100 research outputs found

    Two-channel linear phase FIR QMF bank minimax design via global nonconvex optimization programming

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    In this correspondence, a two-channel linear phase finite impulse response (FIR) quadrature mirror filter (QMF) bank minimax design problem is formulated as a nonconvex optimization problem so that a weighted sum of the maximum amplitude distortion of the filter bank, the maximum passband ripple magnitude and the maximum stopband ripple magnitude of the prototype filter is minimized subject to specifications on these performances. A modified filled function method is proposed for finding the global minimum of the nonconvex optimization problem. Computer numerical simulations show that our proposed design method is efficient and effective

    Improved technique for design of perfect reconstruction FIR QMF banks with lossless polyphase matrices

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    A technique is developed for the design of analysis filters in an M-channel maximally decimated, perfect reconstruction, finite-impulse-response quadrature mirror filter (FIR QMF) bank that has a lossless polyphase-component matrix E(z). The aim is to optimize the parameters characterizing E(z) until the sum of the stopband energies of the analysis filters is minimized. There are four novel elements in the procedure reported here. The first is a technique for efficient initialization of one of the M analysis filters, as a spectral factor of an Mth band filter. The factorization itself is done in an efficient manner using the eigenfilters approach, without the need for root-finding techniques. The second element is the initialization of the internal parameters which characterize E(z), based on the above spectral factor. The third element is a modified characterization, mostly free from rotation angles, of the FIR E(z). The fourth is the incorporation of symmetry among the analysis filters, so as to minimize the number of unknown parameters being optimized. The resulting design procedure always gives better filter responses than earlier ones (for a given filter length) and converges much faste

    On the theory and design of a class of PR uniform and recombination nonuniform causal-Stable IIR cosine modulated filter banks

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    This paper studies the theory and design of a class of perfect reconstruction (PR) uniform causal-stable infinite-impulse response (IIR) cosine modulated filter banks (CMFBs). The design approach is also applicable to the design of PR recombination nonuniform (RN) IIR CMFBs. The polyphase components of the prototype filters of these IIR CMFBs are assumed to have the same denominator so as to simplify the PR condition. In designing the proposed IIR CMFB, a PR FIR CMFB with similar specifications is first designed. The finite-impulse response prototype filter is then converted to a nearly PR (NPR) IIR CMFB using a modified model reduction technique. The NPR IIR CMFB so obtained has a reasonably low reconstruction error. Its denominator is designed to be a polynomial in z M, where M is the number of channels, to simplify the PR condition. Finally, it is employed as the initial guess to constrained nonlinear optimization software for the design of the PR IIR CMFB. Design results show that both NPR and PR IIR CMFBs with good frequency characteristics and different system delays can be obtained by the proposed method. By using these IIR CMFBs in the RN CMFBs, new RN NPR and PR IIR CMFBs can be obtained similarly. © 2008 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Subband coding of digital audio signals without loss of quality

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    A subband coding system for high quality digital audio signals is described. To achieve low bit rates at a high quality level, it exploits the simultaneous masking effect of the human ear. It is shown how this effect can be used in an adaptive bit-allocation scheme. The proposed approach has been applied in two coding systems, a complex system in which signal is split into 26 subbands, each approximately one third of an octave wide, and a simpler 20-band system. Both systems have been designed for coding stereophonic 16-bit compact disk signals with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. With the 26-band system high-quality results can be obtained at bit rates of 220 kb/s. With the 20-band system, similar results can be obtained at bit rates of 360 kb/

    On the eigenfilter design method and its applications: a tutorial

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    The eigenfilter method for digital filter design involves the computation of filter coefficients as the eigenvector of an appropriate Hermitian matrix. Because of its low complexity as compared to other methods as well as its ability to incorporate various time and frequency-domain constraints easily, the eigenfilter method has been found to be very useful. In this paper, we present a review of the eigenfilter design method for a wide variety of filters, including linear-phase finite impulse response (FIR) filters, nonlinear-phase FIR filters, all-pass infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, arbitrary response IIR filters, and multidimensional filters. Also, we focus on applications of the eigenfilter method in multistage filter design, spectral/spacial beamforming, and in the design of channel-shortening equalizers for communications applications

    An Iterative Design with Variable Step Prototype Filter for Cosine Modulated Filter Bank

