5 research outputs found

    The Spectrum of Balanced P^(3)(1, 5)-Designs

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    Given a 3-uniform hypergraph H(3), an H(3)-decomposition of the complete hypergraph K(3)_v is a collection of hypergraphs, all isomorphic to H(3), whose edge sets partition the edge set of K(3)_v. An H(3)-decomposition of K(3)_v is also called an H(3)-design and the hypergraphs of the partition are said to be the blocks. An H(3)-design is said to be balanced if the number of blocks containing any given vertex of K(3)_v is a constant. In this paper, we determine completely, without exceptions, the spectrum of balanced P(3)(1 5)-designs

    Uniform coloured hypergraphs and blocking sets

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    An \emph{octagon quadrangle} is the graph consisting of a length 88 cycle (x1,x2,…,x8)(x_{1},x_{2},\dots,x_{8}) and two chords, {x1,x4}\{x_{1},x_{4}\} and {x5,x8}\{x_{5},x_{8}\}. An \emph{octagon quadrangle system} of order vv and index λ\lambda is a pair (X,B)(X,\mathcal B), where XX is a finite set of vv vertices and B\mathcal B is a collection of octagon quadrangles (called blocks) which partition the edge set of λKv\lambda K_{v}, with XX as vertex set. In this paper we determine completely the spectrum of octagon quadrangle systems for any index λ\lambda, with the only possible exception of v=20v=20 for λ=1\lambda=1

    strongly balanced 4 kite designs nested into oq systems

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    In this paper we determine the spectrum for octagon quadrangle systems [OQS] which can be partitioned into two strongly balanced 4-kitedesigns