861 research outputs found

    Polling-Based Downlink Communication Protocol for LoRaWAN using Traffic Indication

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2019. 2. 김종권.LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) technologies such as LoRa and SigFox are emerging as a technology of choice for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications where tens of thousands of untethered devices are deployed over a wide area. In such operating environments, energy conservation is one of the most crucial concerns and network protocols adopt various power saving schemes to lengthen device lifetimes. For example, to avoid idle listening, LoRaWAN restricts downlink communications. However, the confined design philosophy impedes the deployment of IoT applications that require asynchronous downlink communications. In this thesis, we design and implement an energy efficient downlink communication mechanism, named TRILO, for LoRaWAN. We aim to make TRILO be energy efficient while obeying an unavoidable trade-off that balances between latency and energy consumption. TRILO adopts a beacon mechanism that periodically alerts end-devices which have pending downlink frames. We implement the proposed protocol on top of commercially available LoRaWAN components and confirm that the protocol operates properly in real-world experiments. Experimental results show that TRILO successfully transmits downlink frames without losses while uplink traffic suffers from a slight increase in latency because uplink transmissions should halt during beacons and downlink transmissions. Computer simulation results also show that the proposed scheme is more energy efficient than the legacy LoRaWAN downlink protocol.전력 공급이 제한적인 수 만개의 디바이스들을 이용하여 넓은 지역을 바탕으로 운영되는 사물인터넷 시스템을 구축하는 데에 있어서 LoRa, SigFox와 같은 저전력 광역 네트워크 기술(LPWA)이 주목받고 있다. 이러한 시스템 환경에서 에너지 절약은 중요한 관심사 중 하나이며 네트워크 프로토콜들은 다양한 절전 방식을 채택하여 디바이스의 수명을 보장하려 하고 있다. 예를 들어, 불필요한 대기 청취로 인한 에너지 손실을 방지하기 위해서 LoRaWAN은 다운링크 통신을 제한하고 있는데, 이러한 설계 철학은 비동기적인 다운링크 통신을 필요로 하는 IoT 애플리케이션의 요구 사항을 충족시키지 못하는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 LoRaWAN에서 다운링크를 효과적으로 컨트롤할 수 있도록 TRILO라는 에너지 효율적인 다운링크 통신 메커니즘을 설계하고 구현하였다. TRILO는 다운링크 프레임이 팬딩되어 있는 엔드 디바이스들의 리스트 정보를 주기적으로 네트워크에 알리는 비콘 메커니즘을 채택하였고, 서버와 디바이스들이 각각 정해진 순서에 따라 다운링크 전송 및 수신을 스케줄링하도록 하였다. 설계한 프로토콜이 제대로 동작하는지 검증하기 위해서 기존 LoRaWAN의 구성 요소 위에 제안된 프로토콜을 구현한 후 실제 테스트 베드를 구축하여서 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 결과에 따르면 TRILO는 기존 프로토콜의 업링크 통신 성능을 저해하지 않으면서도 추가적인 다운링크 프레임을 손실 없이 성공적으로 전송 및 수신하였고, 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 결과 또한 제안된 기법이 기존의 LoRaWAN 다운링크 프로토콜보다 더 에너지 효율적으로 동작하는 것을 보여주었다.ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ⅰ CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... ⅲ LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ ⅳ LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. ⅵ CHAPTER Ⅰ: Introduction ................................................................................ 1 CHAPTER Ⅱ: Related Work ............................................................................. 8 CHAPTER Ⅲ: A Primer on LoRa and LoRaWAN .................................. 11 CHAPTER Ⅳ: Downlink Communications Scheme .................................. 17 4.1 Comparison of Two Polling Schemes ..................................... 19 4.2 Proposed Downlink Communications Scheme ....................... 26 CHAPTER Ⅴ: Implementation ........................................................................ 28 CHAPTER Ⅵ: Evaluation ................................................................................. 31 6.1 Experimental Results .................................................................... 32 6.2 Simulation Results ......................................................................... 37 CHAPTER Ⅶ: Discussion ................................................................................. 42 CHAPTER Ⅷ: Conclusion ................................................................................. 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................... 47 초록 ........................................................................................................................... 51Maste

