760 research outputs found

    An interior penalty method for a finite-dimensional linear complementarity problem in financial engineering

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    In this work we study an interior penalty method for a finite-dimensional large-scale linear complementarity problem (LCP) arising often from the discretization of stochastic optimal problems in financial engineering. In this approach, we approximate the LCP by a nonlinear algebraic equation containing a penalty term linked to the logarithmic barrier function for constrained optimization problems. We show that the penalty equation has a solution and establish a convergence theory for the approximate solutions. A smooth Newton method is proposed for solving the penalty equation and properties of the Jacobian matrix in the Newton method have been investigated. Numerical experimental results using three non-trivial test examples are presented to demonstrate the rates of convergence, efficiency and usefulness of the method for solving practical problems

    Nonlinear Parabolic Equations arising in Mathematical Finance

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    This survey paper is focused on qualitative and numerical analyses of fully nonlinear partial differential equations of parabolic type arising in financial mathematics. The main purpose is to review various non-linear extensions of the classical Black-Scholes theory for pricing financial instruments, as well as models of stochastic dynamic portfolio optimization leading to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. After suitable transformations, both problems can be represented by solutions to nonlinear parabolic equations. Qualitative analysis will be focused on issues concerning the existence and uniqueness of solutions. In the numerical part we discuss a stable finite-volume and finite difference schemes for solving fully nonlinear parabolic equations.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1603.0387

    Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods for Pricing Options on Investment Projects under Uncertainties

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    In this work, we focus on establishing partial differential equation (PDE) models for pricing flexibility options on investment projects under uncertainties and numerical methods for solving these models. we develop a finite difference method and an advanced fitted finite volume scheme and combine with an interior penalty method, as well as their convergence analyses, to solve the PDE and LCP models developed. The MATLAB program is for implementing testing the models of numerical algorithms developed

    Transformation Method for Solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation for Constrained Dynamic Stochastic Optimal Allocation Problem

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    In this paper we propose and analyze a method based on the Riccati transformation for solving the evolutionary Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation arising from the stochastic dynamic optimal allocation problem. We show how the fully nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation can be transformed into a quasi-linear parabolic equation whose diffusion function is obtained as the value function of certain parametric convex optimization problem. Although the diffusion function need not be sufficiently smooth, we are able to prove existence, uniqueness and derive useful bounds of classical H\"older smooth solutions. We furthermore construct a fully implicit iterative numerical scheme based on finite volume approximation of the governing equation. A numerical solution is compared to a semi-explicit traveling wave solution by means of the convergence ratio of the method. We compute optimal strategies for a portfolio investment problem motivated by the German DAX 30 Index as an example of application of the method

    An ETD method for multi-asset American option pricing under jump-diffusion model

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    In this paper, we propose a numerical method for American multi-asset options under jump-diffusion model based on the combination of the exponential time differencing (ETD) technique for the differential operator and Gauss–Hermite quadrature for the integral term. In order to simplify the computational sten- cil and improve characteristics of the ETD-scheme mixed derivative eliminating transformation is applied. The results are compared with recently proposed methods

    An ETD method for multi-asset American option pricing under jump-diffusion model

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    In this paper, we propose a numerical method for American multi-asset options under jump-diffusion model based on the combination of the exponential time differencing (ETD) technique for the differential operator and Gauss-Hermite quadrature for the integral term. In order to simplify the computational stencil and improve characteristics of the ETD-scheme mixed derivative eliminating transformation is applied. The results are compared with recently proposed methods.Ministerio de Ciencia, InnovaciĂłn y Universidades, Grant/Award Number: MTM2017- 89664-P; Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: PID2019-107685RB-I0

    Applications of Stochastic Control in Energy Real Options and Market Illiquidity

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    We present three interesting applications of stochastic control in finance. The first is a real option model that considers the optimal entry into and subsequent operation of a biofuel production facility. We derive the associated Hamilton Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation for the entry and operating decisions along with the econometric analysis of the stochastic price inputs. We follow with a Monte Carlo analysis of the risk profile for the facility. The second application expands on the analysis of the biofuel facility to account for the associated regulatory and taxation uncertainty experienced by players in the renewables and energy industries. A federal biofuel production subsidy per gallon has been available to producers for many years but the subsidy price level has changed repeatedly. We model this uncertain price as a jump process. We present and solve the HJB equations for the associated multidimensional jump diffusion problem which also addresses the model uncertainty pervasive in real option problems such as these. The novel real option framework we present has many applications for industry practitioners and policy makers dealing with country risk or regulatory uncertainty---which is a very real problem in our current global environment. Our final application (which, although apparently different from the first two applications, uses the same tools) addresses the problem of producing reliable bid-ask spreads for derivatives in illiquid markets. We focus on the hedging of over the counter (OTC) equity derivatives where the underlying assets realistically have transaction costs and possible illiquidity which standard finance models such as Black-Scholes neglect. We present a model for hedging under market impact (such as bid-ask spreads, order book depth, liquidity) using temporary and permanent equity price impact functions and derive the associated HJB equations for the problem. This model transitions from continuous to impulse trading (control) with the introduction of fixed trading costs. We then price and hedge via the economically sound framework of utility indifference pricing. The problem of hedging under liquidity impact is an on-going concern of market makers following the Global Financial Crisis
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