136,927 research outputs found

    Learning functional object categories from a relational spatio-temporal representation

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    Abstract. We propose a framework that learns functional objectcategories from spatio-temporal data sets such as those abstracted from video. The data is represented as one activity graph that encodes qualitative spatio-temporal patterns of interaction between objects. Event classes are induced by statistical generalization, the instances of which encode similar patterns of spatio-temporal relationships between objects. Equivalence classes of objects are discovered on the basis of their similar role in multiple event instantiations. Objects are represented in a multidimensional space that captures their role in all the events. Unsupervised learning in this space results in functional object-categories. Experiments in the domain of food preparation suggest that our techniques represent a significant step in unsupervised learning of functional object categories from spatio-temporal patterns of object interaction.

    Editorial: crime patterns in time and space: the dynamics of crime opportunities in urban areas

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    The routine activity approach and associated crime pattern theory emphasise how crime emerges from spatio-temporal routines. In order to understand this crime should be studied in both space and time. However, the bulk of research into crime patterns and related activities has investigated the spatial distributions of crime, neglecting the temporal dimension. Specifically, disaggregation of crime by place and by time, for example hour of day, day of week, month of year, season, or school day versus none school day, is extremely relevant to theory. Modern data make such spatio-temporal disaggregation increasingly feasible, as exemplified in this special issue. First, much larger data files allow disaggregation of crime data into temporal and spatial slices. Second, new forms of data are generated by modern technologies, allowing innovative and new forms of analyses. Crime pattern analyses and routine activity inquiries are now able to explore avenues not previously available. The unique collection of nine papers in this thematic issue specifically examine spatio-temporal patterns of crime to; demonstrate the value of this approach for advancing knowledge in the field; consider how this informs our theoretical understanding of the manifestations of crime in time and space; to consider the prevention implications of this; and to raise awareness of the need for further spatio-temporal research into crime event

    Group Analysis of Self-organizing Maps based on Functional MRI using Restricted Frechet Means

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    Studies of functional MRI data are increasingly concerned with the estimation of differences in spatio-temporal networks across groups of subjects or experimental conditions. Unsupervised clustering and independent component analysis (ICA) have been used to identify such spatio-temporal networks. While these approaches have been useful for estimating these networks at the subject-level, comparisons over groups or experimental conditions require further methodological development. In this paper, we tackle this problem by showing how self-organizing maps (SOMs) can be compared within a Frechean inferential framework. Here, we summarize the mean SOM in each group as a Frechet mean with respect to a metric on the space of SOMs. We consider the use of different metrics, and introduce two extensions of the classical sum of minimum distance (SMD) between two SOMs, which take into account the spatio-temporal pattern of the fMRI data. The validity of these methods is illustrated on synthetic data. Through these simulations, we show that the three metrics of interest behave as expected, in the sense that the ones capturing temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal aspects of the SOMs are more likely to reach significance under simulated scenarios characterized by temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal differences, respectively. In addition, a re-analysis of a classical experiment on visually-triggered emotions demonstrates the usefulness of this methodology. In this study, the multivariate functional patterns typical of the subjects exposed to pleasant and unpleasant stimuli are found to be more similar than the ones of the subjects exposed to emotionally neutral stimuli. Taken together, these results indicate that our proposed methods can cast new light on existing data by adopting a global analytical perspective on functional MRI paradigms.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Neuroimag

    Spatio-Temporal Patterning in Primary Motor Cortex at Movement Onset

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    Voluntary movement initiation involves the engagement of large populations of motor cortical neurons around movement onset. Despite knowledge of the temporal dynamics that lead to movement, the spatial structure of these dynamics across the cortical surface remains unknown. In data from 4 rhesus macaques, we show that the timing of attenuation of beta frequency local field potential oscillations, a correlate of locally activated cortex, forms a spatial gradient across primary motor cortex (MI). We show that these spatio-temporal dynamics are recapitulated in the engagement order of ensembles of MI neurons. We demonstrate that these patterns are unique to movement onset and suggest that movement initiation requires a precise spatio-temporal sequential activation of neurons in MI
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