanism enables much stronger protection including enhanced error propagation protection. In addition, we introduce a more efficient checking scheme. By prioritizing the checksum verification according to the sensitivity of matrix operations to soft errors with optimized checksum verification kernel for GPUs, we can achieve strong protect to matrix decompositions with comparable overhead. For the third problem, to improve energy efficiency for one-sided matrix decompositions, we introduce an algorithm-based energy-saving approach designed to maximize energy savings by utilizing algorithmic characteristics. Our approach can predict program execution behavior much more accurately, which is difficult for system level solutions for applications with variable execution characteristics. Experiments show that our approach can lead to much higher energy saving than existing works. Finally, for the fourth problem, we propose a novel energy saving approach for one-sided matrix decompositions on heterogeneous systems with GPUs. It allows energy saving strategies and fault tolerance techniques to be enabled at the same time without brings performance impact or extra energy cost

    System- and Data-Driven Methods and Algorithms

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    An increasing complexity of models used to predict real-world systems leads to the need for algorithms to replace complex models with far simpler ones, while preserving the accuracy of the predictions. This two-volume handbook covers methods as well as applications. This first volume focuses on real-time control theory, data assimilation, real-time visualization, high-dimensional state spaces and interaction of different reduction techniques

    Natural gradient algorithms for training deep neural networks

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    In this thesis, we reduce the computation cost of a particular class of learning algorithms for Deep Neural Networks (DNNs; human-brain inspired artificial intelligence models). Natural Gradient Descent (NGD) algorithms have favorable properties as compared to Stochastic Gradient methods. K-FAC (Martens and Grosse, 2015) is a feasible implementation of NGD for DNNs which retains some desirable properties of NGD. Still, K-FAC has cubic time-complexity in layer size, due to the computation of Kronecker factors (K-factors) inverses. This results in slow run-times for large K-factors. The thesis solves the time-complexity issue in two steps. First, we propose low-rank inverse representations of K-factors, obtainable in quadratic-time with randomized Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA). Our theory shows that at least for sufficiently large layers, we can also control the K-factors representation error, owing to the exponentially averaged (EA) construction paradigm. Numerical results show that theory is pessimistic: the error can be controlled better in practical settings. By improving the inverse-application subroutine to scale quadratically as well, we propose two quadratic time-complexity K-FAC variants: R-KFAC and SRE-KFAC. Secondly, by using Brand's algorithm for online NLA to exploit the EA construction paradigm of K-factors, we propose to maintain online low-rank inverse representations of K-factors, which only takes linear time. The approach is limited to sufficiently large layers, which in practice is typically satisfied by fully connected layers. By further improving the inverse-application subroutine to scale linearly as well in this case, we propose a linear time-complexity K-FAC variant: B-KFAC. B-KFAC also has linear memory-complexity in layer size, unlike quadratic for K-FAC. We also propose to algorithmically control the B-KFAC representation error, at the price of having quadratic time costs on some iterations (most iterations still take linear time). This yields three other algorithms. Our improved-complexity K-FAC variants speed up K-FAC 3 - 4 times for most investigated settings, in both single-GPU and distributed settings