3,697 research outputs found

    Usability analysis of 3D Maps for Pedestrian Navigation among different demographic profiles

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    3-Dimensional (3D) maps may provide the users with a more real-world like view in comparison with the 2-Dimensional (2D) maps. 3D maps offer more degree of freedom in movement to the users, a first-person perspective view and other dynamic details such as time of the day, weather could also be incorporated. This paper demonstrates the evaluation of the usability of 3D maps for navigation purposes, in several general aspects including recognizing landmarks and using these visual cues for navigation among different representative user-groups. The 3D model was designed to replicate the High Street, Stratford, London, UK. The participants of the survey were required to explore the model, identify and memorize the landmarks and form a mental map. They were also asked to reproduce the route they took in a 2D paper map and answer a questionnaire on their perception of their own cognitive abilities and their response on the performance of the 3D model. The results confirmed that the usability can vary among users of different demographic profiles – age, gender and language and familiarity with 3D technologies. It also showed that with some improvements in level of details incorporated in the model and design, 3D maps could become a useful tool for navigation purposes

    An Orientation & Mobility Aid for People with Visual Impairments

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    Orientierung&Mobilität (O&M) umfasst eine Reihe von Techniken für Menschen mit Sehschädigungen, die ihnen helfen, sich im Alltag zurechtzufinden. Dennoch benötigen sie einen umfangreichen und sehr aufwendigen Einzelunterricht mit O&M Lehrern, um diese Techniken in ihre täglichen Abläufe zu integrieren. Während einige dieser Techniken assistive Technologien benutzen, wie zum Beispiel den Blinden-Langstock, Points of Interest Datenbanken oder ein Kompass gestütztes Orientierungssystem, existiert eine unscheinbare Kommunikationslücke zwischen verfügbaren Hilfsmitteln und Navigationssystemen. In den letzten Jahren sind mobile Rechensysteme, insbesondere Smartphones, allgegenwärtig geworden. Dies eröffnet modernen Techniken des maschinellen Sehens die Möglichkeit, den menschlichen Sehsinn bei Problemen im Alltag zu unterstützen, die durch ein nicht barrierefreies Design entstanden sind. Dennoch muss mit besonderer Sorgfalt vorgegangen werden, um dabei nicht mit den speziellen persönlichen Kompetenzen und antrainierten Verhaltensweisen zu kollidieren, oder schlimmstenfalls O&M Techniken sogar zu widersprechen. In dieser Dissertation identifizieren wir eine räumliche und systembedingte Lücke zwischen Orientierungshilfen und Navigationssystemen für Menschen mit Sehschädigung. Die räumliche Lücke existiert hauptsächlich, da assistive Orientierungshilfen, wie zum Beispiel der Blinden-Langstock, nur dabei helfen können, die Umgebung in einem limitierten Bereich wahrzunehmen, während Navigationsinformationen nur sehr weitläufig gehalten sind. Zusätzlich entsteht diese Lücke auch systembedingt zwischen diesen beiden Komponenten — der Blinden-Langstock kennt die Route nicht, während ein Navigationssystem nahegelegene Hindernisse oder O&M Techniken nicht weiter betrachtet. Daher schlagen wir verschiedene Ansätze zum Schließen dieser Lücke vor, um die Verbindung und Kommunikation zwischen Orientierungshilfen und Navigationsinformationen zu verbessern und betrachten das Problem dabei aus beiden Richtungen. Um nützliche relevante Informationen bereitzustellen, identifizieren wir zuerst die bedeutendsten Anforderungen an assistive Systeme und erstellen einige Schlüsselkonzepte, die wir bei unseren Algorithmen und Prototypen beachten. Existierende assistive Systeme zur Orientierung basieren hauptsächlich auf globalen Navigationssatellitensystemen. Wir versuchen, diese zu verbessern, indem wir einen auf Leitlinien basierenden Routing Algorithmus erstellen, der auf individuelle Bedürfnisse anpassbar ist und diese berücksichtigt. Generierte Routen sind zwar unmerklich länger, aber auch viel sicherer, gemaÌˆĂŸ den in Zusammenarbeit mit O&M Lehrern erstellten objektiven Kriterien. Außerdem verbessern wir die Verfügbarkeit von relevanten georeferenzierten Datenbanken, die für ein derartiges bedarfsgerechtes Routing benötigt werden. Zu diesem Zweck erstellen wir einen maschinellen Lernansatz, mit dem wir Zebrastreifen in Luftbildern erkennen, was auch über Ländergrenzen hinweg funktioniert, und verbessern dabei den Stand der Technik. Um den Nutzen von Mobilitätsassistenz durch maschinelles Sehen zu optimieren, erstellen wir O&M Techniken nachempfundene Ansätze, um die räumliche Wahrnehmung der unmittelbaren Umgebung zu erhöhen. Zuerst betrachten wir dazu die verfügbare Freifläche und informieren auch über mögliche Hindernisse. Weiterhin erstellen wir einen neuartigen Ansatz, um die verfügbaren Leitlinien zu erkennen und genau zu lokalisieren, und erzeugen virtuelle Leitlinien, welche Unterbrechungen überbrücken und bereits frühzeitig Informationen über die nächste Leitlinie bereitstellen. Abschließend verbessern wir die Zugänglichkeit von Fußgängerübergängen, insbesondere Zebrastreifen und Fußgängerampeln, mit einem Deep Learning Ansatz. Um zu analysieren, ob unsere erstellten Ansätze und Algorithmen einen tatsächlichen Mehrwert für Menschen mit Sehschädigung erzeugen, vollziehen wir ein kleines Wizard-of-Oz-Experiment zu unserem bedarfsgerechten Routing — mit einem sehr ermutigendem Ergebnis. Weiterhin führen wir eine umfangreichere Studie mit verschiedenen Komponenten und dem Fokus auf Fußgängerübergänge durch. Obwohl unsere statistischen Auswertungen nur eine geringfügige Verbesserung aufzeigen, beeinflußt durch technische Probleme mit dem ersten Prototypen und einer zu geringen Eingewöhnungszeit der Probanden an das System, bekommen wir viel versprechende Kommentare von fast allen Studienteilnehmern. Dies zeigt, daß wir bereits einen wichtigen ersten Schritt zum Schließen der identifizierten Lücke geleistet haben und Orientierung&Mobilität für Menschen mit Sehschädigung damit verbessern konnten