    Design and stochastic analysis of emerging large-scale wireless-powered sensor networks

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2016-2017. Àmbit d’Enginyeria de les TICUndeniably, the progress in wireless networks during the last two decades is extraordinary. However, the ever-increasing upward trend in the numbers of wireless devices that will overwhelm every field of our everyday life, e.g., building automation, traffic management, health-care, etc., will introduce several issues in terms of communication and energy provision that need to be handled in advance. Regarding the communication issues, it is imperative to ensure the correct operation of the vast collection of nodes, especially for life-critical applications. Two well-known metrics that can characterize sufficiently the network reliability are the coverage and the connectivity probability that are derived by taking into account the network topology, the channel conditions between every transmitter-receiver pair, and the interference from other nodes. Nevertheless, considering all those factors is not straightforward. Lately, stochastic geometry has come into prominence, which is a mathematical tool to study the average network performance over many spatial realizations, while considering all aforementioned factors. Moreover, the other crucial issue for the large-scale dense network deployments of the future is their energy supply. Traditional battery charging or swapping for the wireless devices is both inconvenient and harms the environment, especially if we take into account the enormous numbers of nodes. Therefore, novel solutions have to be found using renewable energy sources to zero down the significant electricity consumption. Wireless energy harvesting is a convenient and environmentally-friendly approach to prolong the lifetime of networks by harvesting the energy from radio-frequency (RF) signals and converting it to direct current electricity through specialized hardware. The RF energy could be harvested from signals generated in the same or other networks. However, if the amount of harvested energy is not sufficient, solar-powered dedicated transmitters could be employed. In this way, we can achieve a favorable outcome by having both a zero-energy network operation and convenience in the charging of the wireless devices. Still, extensive investigation should be done in order to ensure that the communication performance is not affected. To that end, in this thesis, we study the communication performance in large-scale networks using tools from stochastic geometry. The networks that we study comprise wireless devices that are able to harvest the energy of RF signals. In the first part of the thesis, we present the effects of wireless energy harvesting from the transmissions of the cooperative network on the coverage probability and the network lifetime. In the second part of the thesis, we first employ batteryless nodes that are powered by dedicated RF energy transmitters to study the connectivity probability. Then, we assume that the dedicated transmitters are powered by solar energy to study the connectivity in a clustered network and investigate, for the first time, the reliability of zero-energy networks. Finally, we conclude the thesis by providing insightful research challenges for future works.Innegablemente, el progreso en las redes inalámbricas durante las últimas dos décadas es extraordinario. Sin embargo, la creciente tendencia al alza en el número de dispositivos inalámbricos que abarcarán todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida cotidiana, como la automatización de edificios, la gestión del tráfico, la atención sanitaria, etc., introducirá varias cuestiones en términos de comunicación y suministro de energía que se debe tener en cuenta con antelación. Respecto a los problemas de comunicación, es imprescindible asegurar el correcto funcionamiento de la vasta colección de nodos, especialmente para las aplicaciones vitales. Dos métricas bien conocidas que pueden caracterizar suficientemente la fiabilidad de la red son la probabilidad de cobertura y la de conectividad, que se derivan teniendo en cuenta la topología de la red, las condiciones del canal entre cada par transmisor-receptor y la interferencia de otros nodos. Sin embargo, considerar todos esos factores no es sencillo. Últimamente, la geometría estocástica ha llegado a la prominencia como un metodo de análisis, que es una herramienta matemática para estudiar el rendimiento promedio de la red sobre muchas realizaciones espaciales, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores mencionados. Además, la otra cuestión crucial para los despliegues de alta densidad de las redes futuras es su suministro de energía. La carga o el intercambio de baterías para los dispositivos inalámbricos es inconveniente y daña el medio ambiente, especialmente si tenemos en cuenta el enorme número de nodos utilizados. Por lo tanto, se deben encontrar nuevas soluciones utilizando fuentes de energía renovables para reducir el consumo de electricidad. La recolección de energía inalámbrica es un método conveniente y respetuoso con el medio ambiente para prolongar la vida útil de las redes recolectando la energía de las señales de radiofrecuencia (RF) y convirtiéndola en electricidad de corriente continua mediante un hardware especializado. La energía de RF podría ser obtenida a partir de señales generadas en la misma o en otras redes. Sin embargo, si la cantidad de energía obtenida no es suficiente, podrían emplearse transmisores de energía inalambricos que la obtuvieran mediante paneles fotovoltaicos. De esta manera, podemos lograr un resultado favorable teniendo tanto una operación de red de energía cero como una conveniencia en la carga de los dispositivos inalámbricos. Por lo tanto, una investigación exhaustiva debe hacerse con el fin de garantizar que el rendimiento de la comunicación no se ve afectada. En esta tesis se estudia el rendimiento de la comunicación en redes de gran escala utilizando técnicas de geometría estocástica. Las redes que se estudian comprenden dispositivos inalámbricos capaces de recoger la energía de las señales RF. En la primera parte de la tesis, presentamos los efectos de la recolección de energía inalámbrica de las transmisiones de la red cooperativa sobre la probabilidad de cobertura y la vida útil de la red. En la segunda parte de la tesis, primero empleamos nodos sin baterías que son alimentados por transmisores de energía de RF para estudiar la probabilidad de conectividad. A continuación, asumimos que los transmisores dedicados son alimentados por energía solar para estudiar la conectividad en una red agrupada (clustered network) e investigar, por primera vez, la fiabilidad de las redes de energía cero. Finalmente, concluimos la tesis aportando nuevas lineas de investigación para trabajos futurosAward-winningPostprint (published version

