8 research outputs found

    PeMNet for Pectoral Muscle Segmentation

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    X.Y. holds a CSC scholarship with the University of Leicester. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest. This paper is partially supported by Royal Society International Exchanges Cost Share Award, UK (RP202G0230); Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Award, UK (MC_PC_17171); Hope Foundation for Cancer Research, UK (RM60G0680); Sino-UK Industrial Fund, UK (RP202G0289); Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UK (P202PF11); British Heart Foundation Accelerator Award, UK (AA/18/3/34220); Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software (kx201901); MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa under the RTI2018-098913-B100 project, by the Consejeria de Economia, Innovacion, Ciencia y Empleo (Junta de Andalucia) and FEDER under CV20-45250, A-TIC-080-UGR18, B-TIC-586-UGR20 and P20-00525 projects.As an important imaging modality, mammography is considered to be the global gold standard for early detection of breast cancer. Computer-Aided (CAD) systems have played a crucial role in facilitating quicker diagnostic procedures, which otherwise could take weeks if only radiologists were involved. In some of these CAD systems, breast pectoral segmentation is required for breast region partition from breast pectoral muscle for specific analysis tasks. Therefore, accurate and efficient breast pectoral muscle segmentation frameworks are in high demand. Here, we proposed a novel deep learning framework, which we code-named PeMNet, for breast pectoral muscle segmentation in mammography images. In the proposed PeMNet, we integrated a novel attention module called the Global Channel Attention Module (GCAM), which can effectively improve the segmentation performance of Deeplabv3+ using minimal parameter overheads. In GCAM, channel attention maps (CAMs) are first extracted by concatenating feature maps after paralleled global average pooling and global maximum pooling operation. CAMs are then refined and scaled up by multi-layer perceptron (MLP) for elementwise multiplication with CAMs in next feature level. By iteratively repeating this procedure, the global CAMs (GCAMs) are then formed and multiplied elementwise with final feature maps to lead to final segmentation. By doing so, CAMs in early stages of a deep convolution network can be effectively passed on to later stages of the network and therefore leads to better information usage. The experiments on a merged dataset derived from two datasets, INbreast and OPTIMAM, showed that PeMNet greatly outperformed state-of-the-art methods by achieving an IoU of 97.46%, global pixel accuracy of 99.48%, Dice similarity coefficient of 96.30%, and Jaccard of 93.33%, respectively.CSCRoyal Society International Exchanges Cost Share Award, UK RP202G0230Medical Research Council Confidence in Concept Award, UK MC_PC_17171Hope Foundation for Cancer Research, UK RM60G0680Sino-UK Industrial Fund, UK RP202G0289Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), UK P202PF11British Heart Foundation Accelerator Award, UK AA/18/3/34220Guangxi Key Laboratory of Trusted Software kx201901FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa RTI2018-098913-B100Junta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission CV20-45250 A-TIC-080-UGR18 B-TIC-586-UGR20 P20-00525MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Review of the amphisbaenid genus Leposternon

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    p. 381-464 : ill., maps ; 27 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 459-464)."The present study, based on more than 800 specimens in some 40 collections and on a review of all references in the literature, reduces the more than 24 named forms of the South American amphisbaenian genus Leposternon to seven, six of these having been previously named, and the seventh thus far known from only a single specimen. The species Leposternon microcephalum occupies almost the entire generic range, whereas the remaining forms (L. infraorbitale, L. octostegum, L. polystegum, L. scutigerum, L. wuchereri) appear to be more or less sympatric to it. The single, yet unnamed individual of the seventh form stems from Goi谩s, within the range of L. infraorbitale. The variability of integumentary architecture is much greater in this genus than in those other amphisbaenians thus far examined. The cephalic segmentation of some of the species in particular shows remarkable local variance, and the dermal-vertebral ratio is most irregular, departing drastically from the value of two, which is almost universal in other species of the order; some local variants particularly would seem to provide raw material for several kinds of interesting supplementary studies"--P. 459

    Segmentation of the breast region with pectoral muscle suppression and automatic breast density classification

