1,432 research outputs found

    ARCHANGEL: Tamper-proofing Video Archives using Temporal Content Hashes on the Blockchain

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    We present ARCHANGEL; a novel distributed ledger based system for assuring the long-term integrity of digital video archives. First, we describe a novel deep network architecture for computing compact temporal content hashes (TCHs) from audio-visual streams with durations of minutes or hours. Our TCHs are sensitive to accidental or malicious content modification (tampering) but invariant to the codec used to encode the video. This is necessary due to the curatorial requirement for archives to format shift video over time to ensure future accessibility. Second, we describe how the TCHs (and the models used to derive them) are secured via a proof-of-authority blockchain distributed across multiple independent archives. We report on the efficacy of ARCHANGEL within the context of a trial deployment in which the national government archives of the United Kingdom, Estonia and Norway participated.Comment: Accepted to CVPR Blockchain Workshop 201

    Perceptual Image Hashing

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    Identification of Sparse Audio Tampering Using Distributed Source Coding and Compressive Sensing Techniques

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    In the past few years, a large amount of techniques have been proposed to identify whether a multimedia content has been illegally tampered or not. Nevertheless, very few efforts have been devoted to identifying which kind of attack has been carried out, especially due to the large data required for this task. We propose a novel hashing scheme which exploits the paradigms of compressive sensing and distributed source coding to generate a compact hash signature, and we apply it to the case of audio content protection. The audio content provider produces a small hash signature by computing a limited number of random projections of a perceptual, time-frequency representation of the original audio stream; the audio hash is given by the syndrome bits of an LDPC code applied to the projections. At the content user side, the hash is decoded using distributed source coding tools. If the tampering is sparsifiable or compressible in some orthonormal basis or redundant dictionary, it is possible to identify the time-frequency position of the attack, with a hash size as small as 200 bits/second; the bit saving obtained by introducing distributed source coding ranges between 20% to 70%

    Effective Image Fingerprint Extraction Based on Random Bubble Sampling

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm for image fingerprint extraction based on random selection of circular bubbles on the considered image. In more detail, a fingerprint vector is associated to the image, the components of which are the variances of pixel luminance values in randomly selected circular zones of the image. The positions and radius of these bubbles result from a random selection, whose parameters are user-defined. The obtained fingerprint has then been used for content-based image retrieval, using the standard euclidean distance as similarity metric between the extracted features. Experiments based on the detection of various linearly and nonlinearly distorted versions of a test image in a large database show very promising results

    A Novel Approach for Preserving Privacy of Content Based Information Reterival System

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    Content based information retrieval system (CBIR) are advanced version of retrieval systems where search is based upon specific criteria in order to get relevant items. In networking environment, as search is based on content it is easy for server to know client’s interest, where client has to trust server to get relevant items. Sometimes query contains sensitive information that client does not want to reveal it, but still search should be performed. This is achieved by our proposed structure, where mainly it will deal with multimedia items such as image or audio files. In order to preserve privacy , client selects multimedia file of which hash value is generated, this value is fired towards cloud server. Cloud server contains database of stored hash values of multimedia items and based upon hamming distance and similarity search, encrypted candidate list is prepared and send it to client. Client finds best item by carrying decryption
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