12,603 research outputs found

    TechNews digests: Jan - Nov 2005

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    TechNews is a technology, news and analysis service aimed at anyone in the education sector keen to stay informed about technology developments, trends and issues. TechNews focuses on emerging technologies and other technology news. TechNews service : digests september 2004 till May 2010 Analysis pieces and News combined publish every 2 to 3 month

    LTE Spectrum Sharing Research Testbed: Integrated Hardware, Software, Network and Data

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    This paper presents Virginia Tech's wireless testbed supporting research on long-term evolution (LTE) signaling and radio frequency (RF) spectrum coexistence. LTE is continuously refined and new features released. As the communications contexts for LTE expand, new research problems arise and include operation in harsh RF signaling environments and coexistence with other radios. Our testbed provides an integrated research tool for investigating these and other research problems; it allows analyzing the severity of the problem, designing and rapidly prototyping solutions, and assessing them with standard-compliant equipment and test procedures. The modular testbed integrates general-purpose software-defined radio hardware, LTE-specific test equipment, RF components, free open-source and commercial LTE software, a configurable RF network and recorded radar waveform samples. It supports RF channel emulated and over-the-air radiated modes. The testbed can be remotely accessed and configured. An RF switching network allows for designing many different experiments that can involve a variety of real and virtual radios with support for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna operation. We present the testbed, the research it has enabled and some valuable lessons that we learned and that may help designing, developing, and operating future wireless testbeds.Comment: In Proceeding of the 10th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH), Snowbird, Utah, October 201

    Comprehensive design and propagation study of a compact dual band antenna for healthcare applications

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    In this paper, a dual band planar inverted F antenna (PIFA) has been investigated for cooperative on- and off-body communications. Free space and on-body performance parameters like return loss, bandwidth, radiation pattern and efficiency of this antenna are shown and investigated. The on- and off-body radio propagation channel performance at 2.45 GHz and 1.9 GHz have been investigated, respectively. Experimental investigations are performed both in the anechoic chamber and in an indoor environment. The path loss exponent has been extracted for both on- and off-body radio propagation scenarios. For on-body propagation, the path loss exponent is 2.48 and 2.22 in the anechoic chamber and indoor environment, respectively. The path loss exponent is 1.27 for off-body radio propagation situation. For on-body case, the path loss has been characterized for ten different locations on the body at 2.45 GHz, whereas for off-body case radio channel studies are performed for five different locations at 1.9 GHz. The proposed antenna shows a good on- and off-body radio channel performance

    Novel printed bow-tie antennas for dual-band dual-mode mobile handsets

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    The development of dual-band dual-mode D-AMPS/AMPS mobile handsets and radio stations has added pressure on GSM service providers to follow similar technology breakthroughs as a first step towards UMTS/FPLMTS. A frequency agile device accommodating both GSM standard frequency bands would serve more than 25 million GSM subscribers, with expectations as high as 100 millions subscribers by the year 2000. The complexity of the spectrum sharing between the two technologies and service generations may be alleviated by all terminal, system and network technologies. Several attempts to accomplish dual-band GSM/DCS 1800 operation on a single handset employing dual-band antenna concepts are introduced, and novel printed antenna elements developed at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia are described.This work was supported by the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia, CICYT, under the TIC95-0983-C03-02 research project (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

    Dependable Distributed Computing for the International Telecommunication Union Regional Radio Conference RRC06

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    The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Regional Radio Conference (RRC06) established in 2006 a new frequency plan for the introduction of digital broadcasting in European, African, Arab, CIS countries and Iran. The preparation of the plan involved complex calculations under short deadline and required dependable and efficient computing capability. The ITU designed and deployed in-situ a dedicated PC farm, in parallel to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) which provided and supported a system based on the EGEE Grid. The planning cycle at the RRC06 required a periodic execution in the order of 200,000 short jobs, using several hundreds of CPU hours, in a period of less than 12 hours. The nature of the problem required dynamic workload-balancing and low-latency access to the computing resources. We present the strategy and key technical choices that delivered a reliable service to the RRC06

    Redundant Arrays of IDE Drives

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    The next generation of high-energy physics experiments is expected to gather prodigious amounts of data. New methods must be developed to handle this data and make analysis at universities possible. We examine some techniques that use recent developments in commodity hardware. We test redundant arrays of integrated drive electronics (IDE) disk drives for use in offline high-energy physics data analysis. IDE redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID) prices now equal the cost per terabyte of million-dollar tape robots! The arrays can be scaled to sizes affordable to institutions without robots and used when fast random access at low cost is important. We also explore three methods of moving data between sites; internet transfers, hot pluggable IDE disks in FireWire cases, and writable digital video disks (DVD-R).Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions On Nuclear Science, for the 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 8 pages, 1 figure, uses IEEEtran.cls. Revised March 19, 2002 and published August 200

    Node Density Estimation in VANETs Using Received Signal Power

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    Accurately estimating node density in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, VANETs, is a challenging and crucial task. Various approaches exist, yet none takes advantage of physical layer parameters in a distributed fashion. This paper describes a framework that allows individual nodes to estimate the node density of their surrounding network independent of beacon messages and other infrastructure-based information. The proposal relies on three factors: 1) a discrete event simulator to estimate the average number of nodes transmitting simultaneously; 2) a realistic channel model for VANETs environment; and 3) a node density estimation technique. This work provides every vehicle on the road with two equations indicating the relation between 1) received signal strength versus simultaneously transmitting nodes, and 2) simultaneously transmitting nodes versus node density. Access to these equations enables individual nodes to estimate their real-time surrounding node density. The system is designed to work for the most complicated scenarios where nodes have no information about the topology of the network and, accordingly, the results indicate that the system is reasonably reliable and accurate. The outcome of this work has various applications and can be used for any protocol that is affected by node density