    Investigation of Shadow Matching for GNSS Positioning in Urban Canyons

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    All travel behavior of people in urban areas relies on knowing their position. Obtaining position has become increasingly easier thanks to the vast popularity of ‘smart’ mobile devices. The main and most accurate positioning technique used in these devices is global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). However, the poor performance of GNSS user equipment in urban canyons is a well-known problem and it is particularly inaccurate in the cross-street direction. The accuracy in this direction greatly affects many applications, including vehicle lane identification and high-accuracy pedestrian navigation. Shadow matching is a new technique that helps solve this problem by integrating GNSS constellation geometries and information derived from 3D models of buildings. This study brings the shadow matching principle from a simple mathematical model, through experimental proof of concept, system design and demonstration, algorithm redesign, comprehensive experimental tests, real-time demonstration and feasibility assessment, to a workable positioning solution. In this thesis, GNSS performance in urban canyons is numerically evaluated using 3D models. Then, a generic two-phase 6-step shadow matching system is proposed, implemented and tested against both geodetic and smartphone-grade GNSS receivers. A Bayesian technique-based shadow matching is proposed to account for NLOS and diffracted signal reception. A particle filter is designed to enable multi-epoch kinematic positioning. Finally, shadow matching is adapted and implemented as a mobile application (app), with feasibility assessment conducted. Results from the investigation confirm that conventional ranging-based GNSS is not adequate for reliable urban positioning. The designed shadow matching positioning system is demonstrated complementary to conventional GNSS in improving urban positioning accuracy. Each of the three generations of shadow matching algorithm is demonstrated to provide better positioning performance, supported by comprehensive experiments. In summary, shadow matching has been demonstrated to significantly improve urban positioning accuracy; it shows great potential to revolutionize urban positioning from street level to lane level, and possibly meter level

    Street-level desires, Discovering the city on foot:

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    In the spring of 2004, Delft University of Technology was approached by Norwich City Council with a request to participate in their project Spatial Metro. Spatial Metro was developed within the framework of Interreg IIIB. Interreg is a community initiative which aims to stimulate interregional cooperation within the EU, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The programme aspires to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the EU by fostering the balanced development of the continent through cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. The B strain of Interreg deals with transnational cooperation. As an Interreg IIIB project in the North-west European region, Spatial Metro brings together partners from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, The Netherlands and even Switzerland. The original Spatial Metro project proposal is straightforward. It claims that cities are chaotic places. It states that tourists, visiting business people, shoppers and even residents rarely have a clear or coherently expressed view of what a city has to offer geographically or thematically. The proposal assumes that people’s stay is shortened by their lack of overview of or information on what a town can offer them. As lead partner of the project, Norwich explains in quantitative terms what this means to the economy of a city: Visitors who plan a day trip to a city will stay in town for an average four to four-and-half hours and spend about ÂŁ 100. If the welcome they receive is inhospitable, the destination is confusing, and demands are not met, the same visitor will tend to leave after only two hours and spend less than ÂŁ 50. If their arrival is welcoming, the destination is safe, clean, relaxed and intelligible and if visitors can navigate their way around and their initial expectations are fulfilled or surpassed, they will stay for six to seven hours and spend more than ÂŁ 150. At first glance, these statements may seem somewhat narrow in scope. Not every city is chaotic and surely there is more to life than just money. However, placed in their proper context, these words make perfect sense. Five cities are participating in Spatial Metro: Norwich and Bristol (UK), Rouen (F), Koblenz (D) and Biel/Bienne (CH). Each of these cities is characterised by a historic city centre. Norwich itself is proud to have the most intact mediaeval street pattern of the United Kingdom. Mediaeval street patterns are the product of spontaneous urban growth and lack the sometimes rigid clarity of modern planned developments. Mediaeval street patterns are indeed difficult to navigate and pose a true challenge. Norwich also developed a successful and long-standing policy to prevent out of town shopping by strengthening the vitality of its original historic district. Such a policy requires a city to take a serious look at its economic performance. From this perspective, it is a sound approach to optimise conditions allowing people to discover a city on foot. As such, the Spatial Metro project prompted the Delft University of Technology to tap into a greater European experience that integrates aspects such as urban renaissance, built heritage, public space, pedestrian mobility, leisure economy and even sustainability. The partnership also included knowledge organisations. Each of these partners has supported the project in their own unique way. The University of East Anglia deployed its automated modelling software to visualise the original historic centres. The University Koblenz/Landau delivered a so-called Blue Box that provides on the spot information by means of Bluetooth technology. The Swiss Pedestrian Association made various contributions as a strategic and competent expert organisation on pedestrian mobility. The Delft University of Technology examined the question as to how to assess the effectiveness of the investments made in Norwich, Rouen and Koblenz. How can aspects like the accessibility and navigability of public spaces be measured? Much of the effectiveness hereof naturally depends on the way people use the public space. We used novel tools to analyse in detail the movement patterns of people visiting these three city centres. Finally, Delft decided to capture the essence of the Spatial Metro experience in a document reflecting the versatility of the transnational response to pedestrian mobility and the regeneration of the historic European city centre. The document became this book, ‘Street Level Desires’. The book aims to disseminate our experience and knowledge to further strengthen social and economic cohesion throughout Europe. &nbsp

    Principles for sustainable public open spaces in Sandton: a recommendation for the Johannesburg Metropolitan Open Space System (JMOSS)

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    A Research Report submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree in Master of Science in Town and Regional Planning, University of the Witwatersrand, 2016Public open spaces such as parks provide vibrancy to the ordinary city by means of providing spaces for the community for recreational, health and leisure activities. A sustainable public open space provides an opportunity for a city to become more sustainable where a public open space is more than a space for the community. This research aims at developing a set of principles that may be adopted by the Johannesburg Metropolitan Open Space System (JMOSS) in order to create sustainable public open spaces. The objectives of the research report include unpacking various debates regarding the use, users and definition of public open spaces, identifying what the existing principles are for open spaces as used by JMOSS, identifying where the parks and vacant parcels of land are in the Sandton and surrounding area, identifying what makes a public open space coherent, contextual and co-existent, identifying the shortfalls of the public open spaces in Sandton in terms of their coherency, co-existence, contextuality and sustainability, and identifying local and international precedents of Sustainable Public Open Spaces. The nature of this research report will include qualitative research where in depth interviews, photographs, mapping and case studies will be used in order to develop the principles for sustainable public open spaces. Two main concepts will be drawn on to develop the principles for sustainable public open spaces. Firstly, the concept of sustainable public open spaces by Reiter (2004) whereby the three principles of coherence, co-existence and contextuality are used. Secondly, the concept of sustainability as discussed by Gedikli (n.d.) where sustainable urban development incorporates social justice, sustainable economies, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, the concept of sustainability is the focus of how public open spaces can become more resilient, adaptable, efficient and effective spaces within the city for the public to use, by developing a set of principles for sustainable public open spaces. This research report culminates in the development of a set of principles for sustainable public open spaces, entitled “The Three Cs for Sustainable Public Open Spaces”. These principles can be applied on a generic scale but require guidelines in the context in which they are applied. Therefore, these principles are derived alongside guidelines for the context of the public open spaces within and around the Sandton CBD.MT201

    A Systematic Review of Urban Navigation Systems for Visually Impaired People

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    Blind and Visually impaired people (BVIP) face a range of practical difficulties when undertaking outdoor journeys as pedestrians. Over the past decade, a variety of assistive devices have been researched and developed to help BVIP navigate more safely and independently. In~addition, research in overlapping domains are addressing the problem of automatic environment interpretation using computer vision and machine learning, particularly deep learning, approaches. Our aim in this article is to present a comprehensive review of research directly in, or relevant to, assistive outdoor navigation for BVIP. We breakdown the navigation area into a series of navigation phases and tasks. We then use this structure for our systematic review of research, analysing articles, methods, datasets and current limitations by task. We also provide an overview of commercial and non-commercial navigation applications targeted at BVIP. Our review contributes to the body of knowledge by providing a comprehensive, structured analysis of work in the domain, including the state of the art, and guidance on future directions. It will support both researchers and other stakeholders in the domain to establish an informed view of research progress

