574 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation for Power Minimization in the Downlink of THP-based Spatial Multiplexing MIMO-OFDMA Systems

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    In this work, we deal with resource allocation in the downlink of spatial multiplexing MIMO-OFDMA systems. In particular, we concentrate on the problem of jointly optimizing the transmit and receive processing matrices, the channel assignment and the power allocation with the objective of minimizing the total power consumption while satisfying different quality-of-service requirements. A layered architecture is used in which users are first partitioned in different groups on the basis of their channel quality and then channel assignment and transceiver design are sequentially addressed starting from the group of users with most adverse channel conditions. The multi-user interference among users belonging to different groups is removed at the base station using a Tomlinson-Harashima pre-coder operating at user level. Numerical results are used to highlight the effectiveness of the proposed solution and to make comparisons with existing alternatives.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, IEEE Trans. Veh. Techno

    MIMO Transceivers With Decision Feedback and Bit Loading: Theory and Optimization

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    This paper considers MIMO transceivers with linear precoders and decision feedback equalizers (DFEs), with bit allocation at the transmitter. Zero-forcing (ZF) is assumed. Considered first is the minimization of transmitted power, for a given total bit rate and a specified set of error probabilities for the symbol streams. The precoder and DFE matrices are optimized jointly with bit allocation. It is shown that the generalized triangular decomposition (GTD) introduced by Jiang, Li, and Hager offers an optimal family of solutions. The optimal linear transceiver (which has a linear equalizer rather than a DFE) with optimal bit allocation is a member of this family. This shows formally that, under optimal bit allocation, linear and DFE transceivers achieve the same minimum power. The DFE transceiver using the geometric mean decomposition (GMD) is another member of this optimal family, and is such that optimal bit allocation yields identical bits for all symbol streams—no bit allocation is necessary—when the specified error probabilities are identical for all streams. The QR-based system used in VBLAST is yet another member of the optimal family and is particularly well-suited when limited feedback is allowed from receiver to transmitter. Two other optimization problems are then considered: a) minimization of power for specified set of bit rates and error probabilities (the QoS problem), and b) maximization of bit rate for fixed set of error probabilities and power. It is shown in both cases that the GTD yields an optimal family of solutions

    The Application of MIMO to Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access

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    This paper considers the application of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques to non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) systems. A new design of precoding and detection matrices for MIMO-NOMA is proposed and its performance is analyzed for the case with a fixed set of power allocation coefficients. To further improve the performance gap between MIMO-NOMA and conventional orthogonal multiple access schemes, user pairing is applied to NOMA and its impact on the system performance is characterized. More sophisticated choices of power allocation coefficients are also proposed to meet various quality of service requirements. Finally computer simulation results are provided to facilitate the performance evaluation of MIMO-NOMA and also demonstrate the accuracy of the developed analytical results

    Joint optimization of transceivers with decision feedback and bit loading

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    The transceiver optimization problem for MIMO channels has been considered in the past with linear receivers as well as with decision feedback (DFE) receivers. Joint optimization of bit allocation, precoder, and equalizer has in the past been considered only for the linear transceiver (transceiver with linear precoder and linear equalizer). It has also been observed that the use of DFE even without bit allocation in general results in better performance that linear transceivers with bit allocation. This paper provides a general study of this for transceivers with the zero-forcing constraint. It is formally shown that when the bit allocation, precoder, and equalizer are jointly optimized, linear transceivers and transceivers with DFE have identical performance in the sense that transmitted power is identical for a given bit rate and error probability. The developments of this paper are based on the generalized triangular decomposition (GTD) recently introduced by Jiang, Li, and Hager. It will be shown that a broad class of GTD-based systems solve the optimal DFE problem with bit allocation. The special case of a linear transceiver with optimum bit allocation will emerge as one of the many solutions

    Precoding and multiuser scheduling in MIMO broadcast channels

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    Linear Precoders for Non-Regenerative Asymmetric Two-way Relaying in Cellular Systems

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    Two-way relaying (TWR) reduces the spectral-efficiency loss caused in conventional half-duplex relaying. TWR is possible when two nodes exchange data simultaneously through a relay. In cellular systems, data exchange between base station (BS) and users is usually not simultaneous e.g., a user (TUE) has uplink data to transmit during multiple access (MAC) phase, but does not have downlink data to receive during broadcast (BC) phase. This non-simultaneous data exchange will reduce TWR to spectrally-inefficient conventional half-duplex relaying. With infrastructure relays, where multiple users communicate through a relay, a new transmission protocol is proposed to recover the spectral loss. The BC phase following the MAC phase of TUE is now used by the relay to transmit downlink data to another user (RUE). RUE will not be able to cancel the back-propagating interference. A structured precoder is designed at the multi-antenna relay to cancel this interference. With multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) nodes, the proposed precoder also triangulates the compound MAC and BC phase MIMO channels. The channel triangulation reduces the weighted sum-rate optimization to power allocation problem, which is then cast as a geometric program. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed protocol over conventional solutions.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Energy Efficient Reduced Complexity Multi-Service, Multi-Channel Scheduling Techniques

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    The need for energy efficient communications is essential in current and next-generation wireless communications systems. A large component of energy expenditure in mobile devices is in the mobile radio interface. Proper scheduling and resource allocation techniques that exploit instantaneous and long-term average knowledge of the channel, queue state and quality of service parameters can be used to improve the energy efficiency of communication. This thesis focuses on exploiting queue and channel state information as well as quality of service parameters in order to design energy efficient scheduling techniques. The proposed designs are for multi-stream, multi-channel systems and in general have high computational complexity. The large contributions of this thesis are in both the design of optimal/near-optimal scheduling/resource allocation schemes for these systems as well as proposing complexity reduction methods in their design. Methods are proposed for both a MIMO downlink system as well as an LTE uplink system. The effect of power efficiency on quality of service parameters is well studied as well as complexity/efficiency comparisons between optimal/near optimal allocation