    Design and stochastic analysis of emerging large-scale wireless-powered sensor networks

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    Undeniably, the progress in wireless networks during the last two decades is extraordinary. However, the ever-increasing upward trend in the numbers of wireless devices that will overwhelm every field of our everyday life, e.g., building automation, traffic management, health-care, etc., will introduce several issues in terms of communication and energy provision that need to be handled in advance. Regarding the communication issues, it is imperative to ensure the correct operation of the vast collection of nodes, especially for life-critical applications. Two well-known metrics that can characterize sufficiently the network reliability are the coverage and the connectivity probability that are derived by taking into account the network topology, the channel conditions between every transmitter-receiver pair, and the interference from other nodes. Nevertheless, considering all those factors is not straightforward. Lately, stochastic geometry has come into prominence, which is a mathematical tool to study the average network performance over many spatial realizations, while considering all aforementioned factors. Moreover, the other crucial issue for the large-scale dense network deployments of the future is their energy supply. Traditional battery charging or swapping for the wireless devices is both inconvenient and harms the environment, especially if we take into account the enormous numbers of nodes. Therefore, novel solutions have to be found using renewable energy sources to zero down the significant electricity consumption. Wireless energy harvesting is a convenient and environmentally-friendly approach to prolong the lifetime of networks by harvesting the energy from radio-frequency (RF) signals and converting it to direct current electricity through specialized hardware. The RF energy could be harvested from signals generated in the same or other networks. However, if the amount of harvested energy is not sufficient, solar-powered dedicated transmitters could be employed. In this way, we can achieve a favorable outcome by having both a zero-energy network operation and convenience in the charging of the wireless devices. Still, extensive investigation should be done in order to ensure that the communication performance is not affected. To that end, in this thesis, we study the communication performance in large-scale networks using tools from stochastic geometry. The networks that we study comprise wireless devices that are able to harvest the energy of RF signals. In the first part of the thesis, we present the effects of wireless energy harvesting from the transmissions of the cooperative network on the coverage probability and the network lifetime. In the second part of the thesis, we first employ batteryless nodes that are powered by dedicated RF energy transmitters to study the connectivity probability. Then, we assume that the dedicated transmitters are powered by solar energy to study the connectivity in a clustered network and investigate, for the first time, the reliability of zero-energy networks. Finally, we conclude the thesis by providing insightful research challenges for future works.Innegablemente, el progreso en las redes inalámbricas durante las últimas dos décadas es extraordinario. Sin embargo, la creciente tendencia al alza en el número de dispositivos