23 research outputs found

    Percolation on sparse random graphs with given degree sequence

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    We study the two most common types of percolation process on a sparse random graph with a given degree sequence. Namely, we examine first a bond percolation process where the edges of the graph are retained with probability p and afterwards we focus on site percolation where the vertices are retained with probability p. We establish critical values for p above which a giant component emerges in both cases. Moreover, we show that in fact these coincide. As a special case, our results apply to power law random graphs. We obtain rigorous proofs for formulas derived by several physicists for such graphs.Comment: 20 page

    Critical percolation on random regular graphs

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    We show that for all d{3,,n1}d\in \{3,\ldots,n-1\} the size of the largest component of a random dd-regular graph on nn vertices around the percolation threshold p=1/(d1)p=1/(d-1) is Θ(n2/3)\Theta(n^{2/3}), with high probability. This extends known results for fixed d3d\geq 3 and for d=n1d=n-1, confirming a prediction of Nachmias and Peres on a question of Benjamini. As a corollary, for the largest component of the percolated random dd-regular graph, we also determine the diameter and the mixing time of the lazy random walk. In contrast to previous approaches, our proof is based on a simple application of the switching method.Comment: 10 page

    An old approach to the giant component problem

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    In 1998, Molloy and Reed showed that, under suitable conditions, if a sequence of degree sequences converges to a probability distribution DD, then the size of the largest component in corresponding nn-vertex random graph is asymptotically ρ(D)n\rho(D)n, where ρ(D)\rho(D) is a constant defined by the solution to certain equations that can be interpreted as the survival probability of a branching process associated to DD. There have been a number of papers strengthening this result in various ways; here we prove a strong form of the result (with exponential bounds on the probability of large deviations) under minimal conditions.Comment: 24 pages; only minor change

    Locality of critical percolation on expanding graph sequences

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    We study the locality of critical percolation on finite graphs: let GnG_n be a sequence of finite graphs, converging locally weakly to a (random, rooted) infinite graph GG. Consider Bernoulli edge percolation: does the critical probability for the emergence of an infinite component on GG coincide with the critical probability for the emergence of a linear-sized component on GnG_n? In this short article we give a positive answer provided the graphs GnG_n satisfy an expansion condition, and the limiting graph GG has finite expected root degree. The main result of Benjamini, Nachmias, and Peres (2011), where this question was first formulated, showed the result assuming the GnG_n satisfy a uniform degree bound and uniform expansion condition, and converge to a deterministic limit GG. Later work of Sarkar (2021) extended the result to allow for a random limit GG, but still required a uniform degree bound and uniform expansion for GnG_n. Our result replaces the degree bound on GnG_n with the (milder) requirement that GG must have finite expected root degree. Our proof is a modification of the previous results, using a pruning procedure and the second moment method to control unbounded degrees

    A finite-state model of botnets’ desinfection and removal

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    Existing multi-agent systems (either for implementing distributed security threats or for countering them in the Internet) either do not maintain agent graph connectivity or maintain it with network redundancy, which significantly increases the overheads. The paper analyzes a finite-state model of adaptive behavior in a multi-agent system. This model uses a d-regular agent graph and some methods to maintain network connectivity, which provides sustainable system performance in aggressive environment

    On giant components and treewidth in the layers model

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    Given an undirected nn-vertex graph G(V,E)G(V,E) and an integer kk, let Tk(G)T_k(G) denote the random vertex induced subgraph of GG generated by ordering VV according to a random permutation π\pi and including in Tk(G)T_k(G) those vertices with at most k1k-1 of their neighbors preceding them in this order. The distribution of subgraphs sampled in this manner is called the \emph{layers model with parameter} kk. The layers model has found applications in studying \ell-degenerate subgraphs, the design of algorithms for the maximum independent set problem, and in bootstrap percolation. In the current work we expand the study of structural properties of the layers model. We prove that there are 33-regular graphs GG for which with high probability T3(G)T_3(G) has a connected component of size Ω(n)\Omega(n). Moreover, this connected component has treewidth Ω(n)\Omega(n). This lower bound on the treewidth extends to many other random graph models. In contrast, T2(G)T_2(G) is known to be a forest (hence of treewidth~1), and we establish that if GG is of bounded degree then with high probability the largest connected component in T2(G)T_2(G) is of size O(logn)O(\log n). We also consider the infinite two-dimensional grid, for which we prove that the first four layers contain a unique infinite connected component with probability 11

    Preferential attachment without vertex growth: emergence of the giant component

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    We study the following preferential attachment variant of the classical Erdos-Renyi random graph process. Starting with an empty graph on n vertices, new edges are added one-by-one, and each time an edge is chosen with probability roughly proportional to the product of the current degrees of its endpoints (note that the vertex set is fixed). We determine the asymptotic size of the giant component in the supercritical phase, confirming a conjecture of Pittel from 2010. Our proof uses a simple method: we condition on the vertex degrees (of a multigraph variant), and use known results for the configuration model.Comment: 20 page

    Phase transitions of extremal cuts for the configuration model

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    The kk-section width and the Max-Cut for the configuration model are shown to exhibit phase transitions according to the values of certain parameters of the asymptotic degree distribution. These transitions mirror those observed on Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs, established by Luczak and McDiarmid (2001), and Coppersmith et al. (2004), respectively

    The phase transition in the configuration model

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    Let G=G(d)G=G(d) be a random graph with a given degree sequence dd, such as a random rr-regular graph where r3r\ge 3 is fixed and n=Gn=|G|\to\infty. We study the percolation phase transition on such graphs GG, i.e., the emergence as pp increases of a unique giant component in the random subgraph G[p]G[p] obtained by keeping edges independently with probability pp. More generally, we study the emergence of a giant component in G(d)G(d) itself as dd varies. We show that a single method can be used to prove very precise results below, inside and above the `scaling window' of the phase transition, matching many of the known results for the much simpler model G(n,p)G(n,p). This method is a natural extension of that used by Bollobas and the author to study G(n,p)G(n,p), itself based on work of Aldous and of Nachmias and Peres; the calculations are significantly more involved in the present setting.Comment: 37 page