10 research outputs found

    Optical Communication

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    Optical communication is very much useful in telecommunication systems, data processing and networking. It consists of a transmitter that encodes a message into an optical signal, a channel that carries the signal to its desired destination, and a receiver that reproduces the message from the received optical signal. It presents up to date results on communication systems, along with the explanations of their relevance, from leading researchers in this field. The chapters cover general concepts of optical communication, components, systems, networks, signal processing and MIMO systems. In recent years, optical components and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth for optical communications systems. The researcher has also concentrated on optical devices, networking, signal processing, and MIMO systems and other enhanced functions for optical communication. This book is targeted at research, development and design engineers from the teams in manufacturing industry, academia and telecommunication industries

    Atmospheric compensation experiments on free-space optical coherent communication systems

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    In the last years free-space optical communications systems for wireless links have been proposed, studied, and implemented mainly due to the higher bandwidth that this technology is able to provide. Still, radio frequency (RF) systems have been maintained in practical wireless communications systems due to the improvement of the microwave sources and the development of high speed electronics. Nowadays the circumstances are changing as a consequence of the increasing data-rate needed in terrestrial and outer space communications. The shift from RF systems to optical communication systems in the free space applications provide a wide set of advantageous characteristics that are motivating the use of these optical technologies in detriment of the RF systems. One of the key reasons is the advantage of working with optical wavelengths in compare to the RF spectral band. As well as the already mentioned increase in the available bandwidth due to the fact that higher optical frequencies directly mean wider bandwidths, the use of optical frequencies lead to a better performance in terms of the received power: for equal antenna sizes the received signal goes inversely as the square of the wavelength. Of the most interest, recent coherent optical communication systems address modulation and detection techniques for high spectral efficiency and robustness against transmission impairments. Coherent detection is an advanced detection technique for achieving high spectral efficiency and maximizing power or signal-to-noise (SNR) efficiency, as symbol decisions are made using the in-phase and quadrature signals, allowing information to be encoded in all the available degrees of freedom. In this context, the effects of Earth's atmosphere must be taken into account. Turbulenceinduced wavefront distortions affect the transmitted beam responsible for deterioration of the link bit error rate (BER). The use of adaptive optics to mitigate turbulence-induced phase fluctuations in links employing coherent (synchronous) detection is poised to reduce performance penalties enabling a more capable next generation of free-space optical communications. In this work, we describe the implementation of a free space optical coherent communication system using QPSK modulation and heterodyne downconvertion that uses adaptive optics techniques and digital signal processing to mitigate turbulenceinduced phase fluctuations and channel impairments in coherent receivers. A new method for generating atmospheric turbulence based on binary computer generated holography (BCGH) using binary arrays is presented and its performance is evaluated. The feasibility of FSO coherent systems working with adaptive optics is demonstrated and the system performance in terms of the BER is experimentally evaluated under the influence of atmospheric turbulence. The resulting system performance is compared against the theoretical models. The viability of the approach to improve the system efficiency and sensitivity of coherent receivers is experimentally demonstrated.En los 煤ltimos a帽os las comunicaciones 贸pticas en el espacio libre han sido propuestas, analizadas e implementadas debido, principalmente, al gran ancho de banda disponible mediante esta tecnolog铆a. A煤n as铆, en la pr谩ctica, los sistemas de radiofrecuencia (RF) han sido mantenidos en las aplicaciones comerciales debido a la mejora de los dispositivos utilizados y al desarrollo de equipos electr贸nicos con gran velocidad de procesado. Hoy en d铆a la situaci贸n est谩 cambiando como consecuencia de un incremento en la tasa de transmisi贸n requerida en sistemas de comunicaciones terrestres y en el espacio exterior. El cambio de sistemas de RF hacia sistemas 贸pticos en el espacio libre implica una serie de ventajas clave que motiva la transici贸n hacia estas tecnolog铆as. La primera y gran ventaja de trabajar con frecuencias pertenecientes al espectro 贸ptico es el aumento del ancho de banda disponible, ya que trabajar a alta frecuencia implica directamente un incremento en el ancho de banda. Adem谩s, la eficiencia en t茅rminos de potencia es incrementada, ya que, para un tama帽o de antena fijo, la potencia de se帽al recivida es proporcional al inverso de la longitud de onda al cuadrado. De especial inter茅s es el desarrollo de sistemas de comunicaciones 贸pticos que utilicen modulaciones complejas, lo que implica una mayor eficiencia espectral y una mayor robustez contra efectos perniciosos introducidos por el canal. La detecci贸n coherente es una avanzada t茅cnica que permite un aumento en la eficiencia espectral y maximiza la eficiencia de la potencia recibida. Esto es debido a que los simbolos son demodulados utilizando las se帽ales en fase y cuadratura, aumentando los grados de libertad del sistema. En este contexto, los efectos de la atm贸sfera sobre las comunicaciones 贸pticas coherentes deben ser analizadas en detalle. Las turbulencias atmosf茅ricas distorsionan el frente de onda y son responsables del deterioro de la tasa de error en las comunicaciones 贸pticas en el espacio libre. El uso de 贸ptica adaptativa para mitigar los efectos de turbulencia atmosph茅rica abre una ventana a la implementaci贸n de la pr贸xima generaci贸n de sistemas de comunicaciones, basados en tecnolog铆as coherentes. En este trabajo se describe la implementaci贸n de un sistema completo de comunicaciones 贸pticas coherentes utilizando una modulaci贸n coherente (QPSK) y detecci贸n heterodina. Un sistema de 贸ptica adaptativa y algoritmos de procesado de se帽al son implementados con el objetivo de mitigar los diferentes efectos introducidos por el canal. Por otro lado, un nuevo m茅todo para generar frentes de onda distorsionados por el canal atmosf茅rico es desarrollado y su eficiencia es analizada. Este m茅todo se basa en el uso de holograf铆a binaria generada por computador (BCGH) junto con un dispositivo de modulaci贸n 贸ptica binaria de bajo coste (DLP). El funcionamiento del sistema completo es verificado y su eficiencia, en t茅rminos de tasa de error, son analizados. La eficiencia obtenida experimentalmente es comparada contra los modelos te贸ricos propuestos en la literatura. La viabilidad del uso de 贸ptica adaptativa para mitigar efectos en sistemas 贸pticos coherentes es experimentalmente demostrada

