632,949 research outputs found

    Human computer interaction with mobile devices (editorial for special edition)

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    The second international workshop on human-computer interaction with mobile devices took place on 30th August,1999 as part of the IFIP INTERACT '99 conference held in Edinburgh, UK. We had over 60 participants with an almost equal mix between academic and industrial attendees from within Europe, North America and Asia.The first workshop had been held in Glasgow the year before and was one of the first to bring together researchers interested in how to design usable interfaces for mobile computers. It was such a success that we decided to run another- this was obviously an area where there were many problems and many people looking for solutions. The growth of the mobile computing market is rapid. The take-up of mobile telephones and personal digital assistants has been dramatic - huge numbers of people now own a mobile device of some kind. But there are still big problems with usability - it is hard to design interfaces and interactions with devices that have small or no screens and limited computing resources. This is becoming worse as more and more complexity is being integrated into these small devices

    A CLIPS based personal computer hardware diagnostic system

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    Often the person designated to repair personal computers has little or no knowledge of how to repair a computer. Described here is a simple expert system to aid these inexperienced repair people. The first component of the system leads the repair person through a number of simple system checks such as making sure that all cables are tight and that the dip switches are set correctly. The second component of the system assists the repair person in evaluating error codes generated by the computer. The final component of the system applies a large knowledge base to attempt to identify the component of the personal computer that is malfunctioning. We have implemented and tested our design with a full system to diagnose problems for an IBM compatible system based on the 8088 chip. In our tests, the inexperienced repair people found the system very useful in diagnosing hardware problems

    Kas arvutid saavad olla loovad?

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    It is sometimes claimed that computer automation of work will free people up to be more creative and that being creative is a way to add value to one’s life. However, if computers themselves become creative, then this might impede a human’s ability to add value to their life. This thesis investigates the question ‘Can computers be creative?’ by assessing the role that consciousness plays in creativity. Specifically, I assess the following argument against computer creativity: (1) creativity requires consciousness; (2) computers cannot be conscious; (3) therefore, computers cannot be creative. The first premise is challenged by cases where humans program computers to produce apparently creative (novel and valuable) results. However, in the relevant sense of “creativity”, creativity must result from the actions of an agent. Accordingly, I will focus on whether the agency that is required for creativity requires consciousness. I draw on literature from philosophy of creativity, philosophy of artificial intelligence and philosophy of mind to argue that consciousness is not necessary for creativity. I also present some considerations against the second premise, that computers cannot be conscious.http://www.ester.ee/record=b5143509*es

    The Semantic Web Paradigm for a Real-Time Agent Control (Part I)

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    For the Semantic Web point of view, computers must have access to structured collections of information and sets of inference rules that they can use to conduct automated reasoning. Adding logic to the Web, the means to use rules to make inferences, choose courses of action and answer questions, is the actual task for the distributed IT community. The real power of Intelligent Web will be realized when people create many programs that collect Web content from diverse sources, process the information and exchange the results with other programs. The first part of this paper is an introductory of Semantic Web properties, and summarises agent characteristics and their actual importance in digital economy. The second part presents the predictability of a multiagent system used in a learning process for a control problem.Semantic Web, agents, fuzzy knowledge, evolutionary computing

    Do computers increase older people’s inclusion and wellbeing?

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    Purpose – This article considers two recent studies on computer use by older people, who may become increasingly isolated due to infirmity and sensory impairments. Older people are less likely to use computer technology yet it has been suggested that it may help reduce isolation. These studies inquired into older people’s experience with computers. Design/methodology/approach – The first article discussed here explored how a sample of older people in the USA acquired a computer and whether it contributed to their well-being. The second article was about a similar study with a sample of older people in the UK. Findings – In the USA sample, people who saw tablet computers being used by a friend or family member were more likely to purchase one. In the UK sample, people seemed to have had to overcome more fears of using computer technology, but in both samples, once initial difficulties were overcome, people were enthusiastic about using them. In both, people felt more able to keep up hobbies and interests through finding information or connecting with interest groups online, and able to keep connected with family members. Originality/value – In light of increasing migration of services and information to the internet, these studies explored what helps and hinders older people in using computers, in order to address the digital divide, whereby those unable to use them can be left isolated. These studies explored personal meanings of computer use and specific fears and difficulties, which are important to understand in planning for training and support for older people who are not yet on line. They demonstrated that, alongside face-to-face interaction, being online was experienced as reducing isolation and enhancing lives