inalámbricos que abarcarán todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida cotidiana, como la automatización de edificios, la gestión del tráfico, la atención sanitaria, etc., introducirá varias cuestiones en términos de comunicación y suministro de energía que se debe tener en cuenta con antelación. Respecto a los problemas de comunicación, es imprescindible asegurar el correcto funcionamiento de la vasta colección de nodos, especialmente para las aplicaciones vitales. Dos métricas bien conocidas que pueden caracterizar suficientemente la fiabilidad de la red son la probabilidad de cobertura y la de conectividad, que se derivan teniendo en cuenta la topología de la red, las condiciones del canal entre cada par transmisor-receptor y la interferencia de otros nodos. Sin embargo, considerar todos esos factores no es sencillo. Últimamente, la geometría estocástica ha llegado a la prominencia como un metodo de análisis, que es una herramienta matemática para estudiar el rendimiento promedio de la red sobre muchas realizaciones espaciales, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores mencionados. Además, la otra cuestión crucial para los despliegues de alta densidad de las redes futuras es su suministro de energía. La carga o el intercambio de baterías para los dispositivos inalámbricos es inconveniente y daña el medio ambiente, especialmente si tenemos en cuenta el enorme número de nodos utilizados. Por lo tanto, se deben encontrar nuevas soluciones utilizando fuentes de energía renovables para reducir el consumo de electricidad. La recolección de energía inalámbrica es un método conveniente y respetuoso con el medio ambiente para prolongar la vida útil de las redes recolectando la energía de las señales de radiofrecuencia (RF) y convirtiéndola en electricidad de corriente continua mediante un hardware especializado. La energía de RF podría ser obtenida a partir de señales generadas en la misma o en otras redes. Sin embargo, si la cantidad de energía obtenida no es suficiente, podrían emplearse transmisores de energía inalambricos que la obtuvieran mediante paneles fotovoltaicos. De esta manera, podemos lograr un resultado favorable teniendo tanto una operación de red de energía cero como una conveniencia en la carga de los dispositivos inalámbricos. Por lo tanto, una investigación exhaustiva debe hacerse con el fin de garantizar que el rendimiento de la comunicación no se ve afectada. En esta tesis se estudia el rendimiento de la comunicación en redes de gran escala utilizando técnicas de geometría estocástica. Las redes que se estudian comprenden dispositivos inalámbricos capaces de recoger la energía de las señales RF. En la primera parte de la tesis, presentamos los efectos de la recolección de energía inalámbrica de las transmisiones de la red cooperativa sobre la probabilidad de cobertura y la vida útil de la red. En la segunda parte de la tesis, primero empleamos nodos sin baterías que son alimentados por transmisores de energía de RF para estudiar la probabilidad de conectividad. A continuación, asumimos que los transmisores dedicados son alimentados por energía solar para estudiar la conectividad en una red agrupada (clustered network) e investigar, por primera vez, la fiabilidad de las redes de energía cero. Finalmente, concluimos la tesis aportando nuevas lineas de investigación para trabajos futuro

    Wirelessly Powered Backscatter Communication Networks: Modeling, Coverage and Capacity