    Advanced DSP Techniques for High-Capacity and Energy-Efficient Optical Fiber Communications

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    The rapid proliferation of the Internet has been driving communication networks closer and closer to their limits, while available bandwidth is disappearing due to an ever-increasing network load. Over the past decade, optical fiber communication technology has increased per fiber data rate from 10 Tb/s to exceeding 10 Pb/s. The major explosion came after the maturity of coherent detection and advanced digital signal processing (DSP). DSP has played a critical role in accommodating channel impairments mitigation, enabling advanced modulation formats for spectral efficiency transmission and realizing flexible bandwidth. This book aims to explore novel, advanced DSP techniques to enable multi-Tb/s/channel optical transmission to address pressing bandwidth and power-efficiency demands. It provides state-of-the-art advances and future perspectives of DSP as well

    Telecommunication Systems

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    This book is based on both industrial and academic research efforts in which a number of recent advancements and rare insights into telecommunication systems are well presented. The volume is organized into four parts: "Telecommunication Protocol, Optimization, and Security Frameworks", "Next-Generation Optical Access Technologies", "Convergence of Wireless-Optical Networks" and "Advanced Relay and Antenna Systems for Smart Networks." Chapters within these parts are self-contained and cross-referenced to facilitate further study

    Compensation of Laser Phase Noise Using DSP in Multichannel Fiber-Optic Communications