    Heretical thoughts about science and society: Frederick S. Pardee distinguished lecture, November 1, 2005

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    A version of this essay was delivered in November 1, 2005 as the Frederick S. Pardee Distinguished Lecture at Boston University.Freeman Dyson illuminates the importance of having heretics to challenge assumptions, and gives six heretical predictions of his own. The first is that American hegemony will not last until the next century. The second is that global warming is not the enormous problem that people make it out to be, primarily because increasing topsoil can counteract the excess of carbon dioxide and also, our knowledge is still too limited to diagnose the situation. His third heresy is that the increase in carbon dioxide may take us back to that wettest and warmest point in the interglacial period when the Sahara Desert was wet, and that this may be a better climate overall, driving at the critical juncture between naturalists and humanists. The fourth heresy makes an analogy between the transition that computers made to become small and ubiquitous, and the direction that biotechnology perhaps ought to go. Number five elaborates on communal sharing of genes and a completely new path for biology and evolution, and his sixth is that rural poverty should be solved by increasing the productivity of rural activities using “green technology,” (based on biology) such that people are not forced to migrate to urban centers

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Berbasis Aplikasi Media Sosial dalam Mendukung Penerapan Bidang Ilmu Jurnalistik di Era Digital

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    The use of Social Media (Medsos) applications and the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has developed and is influential in various fields of human life. The use of computers in the digital era is part of the life of Catholic Youth. The correct use of computers in various OMK activities can increase effectiveness, efficiency and measurability. The existence of the journalistic field can influence the ability and increase the creative power and sensitivity of OMK in filling public spaces. However, various journalistic activities such as reporting and publication carried out by OMK through various means such as social media are often still constrained by aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. This causes various OMK activities to not be able to make a positive and real contribution so that journalistic training is needed. The aim of training for OMK is to enrich knowledge, shape attitudes and improve skills for various ICT-based journalistic activities. Journalistic training methods include the first stage: pre-training (questionnaire), the second stage: training implementation (lectures, writing practice, presentations), and the third stage: training evaluation (interviews and questionnaires). The results of journalism training showed good and very good values ​​in the cognitive aspects of 35 people or 71.42%, affective 42 people or 85.71%, and psychomotor 36 people or 73.46% so it is hoped that OMK can improve various journalistic activities by utilizing ICT in the digital era so that it becomes professional.The use of Social Media (Medsos) applications and the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has developed and is influential in various fields of human life. The use of computers in the digital era is part of the life of Catholic Youth. The correct use of computers in various OMK activities can increase effectiveness, efficiency and measurability. The existence of the journalistic field can influence the ability and increase the creative power and sensitivity of OMK in filling public spaces. However, various journalistic activities such as reporting and publication carried out by OMK through various means such as social media are often still constrained by aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. This causes various OMK activities to not be able to make a positive and real contribution so that journalistic training is needed. The aim of training for OMK is to enrich knowledge, shape attitudes and improve skills for various ICT-based journalistic activities. Journalistic training methods include the first stage: pre-training (questionnaire), the second stage: training implementation (lectures, writing practice, presentations), and the third stage: training evaluation (interviews and questionnaires). The results of journalism training showed good and very good values ​​in the cognitive aspects of 35 people or 71.42%, affective 42 people or 85.71%, and psychomotor 36 people or 73.46% so it is hoped that OMK can improve various journalistic activities by utilizing ICT in the digital era so that it becomes professional

    Competition in the Computer Industry

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    This paper estimates the relative price sensitivity of individuals' choice of whether to buy computers online versus in retail stores using a new data source on the computer purchase behavior of more than 20,000 people. To estimate the degree of competition between the two channels, the paper uses a two step approach. First, it fits hedonic regressions for the prices paid for a computer in a retail store as a function of characteristics. The coefficients on the city fixed effects in these regressions give a measure of the retail price level The second stage then looks at whether individuals purchase their computers in stores versus online as a function of the retail price and their own personal characteristics. The results indicate that the decision to buy remotely is sensitive to the relative price of computers in retail stores and that it varies by type of customer and type of computer. Conditional on buying a computer, the overall elasticity of buying remotely with respect to retail store prices is about 1.5.