834,272 research outputs found

    On the geometric structure of fMRI searchlight-based information maps

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    Information mapping is a popular application of Multivoxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA) to fMRI. Information maps are constructed using the so called searchlight method, where the spherical multivoxel neighborhood of every voxel (i.e., a searchlight) in the brain is evaluated for the presence of task-relevant response patterns. Despite their widespread use, information maps present several challenges for interpretation. One such challenge has to do with inferring the size and shape of a multivoxel pattern from its signature on the information map. To address this issue, we formally examined the geometric basis of this mapping relationship. Based on geometric considerations, we show how and why small patterns (i.e., having smaller spatial extents) can produce a larger signature on the information map as compared to large patterns, independent of the size of the searchlight radius. Furthermore, we show that the number of informative searchlights over the brain increase as a function of searchlight radius, even in the complete absence of any multivariate response patterns. These properties are unrelated to the statistical capabilities of the pattern-analysis algorithms used but are obligatory geometric properties arising from using the searchlight procedure.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Prediction of isometric motor tasks and effort levels based on high-density EMG in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury

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    Objective. The development of modern assistive and rehabilitation devices requires reliable and easy-to-use methods to extract neural information for control of devices. Group-specific pattern recognition identifiers are influenced by inter-subject variability. Based on high-density EMG (HD-EMG) maps, our research group has already shown that inter-subject muscle activation patterns exist in a population of healthy subjects. The aim of this paper is to analyze muscle activation patterns associated with four tasks (flexion/extension of the elbow, and supination/pronation of the forearm) at three different effort levels in a group of patients with incomplete Spinal Cord Injury (iSCI). Approach. Muscle activation patterns were evaluated by the automatic identification of these four isometric tasks along with the identification of levels of voluntary contractions. Two types of classifiers were considered in the identification: linear discriminant analysis and support vector machine. Main results. Results show that performance of classification increases when combining features extracted from intensity and spatial information of HD-EMG maps (accuracy = 97.5%). Moreover, when compared to a population with injuries at different levels, a lower variability between activation maps was obtained within a group of patients with similar injury suggesting stronger task-specific and effort-level-specific co-activation patterns, which enable better prediction results. Significance. Despite the challenge of identifying both the four tasks and the three effort levels in patients with iSCI, promising results were obtained which support the use of HD-EMG features for providing useful information regarding motion and force intentionPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Generalization of geometric phase to completely positive maps

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    We generalize the notion of relative phase to completely positive maps with known unitary representation, based on interferometry. Parallel transport conditions that define the geometric phase for such maps are introduced. The interference effect is embodied in a set of interference patterns defined by flipping the environment state in one of the two paths. We show for the qubit that this structure gives rise to interesting additional information about the geometry of the evolution defined by the CP map.Comment: Minor revision. 2 authors added. 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTex

    Phase mapping of optical fields in integrated optical waveguide structures

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    The phase evolution of optical waves in a waveguide structure has been studied with a heterodyne interferometric photon scanning tunneling microscope. Both phase and amplitude of the local optical field are measured with subwavelength resolution. Topographical maps of the waveguide surface are obtained simultaneously with the optical information. Unexpected phase patterns, with phase jumps and phase singularities, have been observed. The phase patterns can be fully understood by taking into account the total field that is the sum of the optical fields of the various modes. We show that with the unique spatial phase information, the relative field profiles and wave vectors of all the excited modes in a multimodal waveguide structure can be determined independently

    Forbidden patterns and shift systems

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    The scope of this paper is two-fold. First, to present to the researchers in combinatorics an interesting implementation of permutations avoiding generalized patterns in the framework of discrete-time dynamical systems. Indeed, the orbits generated by piecewise monotone maps on one-dimensional intervals have forbidden order patterns, i.e., order patterns that do not occur in any orbit. The allowed patterns are then those patterns avoiding the so-called forbidden root patterns and their shifted patterns. The second scope is to study forbidden patterns in shift systems, which are universal models in information theory, dynamical systems and stochastic processes. Due to its simple structure, shift systems are accessible to a more detailed analysis and, at the same time, exhibit all important properties of low-dimensional chaotic dynamical systems (e.g., sensitivity to initial conditions, strong mixing and a dense set of periodic points), allowing to export the results to other dynamical systems via order-isomorphisms.Comment: 21 pages, expanded Section 5 and corrected Propositions 3 and

    Analyzing eye movement patterns to improve map design

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    Recently, the use of eye tracking systems has been introduced in the field of cartography and GIS to support the evaluation of the quality of maps towards the user. The quantitative eye movement metrics are related to for example the duration or the number of the fixations which are subsequently (statistically) compared to detect significant differences in map designs or between different user groups. Hence, besides these standard eye movement metrics, other - more spatial - measurements and visual interpretations of the data are more suitable to investigate how users process, store and retrieve information from a (dynamic and/or) interactive map. This information is crucial to get insights in how users construct their cognitive map: e.g. is there a general search pattern on a map and which elements influence this search pattern, how do users orient a map, what is the influence of for example a pan operation. These insights are in turn crucial to be able to construct more effective maps towards the user, since the visualisation of the information on the map can be keyed to the user his cognitive processes. The study focuses on a qualitative and visual approach of the eye movement data resulting from a user study in which 14 participants were tested while working on 20 different dynamic and interactive demo-maps. Since maps are essentially spatial objects, the analysis of these eye movement data is directed towards the locations of the fixations, the visual representation of the scanpaths, clustering and aggregation of the scanpaths. The results from this study show interesting patterns in the search strategies of users on dynamic and interactive maps

    A Simple Baseline for Travel Time Estimation using Large-Scale Trip Data

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    The increased availability of large-scale trajectory data around the world provides rich information for the study of urban dynamics. For example, New York City Taxi Limousine Commission regularly releases source-destination information about trips in the taxis they regulate. Taxi data provide information about traffic patterns, and thus enable the study of urban flow -- what will traffic between two locations look like at a certain date and time in the future? Existing big data methods try to outdo each other in terms of complexity and algorithmic sophistication. In the spirit of "big data beats algorithms", we present a very simple baseline which outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, including Bing Maps and Baidu Maps (whose APIs permit large scale experimentation). Such a travel time estimation baseline has several important uses, such as navigation (fast travel time estimates can serve as approximate heuristics for A search variants for path finding) and trip planning (which uses operating hours for popular destinations along with travel time estimates to create an itinerary).Comment: 12 page