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    Future Internet-of-Things (IoT) will connect billions of small computing devices embedded in the environment and support their device-to-device (D2D) communication. Powering this massive number of embedded devices is a key challenge of designing IoT since batteries increase the devices' form factors and battery recharging/replacement is difficult. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel network architecture that enables D2D communication between passive nodes by integrating wireless power transfer and backscatter communication, which is called a wirelessly powered backscatter communication (WP-BackCom) network. In the network, standalone power beacons (PBs) are deployed for wirelessly powering nodes by beaming unmodulated carrier signals to targeted nodes. Provisioned with a backscatter antenna, a node transmits data to an intended receiver by modulating and reflecting a fraction of a carrier signal. Such transmission by backscatter consumes orders-of-magnitude less power than a traditional radio. Thereby, the dense deployment of low-complexity PBs with high transmission power can power a large-scale IoT. In this paper, a WP-BackCom network is modeled as a random Poisson cluster process in the horizontal plane where PBs are Poisson distributed and active ad-hoc pairs of backscatter communication nodes with fixed separation distances form random clusters centered at PBs. The backscatter nodes can harvest energy from and backscatter carrier signals transmitted by PBs. Furthermore, the transmission power of each node depends on the distance from the associated PB. Applying stochastic geometry, the network coverage probability and transmission capacity are derived and optimized as functions of backscatter parameters, including backscatter duty cycle and reflection coefficient, as well as the PB density. The effects of the parameters on network performance are characterized.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures, has been submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communicatio

    Connectivity analysis in clustered wireless sensor networks powered by solar energy

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    ©2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Emerging 5G communication paradigms, such as machine-type communication, have triggered an explosion in ad-hoc applications that require connectivity among the nodes of wireless networks. Ensuring a reliable network operation under fading conditions is not straightforward, as the transmission schemes and the network topology, i.e., uniform or clustered deployments, affect the performance and should be taken into account. Moreover, as the number of nodes increases, exploiting natural energy sources and wireless energy harvesting (WEH) could be the key to the elimination of maintenance costs while also boosting immensely the network lifetime. In this way, zero-energy wireless-powered sensor networks (WPSNs) could be achieved, if all components are powered by green sources. Hence, designing accurate mathematical models that capture the network behavior under these circumstances is necessary to provide a deeper comprehension of such networks. In this paper, we provide an analytical model for the connectivity in a large-scale zero-energy clustered WPSN under two common transmission schemes, namely, unicast and broadcast. The sensors are WEH-enabled, while the network components are solar-powered and employ a novel energy allocation algorithm. In our results, we evaluate the tradeoffs among the various scenarios via extensive simulations and identify the conditions that yield a fully connected zero-energy WPSN.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Joint Energy and SINR Coverage in Spatially Clustered RF-powered IoT Network

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    Owing to the ubiquitous availability of radio-frequency (RF) signals, RF energy harvesting is emerging as an appealing solution for powering IoT devices. In this paper, we model and analyze an IoT network which harvests RF energy and receives information from the same wireless network. In order to enable this operation, each time slot is partitioned into charging and information reception phases. For this setup, we characterize two performance metrics: (i) energy coverage and (ii) joint signal-to-interference-plus-noise (SINR) and energy coverage. The analysis is performed using a realistic spatial model that captures the spatial coupling between the locations of the IoT devices and the nodes of the wireless network (referred henceforth as the IoT gateways), which is often ignored in the literature. In particular, we model the locations of the IoT devices using a Poisson cluster process (PCP) and assume that some of the clusters have IoT gateways (GWs) deployed at their centers while the other GWs are deployed independently of the IoT devices. The level of coupling can be controlled by tuning the fraction of total GWs that are deployed at the cluster centers. Due to the inherent intractability of computing the distribution of shot noise process for this setup, we propose two accurate approximations, using which the aforementioned metrics are characterized. Multiple system design insights are drawn from our results. For instance, we demonstrate the existence of optimal slot partitioning that maximizes the system throughput. In addition, we explore the effect of the level of coupling between the locations of the IoT devices and the GWs on this optimal slot partitioning. Particularly, our results reveal that the optimal value of time duration for the charging phase increases as the level of coupling decreases.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networkin