    Mobile phone technology as an aid to contemporary transport questions in walkability, in the context of developing countries

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    The emerging global middle class, which is expected to double by 2050 desires more walkable, liveable neighbourhoods, and as distances between work and other amenities increases, cities are becoming less monocentric and becoming more polycentric. African cities could be described as walking cities, based on the number of people that walk to their destinations as opposed to other means of mobility but are often not walkable. Walking is by far the most popular form of transportation in Africa’s rapidly urbanising cities, although it is not often by choice rather a necessity. Facilitating this primary mode, while curbing the growth of less sustainable mobility uses requires special attention for the safety and convenience of walking in view of a Global South context. In this regard, to further promote walking as a sustainable mobility option, there is a need to assess the current state of its supporting infrastructure and begin giving it higher priority, focus and emphasis. Mobile phones have emerged as a useful alternative tool to collect this data and audit the state of walkability in cities. They eliminate the inaccuracies and inefficiencies of human memories because smartphone sensors such as GPS provides information with accuracies within 5m, providing superior accuracy and precision compared to other traditional methods. The data is also spatial in nature, allowing for a range of possible applications and use cases. Traditional inventory approaches in walkability often only revealed the perceived walkability and accessibility for only a subset of journeys. Crowdsourcing the perceived walkability and accessibility of points of interest in African cities could address this, albeit aspects such as ease-of-use and road safety should also be considered. A tool that crowdsources individual pedestrian experiences; availability and state of pedestrian infrastructure and amenities, using state-of-the-art smartphone technology, would over time also result in complete surveys of the walking environment provided such a tool is popular and safe. This research will illustrate how mobile phone applications currently in the market can be improved to offer more functionality that factors in multiple sensory modalities for enhanced visual appeal, ease of use, and aesthetics. The overarching aim of this research is, therefore, to develop the framework for and test a pilot-version mobile phone-based data collection tool that incorporates emerging technologies in collecting data on walkability. This research project will assess the effectiveness of the mobile application and test the technical capabilities of the system to experience how it operates within an existing infrastructure. It will continue to investigate the use of mobile phone technology in the collection of user perceptions of walkability, and the limitations of current transportation-based mobile applications, with the aim of developing an application that is an improvement to current offerings in the market. The prototype application will be tested and later piloted in different locations around the globe. Past studies are primarily focused on the development of transport-based mobile phone applications with basic features and limited functionality. Although limited progress has been made in integrating emerging advanced technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data analytics, amongst others into mobile phone applications; what is missing from these past examples is a comprehensive and structured application in the transportation sphere. In turn, the full research will offer a broader understanding of the iii information gathered from these smart devices, and how that large volume of varied data can be better and more quickly interpreted to discover trends, patterns, and aid in decision making and planning. This research project attempts to fill this gap and also bring new insights, thus promote the research field of transportation data collection audits, with particular emphasis on walkability audits. In this regard, this research seeks to provide insights into how such a tool could be applied in assessing and promoting walkability as a sustainable and equitable mobility option. In order to get policy-makers, analysts, and practitioners in urban transport planning and provision in cities to pay closer attention to making better, more walkable places, appealing to them from an efficiency and business perspective is vital. This crowdsourced data is of great interest to industry practitioners, local governments and research communities as Big Data, and to urban communities and civil society as an input in their advocacy activities. The general findings from the results of this research show clear evidence that transport-based mobile phone applications currently available in the market are increasingly getting outdated and are not keeping up with new and emerging technologies and innovations. It is also evident from the results that mobile smartphones have revolutionised the collection of transport-related information hence the need for new initiatives to help take advantage of this emerging opportunity. The implications of these findings are that more attention needs to be paid to this niche going forward. This research project recommends that more studies, particularly on what technologies and functionalities can realistically be incorporated into mobile phone applications in the near future be done as well as on improving the hardware specifications of mobile phone devices to facilitate and support these emerging technologies whilst keeping the cost of mobile devices as low as possible

    The egocentric city

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    This thesis is going to discus the advantages of the use of a GPS as a tool for surveying the pedestrian movements of individuals in an urban environment. An experiment is going to take place that will try to evolve City designs specifically for the pedestrian movements of particular individuals whose tracks have been recorded with a GPS for this specific purpose. The aim is to see if the rest of participants’ movement habits have been affected by this mutation in the city grid and if yes in what ways. As Cities can be considered as Emergent environment that are generated through the interaction of several factors it would be interesting to see how this different way of generating city plans would affect the outcome