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboraci贸 amb Universit茅 catholique de Louvain. Ecole Polytechnique de LouvainBreast cancer is one of the major causes of death among women. Nowadays screening mammography is the most adopted technique to perform an early breast cancer detection ahead other procedures like screen film mammography (SFM) or ultrasound scan. Computer assisted diagnosis (CAD) of mammograms attempts to help radiologists providing an automatic procedure to detect possible cancers in mammograms. Suspicious breast cancers appear as white spots in mammograms, indicating small clusters of micro-calcifications. Mammogram sensitivity decreases due some factors like density of the breast, presence of labels, artifacts or even pectoral muscle. The pre-processing of mammogram images is a very important step in the breast cancer analysis and detection because it might reduce the number of false positives. In this thesis we propose a method to segment and classify automatically mammograms according to their density. We perform several procedures including pre-processing (enhancement of the image, noise reduction, orientation finding or borders removal) and segmentation (separate the breast from the background, labels and pectoral muscle present in the mammograms) in order to increase the sensitivity of our CAD system. The final goal is the classification for diagnosis, in other words, finding the density class for an incoming mammography in order tot determine if more tests are needed to find possible cancers in the image. This functionality will be included in a new clinical imaging annotation system for computer aided breast cancer screening developed by the Communications and Remote Sensing Department at the Universit茅 Catholique de Louvain. The source code for the pre-processing and segmentation step has been programmed in C++ using the library of image processing ITK and CMake compiler. The performed method has been applied to medio-lateral oblique-view (MLO) mammograms as well as on caniocauldal mammograms (CC) belonging to different databases. The classification step has been implemented in Matlab. We have tested our pre-processing method obtaining a rate of 100% success removing labels and artifacts from mammograms of mini-MIAS database. The pectoral removal rate has been evaluated subjectively obtaining a rate of good removal of 57.76%. Finally, for the classification step, the best recognition rate that we have obtained was 76.25% using only pixel values, and 77.5% adding texture features, classifying images belonging to mini-MIAS database into 3 different density types. These results can be compared with the actual state of the art in segmentation and classification of biomedical images.El c谩ncer de mama es una de las mayores causas de muerte entre las mujeres. Actualmente, las mamograf铆as digitales son la t茅cnica m谩s adoptada para realizar una previa detecci贸n de estos c谩nceres antes que otros procedimientos como "screen film mammography (SFM)" o esc谩neres de ultrasonidos. Los programas de diagn贸stico autom谩tico (CAD) ayudan a los radi贸logos provey茅ndolos de un procedimiento autom谩tico para detectar posibles c谩nceres en las mamograf铆as. Posibles c谩nceres aparecen en las mamograf铆as como puntos blancos indicando peque帽os grupos de micro-calcificaciones. La sensibilidad de las mamografias decrece debido a algunos factores como la densidad del pecho, presencia de etiquetas o artefactos o incluso de m煤sculo pectoral. El pre-procesado de las mamograf铆as es un paso muy importante en la detecci贸n de posibles c谩nceres de mama ya que puede reducir el n煤mero de falsos positivos. En esta tesis proponemos un m茅todo para segmentar y clasificar autom谩ticamente las mamograf铆as seg煤n su densidad. Hemos realizado varios procedimientos incluyendo, pre-procesado (realce de la imagen, reducci贸n de ruido, descubrimiento de la orientaci贸n o supresi贸n de bordes) y segmentaci贸n (separar el pecho de fondo, etiquetas y m煤sculo pectoral presente en mamograf铆as) para incrementar la sensibilidad de nuestro sistema CAD. El objetivo final es la clasificaci贸n para diagnosis, en otras palabras, encontrar la clase de densidad para una mamograf铆a entrante y determinar si son necesarios m谩s pruebas para encontrar posibles c谩nceres en las im谩genes. Esta funcionalidad va a ser incluida en una nueva aplicaci贸n ara anotaci贸n de im谩genes cl铆nicas desarrollada por el Departamento de Comunicaci贸n y Detecci贸n Remota de la Universidad Cat贸lica de Lovaina. El c贸digo fuente para el pre-procesado y la segmentaci贸n ha sido desarrollado en C++ utilizando la librer铆a de procesado de imagen ITK y el compilador CMake. El m茅todo implementado puede ser aplicado a tanto medio-lateral (MLO) como a caniocauldal mamograf铆as (CC) pertenecientes a diferentes bases de datos. El m茅todo de clasificaci贸n ha sido implementado en Matlab. Hemos testeado nuestro m茅todo de pre-procesado obteniendo una tasa de suceso pr贸xima al 100% en la eliminaci贸n de etiquetas y artefactos de la base de datos de mamograf铆as mini-MIAS. La tasa de supresi贸n de m煤sculo pectoral ha sido evaluada de forma subjetiva obteniendo un 57.76%. Finalmente, en el m茅todo de clasificaci贸n se ha obtenido un 76.25% usando s贸lo informaci贸n de los p铆xeles y un 77.5% usando informaci贸n de texturas. Los resultados pueden ser comparados con el actual estado del arte en segmentaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de im谩genes biom茅dicas.El c脿ncer de mama 茅s una de les majors causes de mort entre les dones. Actualment, les mamografies digitals s贸n la t猫cnica m茅s utilitzada per realitzar una pr猫via detecci贸 d'aquests c脿ncers abans que altres procediments com "screen film mammography (SFM)" o esc脿ners d'ultrasons. Els programes de diagn貌stic autom脿tic (CAD) ajuden als radi貌legs prove茂nt d'un procediment autom脿tic per detectar possibles c脿ncers a les mamografies. Possibles c脿ncers apareixen en les mamografies com punts blancs indicant petits grups de micro-calcificacions. La sensibilitat de les mamografies decreix a causa d'alguns factors com la densitat del pit, pres猫ncia d'etiquetes o artefactes o fins i tot de m煤scul pectoral. El pre-processat de les mamografies 茅s un pas molt important en la detecci贸 de possibles c脿ncers de mama ja que pot reduir el nombre de falsos positius. En aquesta tesi proposem un m猫tode per segmentar i classificar autom脿ticament les mamografies segons la seva densitat. Hem realitzat diversos procediments incloent, pre-processat (real莽 de la imatge, reducci贸 de soroll, descobriment de l'orientaci贸 o supressi贸 de vores) i segmentaci贸 (separar el pit de fons, etiquetes i m煤scul pectoral present en mamografies) per incrementar la sensibilitat de nostre sistema CAD. L'objectiu final 茅s la classificaci贸 per diagnosi, en altres paraules, trobar la classe de densitat per a una mamografia entrant i determinar si s贸n necessaris m茅s proves per trobar possibles c脿ncers en les imatges. Aquesta funcionalitat ser脿 inclosa en una nova aplicaci贸 ara anotaci贸 d'imatges cl铆niques desenvolupada pel Departament de Comunicaci贸 i Detecci贸 Remota de la Universitat Cat貌lica de Lovaina. El codi font per al pre-processat i la segmentaci贸 ha estat desenvolupat en C + + utilitzant la llibreria de processat d'imatge ITK i el compilador CMake. El m猫tode implementat pot ser aplicat a tant mediolateral (MLO) com a caniocauldal mamografies (CC) pertanyents a diferents bases de dades. El m猫tode de classificaci贸 ha estat implementat en Matlab. Hem testejat el nostre m猫tode de pre-processat obtenint una taxa de succ茅s propera al 100% en l'eliminaci贸 d'etiquetes i artefactes de la base de dades de mamografies mini-MIAS. La taxa de supressi贸 de m煤scul pectoral ha estat avaluada de manera subjectiva obtenint un 57.76%. Finalment, en el m猫tode de classificaci贸 s'ha obtingut un 76.25% usant nom茅s informaci贸 dels p铆xels i un 77.5% usant informaci贸 de textures. Els resultats poden ser comparats amb l'actual estat de l'art en segmentaci贸 i classificaci贸 d'imatges biom猫diques

