11 research outputs found

    On the leakage-power modeling for optimal server operation

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    Leakage power consumption is a com- ponent of the total power consumption in data cen- ters that is not traditionally considered in the set- point temperature of the room. However, the effect of this power component, increased with temperature, can determine the savings associated with the careful management of the cooling system, as well as the re- liability of the system. The work presented in this paper detects the need of addressing leakage power in order to achieve substantial savings in the energy consumption of servers. In particular, our work shows that, by a careful detection and management of two working regions (low and high impact of thermal- dependent leakage), energy consumption of the data- center can be optimized by a reduction of the cooling budget

    Metaverse: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Future Directions for Scalable and Realtime Virtual Worlds

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    With the emergence of Cloud computing, Internet of Things-enabled Human-Computer Interfaces, Generative Artificial Intelligence, and high-accurate Machine and Deep-learning recognition and predictive models, along with the Post Covid-19 proliferation of social networking, and remote communications, the Metaverse gained a lot of popularity. Metaverse has the prospective to extend the physical world using virtual and augmented reality so the users can interact seamlessly with the real and virtual worlds using avatars and holograms. It has the potential to impact people in the way they interact on social media, collaborate in their work, perform marketing and business, teach, learn, and even access personalized healthcare. Several works in the literature examine Metaverse in terms of hardware wearable devices, and virtual reality gaming applications. However, the requirements of realizing the Metaverse in realtime and at a large-scale need yet to be examined for the technology to be usable. To address this limitation, this paper presents the temporal evolution of Metaverse definitions and captures its evolving requirements. Consequently, we provide insights into Metaverse requirements. In addition to enabling technologies, we lay out architectural elements for scalable, reliable, and efficient Metaverse systems, and a classification of existing Metaverse applications along with proposing required future research directions

    Computing server power modeling in a data center: survey,taxonomy and performance evaluation

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    Data centers are large scale, energy-hungry infrastructure serving the increasing computational demands as the world is becoming more connected in smart cities. The emergence of advanced technologies such as cloud-based services, internet of things (IoT) and big data analytics has augmented the growth of global data centers, leading to high energy consumption. This upsurge in energy consumption of the data centers not only incurs the issue of surging high cost (operational and maintenance) but also has an adverse effect on the environment. Dynamic power management in a data center environment requires the cognizance of the correlation between the system and hardware level performance counters and the power consumption. Power consumption modeling exhibits this correlation and is crucial in designing energy-efficient optimization strategies based on resource utilization. Several works in power modeling are proposed and used in the literature. However, these power models have been evaluated using different benchmarking applications, power measurement techniques and error calculation formula on different machines. In this work, we present a taxonomy and evaluation of 24 software-based power models using a unified environment, benchmarking applications, power measurement technique and error formula, with the aim of achieving an objective comparison. We use different servers architectures to assess the impact of heterogeneity on the models' comparison. The performance analysis of these models is elaborated in the paper

    Enhancing Regression Models for Complex Systems using Evolutionary Techniques for Feature Engineering

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    Abstract This work proposes an automatic methodology for modeling complex systems. Our methodology is based on the combination of Grammatical Evolution and classical regression to obtain an optimal set of features that take part of a linear and convex model. This technique provides both Feature Engineering and Symbolic Regression in order to infer accurate models with no effort or designer's expertise requirements. As advanced Cloud services are becoming mainstream, the contribution of data centers in the overall power consumption of modern cities is growing dramatically. These facilities consume from 10 to 100 times more power per square foot than typical office buildings. Modeling the power consumption for these infrastructures is crucial to anticipate the effects of aggressive optimization policies, but accurate and fast power modeling is a complex challenge for high-end servers not yet satisfied by analytical approaches. For this case study, our methodology minimizes error in power prediction. This work has been tested using real Cloud applications resulting on an average error in power estimation of 3.98%. Our work improves the possibilities of deriving Cloud energy efficient policies in Cloud data center

    A performance evaluation methodology to find the best parallel regions to reduce energy consumption