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    A systematic and self controlled prototype filter design approach for multichannel Cosine Modulated Near Perfect Reconstruction (NPR) filter bank is proposed in this paper. The primary goal is to design a prototype filter with enhanced performance i.e., minimum amplitude distortion and aliasing error. This algorithm approximates 3dB cutoff frequency very close to π/2M. This is achieved by selecting suitable step size which is a function of transition width. If the selection of step size is too fine, the objective function oscillates. Whereas, if step size is coarse, 3dB cutoff frequency will not be close to π/2M. This will degrade the overall performance of the prototype filter. Thus by choosing the step size as a function of transition width and varying the step size from coarser to finer level, the minimum amplitude distortion and aliasing error can be definitely achieved. The proposed filter is designed using two input parameters: number of subbands M and attenuation A and all other system parameters are derived from it to avoid heuristic inputs. Simulation results indicate better performance with reference to algorithms existing in literature. In addition, the design approach is systematic and self controlled

    Multirate digital filters, filter banks, polyphase networks, and applications: a tutorial

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    Multirate digital filters and filter banks find application in communications, speech processing, image compression, antenna systems, analog voice privacy systems, and in the digital audio industry. During the last several years there has been substantial progress in multirate system research. This includes design of decimation and interpolation filters, analysis/synthesis filter banks (also called quadrature mirror filters, or QMFJ, and the development of new sampling theorems. First, the basic concepts and building blocks in multirate digital signal processing (DSPJ, including the digital polyphase representation, are reviewed. Next, recent progress as reported by several authors in this area is discussed. Several applications are described, including the following: subband coding of waveforms, voice privacy systems, integral and fractional sampling rate conversion (such as in digital audio), digital crossover networks, and multirate coding of narrow-band filter coefficients. The M-band QMF bank is discussed in considerable detail, including an analysis of various errors and imperfections. Recent techniques for perfect signal reconstruction in such systems are reviewed. The connection between QMF banks and other related topics, such as block digital filtering and periodically time-varying systems, based on a pseudo-circulant matrix framework, is covered. Unconventional applications of the polyphase concept are discussed

    Natural Image Statistics for Digital Image Forensics

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    We describe a set of natural image statistics that are built upon two multi-scale image decompositions, the quadrature mirror filter pyramid decomposition and the local angular harmonic decomposition. These image statistics consist of first- and higher-order statistics that capture certain statistical regularities of natural images. We propose to apply these image statistics, together with classification techniques, to three problems in digital image forensics: (1) differentiating photographic images from computer-generated photorealistic images, (2) generic steganalysis; (3) rebroadcast image detection. We also apply these image statistics to the traditional art authentication for forgery detection and identification of artists in an art work. For each application we show the effectiveness of these image statistics and analyze their sensitivity and robustness

    On the design and multiplierless realization of perfect reconstruction triplet-based FIR filter banks and wavelet bases

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    This paper proposes new methods for the efficient design and realization of perfect reconstruction (PR) two-channel finite-impulse response (FIR) triplet filter banks (FBs) and wavelet bases. It extends the linear-phase FIR triplet FBs of Ansari et al. to include FIR triplet FBs with lower system delay and a prescribed order of K regularity. The design problem using either the minimax error or least-squares criteria is formulated as a semidefinite programming problem, which is a very flexible framework to incorporate linear and convex quadratic constraints. The K regularity conditions are also expressed as a set of linear equality constraints in the variables to be optimized and they are structurally imposed into the design problem by eliminating the redundant variables. The design method is applicable to linear-phase as well as low-delay triplet FBs. Design examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Furthermore, it was found that the analysis and synthesis filters of the triplet FB have a more symmetric frequency responses. This property is exploited to construct a class of PR M-channel uniform FBs and wavelets with M = 2 L, where L is a positive integer, using a particular tree structure. The filter lengths of the two-channel FBs down the tree are approximately reduced by a factor of two at each level or stage, while the transition bandwidths are successively increased by the same factor. Because of the downsampling operations, the frequency responses of the final analysis filters closely resemble those in a uniform FB with identical transition bandwidth. This triplet-based uniform M-channel FB has very low design complexity and the PR condition and K regularity conditions are structurally imposed. Furthermore, it has considerably lower arithmetic complexity and system delay than conventional tree structure using identical FB at all levels. The multiplierless realization of these FBs using sum-of-power-of-two (SOPOT) coefficients and multiplier block is also studied. © 2004 IEEE.published_or_final_versio