    PeMNet for Pectoral Muscle Segmentation

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    As an important imaging modality, mammography is considered to be the global gold standard for early detection of breast cancer. Computer-Aided (CAD) systems have played a crucial role in facilitating quicker diagnostic procedures, which otherwise could take weeks if only radiologists were involved. In some of these CAD systems, breast pectoral segmentation is required for breast region partition from breast pectoral muscle for specific analysis tasks. Therefore, accurate and efficient breast pectoral muscle segmentation frameworks are in high demand. Here, we proposed a novel deep learning framework, which we code-named PeMNet, for breast pectoral muscle segmentation in mammography images. In the proposed PeMNet, we integrated a novel attention module called the Global Channel Attention Module (GCAM), which can effectively improve the segmentation performance of Deeplabv3+ using minimal parameter overheads. In GCAM, channel attention maps (CAMs) are first extracted by concatenating feature maps after paralleled global average pooling and global maximum pooling operation. CAMs are then refined and scaled up by multi-layer perceptron (MLP) for elementwise multiplication with CAMs in next feature level. By iteratively repeating this procedure, the global CAMs (GCAMs) are then formed and multiplied elementwise with final feature maps to lead to final segmentation. By doing so, CAMs in early stages of a deep convolution network can be effectively passed on to later stages of the network and therefore leads to better information usage. The experiments on a merged dataset derived from two datasets, INbreast and OPTIMAM, showed that PeMNet greatly outperformed state-of-the-art methods by achieving an IoU of 97.46%, global pixel accuracy of 99.48%, Dice similarity coefficient of 96.30%, and Jaccard of 93.33%, respectively

    PeMNet for Pectoral Muscle Segmentation

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    As an important imaging modality, mammography is considered to be the global gold standard for early detection of breast cancer. Computer-Aided (CAD) systems have played a crucial role in facilitating quicker diagnostic procedures, which otherwise could take weeks if only radiologists were involved. In some of these CAD systems, breast pectoral segmentation is required for breast region partition from breast pectoral muscle for specific analysis tasks. Therefore, accurate and efficient breast pectoral muscle segmentation frameworks are in high demand. Here, we proposed a novel deep learning framework, which we code-named PeMNet, for breast pectoral muscle segmentation in mammography images. In the proposed PeMNet, we integrated a novel attention module called the Global Channel Attention Module (GCAM), which can effectively improve the segmentation performance of Deeplabv3+ using minimal parameter overheads. In GCAM, channel attention maps (CAMs) are first extracted by concatenating feature maps after paralleled global average pooling and global maximum pooling operation. CAMs are then refined and scaled up by multi-layer perceptron (MLP) for elementwise multiplication with CAMs in next feature level. By iteratively repeating this procedure, the global CAMs (GCAMs) are then formed and multiplied elementwise with final feature maps to lead to final segmentation. By doing so, CAMs in early stages of a deep convolution network can be effectively passed on to later stages of the network and therefore leads to better information usage. The experiments on a merged dataset derived from two datasets, INbreast and OPTIMAM, showed that PeMNet greatly outperformed state-of-the-art methods by achieving an IoU of 97.46%, global pixel accuracy of 99.48%, Dice similarity coefficient of 96.30%, and Jaccard of 93.33%, respectively