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    One of the main impairments that limit the throughput of fiber-optic communication systems is laser phase noise, where the phase of the laser output drifts with time. This impairment can be highly correlated across channels that share lasers in multichannel fiber-optic systems based on, e.g., wavelength-division multiplexing using frequency combs or space-division multiplexing. In this thesis, potential improvements in the system tolerance to laser phase noise that are obtained through the use of joint-channel digital signal processing are investigated. To accomplish this, a simple multichannel phase-noise model is proposed, in which the phase noise is arbitrarily correlated across the channels. Using this model, high-performance pilot-aided phase-noise compensation and data-detection algorithms are designed for multichannel fiber-optic systems using Bayesian-inference frameworks. Through Monte Carlo simulations of coded transmission in the presence of moderate laser phase noise, it is shown that joint-channel processing can yield close to a 1 dB improvement in power efficiency. It is further shown that the algorithms are highly dependent on the positions of pilots across time and channels. Hence, the problem of identifying effective pilot distributions is studied.The proposed phase-noise model and algorithms are validated using experimental data based on uncoded space-division multiplexed transmission through a weakly-coupled, homogeneous, single-mode, 3-core fiber. It is found that the performance improvements predicted by simulations based on the model are reasonably close to the experimental results. Moreover, joint-channel processing is found to increase the maximum tolerable transmission distance by up to 10% for practical pilot rates.Various phenomena decorrelate the laser phase noise between channels in multichannel transmission, reducing the potency of schemes that exploit this correlation. One such phenomenon is intercore skew, where the spatial channels experience different propagation velocities. The effect of intercore skew on the performance of joint-core phase-noise compensation is studied. Assuming that the channels are aligned in the receiver, joint-core processing is found to be beneficial in the presence of skew if the linewidth of the local oscillator is lower than the light-source laser linewidth.In the case that the laser phase noise is completely uncorrelated across channels in multichannel transmission, it is shown that the system performance can be improved by applying transmitter-side multidimensional signal rotations. This is found by numerically optimizing rotations of four-dimensional signals that are transmitted through two channels. Structured four-dimensional rotations based on Hadamard matrices are found to be near-optimal. Moreover, in the case of high signal-to-noise ratios and high signal dimensionalities, Hadamard-based rotations are found to increase the achievable information rate by up to 0.25 bits per complex symbol for transmission of higher-order modulations

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics

    RF Photonic Vector Modulation and Demodulation Techniques for Millimeter-Wave Communications

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    RF photonic techniques for modulating and demodulating microwave and millimeter-wave signals on RF carriers are theoretically analyzed and experimentally demonstrated. The two demodulating configurations utilize cascaded electrooptic phase-modulation followed by optical filtering. The spurious free dynamic ranges of these configurations are measured and a technique to intrinsically linearize the latter system to fifth-order is experimentally confirmed. Measurements are then performed at frequencies between 7 and 70 GHz that verify RF photonic based downconversion using a harmonic of the electrical local oscillator (LO). Furthermore, this architecture is extended to allow for vector demodulation of digitally-encoded signals. Results of RF photonic demodulation of 4-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and 16-QAM RF encoded millimeter-wave signals are presented. Two RF photonic techniques for generating and encoding millimeter-wave RF signals are analyzed and experimentally demonstrated. The first uses phase-modulation and optical filtering in an interferometric configuration. Phase-shift keyed encoded microwave and millimeter-wave signals are electrooptically synthesized using a harmonic of the electrical LO at data-rates of up to 6 Gbps and frequencies of up to 40 GHz. A second RF photonic scheme is developed to allow for vector modulation and upconversion using dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulators. Vector modulation and upconversion are then shown at harmonics of the LO up to the fourth-order and at frequencies up to 60 GHz. Moreover, generation of 2.488 Gbps 4-QAM signals on a 36 GHz carrier using the second harmonic of the LO are demonstrated with this approach. Wired and wireless microwave and millimeter-wave transmission experiments are successfully conducted with the RF photonic systems detailed above in a laboratory environment

    Performance Analysis of MPSK FSO Communication Based on the Balanced Detector in a Fiber-Coupling System

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