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    Due to energy limitations imposed to supercomputers, parallel applications developed for High Performance Computers (HPC) are currently being investigated with energy efficiency metrics. The idea is to reduce the energy footprint of these applications. While some energy reduction strategies consider the application as a whole, certain strategies adjust the core frequency only for certain regions of the parallel code. Load balancing or blocking communication phases could be used as opportunities for energy reduction, for instance. The efficiency analysis of such strategies is usually carried out with traditional methodologies derived from the performance analysis domain. It is clear that a finer grain methodology, where the energy reduction is evaluated per each code region and frequency configuration, could potentially lead to a better understanding of how energy consumption can be reduced for a particular algorithm implementation. To get this, the main challenges are: (a) the detection of such, possibly parallel, code regions and the large number of them; (b) which frequency should be adopted for that region (to reduce energy consumption without too much penalty for the runtime); and (c) the cost to dynamically adjust core frequency. The work described in this dissertation presents a performance analysis methodology to find the best parallel region candidates to reduce energy consumption. The proposal is three folded: (a) a clever design of experiments based on screening, especially important when a large number of parallel regions is detected in the applications; (b) a traditional energy and performance evaluation on the regions that were considered as good candidates for energy reduction; and (c) a Pareto-based analysis showing how hard is to obtain energy gains in optimized codes. In (c), we also show other trade-offs between performance loss and energy gains that might be of interest of the application developer. Our approach is validated against three HPC application codes: Graph500; Breadth-First Search, and Delaunay Refinement.Devido as limitações de consumo energético impostas a supercomputadores, métricas de eficiência energética estão sendo usadas para analisar aplicações paralelas desenvolvidas para computadores de alto desempenho. O objetivo é a redução do custo energético dessas aplicações. Algumas estratégias de redução de consumo energética consideram a aplicação como um todo, outras reduzem ajustam a frequência dos núcleos apenas em certas regiões do código paralelo. Fases de balanceamento de carga ou de comunicação bloqueante podem ser oportunas para redução do consumo energético. A análise de eficiência dessas estratégias é geralmente realizada com metodologias tradicionais derivadas do domínio de análise de desempenho. Uma metodologia de grão mais fino, onde a redução de energia é avaliada para cada região de código e frequência pode lever a um melhor entendimento de como o consumo energético pode ser minimizado para uma determinada implementação. Para tal, os principais desafios são: (a) a detecção de um número possivelmente grande de regiões paralelas; (b) qual frequência deve ser adotada para cada região de forma a limitar o impacto no tempo de execução; e (c) o custo do ajuste dinâmico da frequência dos núcleos. O trabalho descrito nesta dissertação apresenta uma metodologia de análise de desempenho para encontrar, dentre as regiões paralelas, os melhores candidatos a redução do consumo energético. (Cotninua0 Esta proposta consiste de: (a) um design inteligente de experimentos baseado em Plackett-Burman, especialmente importante quando um grande número de regiões paralelas é detectado na aplicação; (b) análise tradicional de energia e desempenho sobre as regiões consideradas candidatas a redução do consumo energético; e (c) análise baseada em eficiência de Pareto mostrando a dificuldade em otimizar o consumo energético. Em (c) também são mostrados os diferentes pontos de equilíbrio entre desempenho e eficiência energética que podem ser interessantes ao desenvolvedor. Nossa abordagem é validada por três aplicações: Graph500, busca em largura, e refinamento de Delaunay

    CoolCloud: improving energy efficiency in virtualized data centers

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    In recent years, cloud computing services continue to grow and has become more pervasive and indispensable in people\u27s lives. The energy consumption continues to rise as more and more data centers are being built. How to provide a more energy efficient data center infrastructure that can support today\u27s cloud computing services has become one of the most important issues in the field of cloud computing research. In this thesis, we mainly tackle three research problems: 1. how to achieve energy savings in a virtualized data center environment; 2. how to maintain service level agreements; 3. how to make our design practical for actual implementation in enterprise data centers. Combining all the studies above, we propose an optimization framework named CoolCloud to minimize energy consumption in virtualized data centers with the service level agreement taken into consideration. The proposed framework minimizes energy at two different layers: (1) minimize local server energy using dynamic voltage \& frequency scaling (DVFS) exploiting runtime program phases. (2) minimize global cluster energy using dynamic mapping between virtual machines (VMs) and servers based on each VM\u27s resource requirement. Such optimization leads to the most economical way to operate an enterprise data center. On each local server, we develop a voltage and frequency scheduler that can provide CPU energy savings under applications\u27 or virtual machines\u27 specified SLA requirements by exploiting applications\u27 run-time program phases. At the cluster level, we propose a practical solution for managing the mappings of VMs to physical servers. This framework solves the problem of finding the most energy efficient way (least resource wastage and least power consumption) of placing the VMs considering their resource requirements

    Resource Orchestration in Softwarized Networks

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    Network softwarization is an emerging research area that is envisioned to revolutionize the way network infrastructure is designed, operated, and managed today. Contemporary telecommunication networks are going through a major transformation, and softwarization is recognized as a crucial enabler of this transformation by both academia and industry. Softwarization promises to overcome the current ossified state of Internet network architecture and evolve towards a more open, agile, flexible, and programmable networking paradigm that will reduce both capital and operational expenditures, cut-down time-to-market of new services, and create new revenue streams. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) are two complementary networking technologies that have established themselves as the cornerstones of network softwarization. SDN decouples the control and data planes to provide enhanced programmability and faster innovation of networking technologies. It facilitates simplified network control, scalability, availability, flexibility, security, cost-reduction, autonomic management, and fine-grained control of network traffic. NFV utilizes virtualization technology to reduce dependency on underlying hardware by moving packet processing activities from proprietary hardware middleboxes to virtualized entities that can run on commodity hardware. Together SDN and NFV simplify network infrastructure by utilizing standardized and commodity hardware for both compute and networking; bringing the benefits of agility, economies of scale, and flexibility of data centers to networks. Network softwarization provides the tools required to re-architect the current network infrastructure of the Internet. However, the effective application of these tools requires efficient utilization of networking resources in the softwarized environment. Innovative techniques and mechanisms are required for all aspects of network management and control. The overarching goal of this thesis is to address several key resource orchestration challenges in softwarized networks. The resource allocation and orchestration techniques presented in this thesis utilize the functionality provided by softwarization to reduce operational cost, improve resource utilization, ensure scalability, dynamically scale resource pools according to demand, and optimize energy utilization