1,610 research outputs found

    Pattern recognition and image processing of infrared astronomical satellite images

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    The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) images with wavelengths of 60 [mu] m and 100 [mu] m contain mainly information on both extra-galactic sources and low-temperature interstellar media. The low-temperature interstellar media in the Milky Way impose a cirrus screen of IRAS images, especially in images with 100 [mu] m wavelength. This dissertation deals with the techniques of removing the cirrus clouds from the 100 [mu] m band in order to achieve accurate determinations of point sources and their intensities (fluxes). We employ an image filtering process which utilizes mathematical morphology and wavelet analysis as the key tools in removing the cirrus foreground emission. The filtering process consists of extraction and classification of the size information, and then using the classification results in removal of the cirrus component from each pixel of the image. Extraction of size information is the most important step in this process. It is achieved by either mathematical morphology or wavelet analysis. In the mathematical morphological method, extraction of size information is done using the sieving process. In the wavelet method, multi-resolution techniques are employed instead;The classification of size information distinguishes extra-galactic sources from cirrus using their averaged size information. The cirrus component for each pixel is then removed by using the averaged cirrus size information. The filtered image contains much less cirrus. Intensity alteration for extra-galactic sources in the filtered image are discussed. It is possible to retain the fluxes of the point sources when we weigh the cirrus component differently pixel by pixel. The importance of the uni-directional size information extractions are addressed in this dissertation. Such uni-directional extractions are achieved by constraining the structuring elements, or by constraining the sieving process to be sequential;The generalizations of mathematical morphology operations based on the dynamic hit-or-miss transform are presented in this dissertation. The generalized erosion ([gamma]-erosion) bridges traditional erosion and dilation. It also enriches the morphological operators available in the field of signal and image processing. Traditional closing is generalized into [gamma]-closing, which bridges traditional closing and opening. Properties of [gamma]-erosion and [gamma]-closing are discussed. The sieving process is generalized based on [gamma]-closing, and is bi-directional, with the polarity directly related to the parameter [gamma]. The size information extractors of morphological methods and wavelet methods are justified quantitatively using a prototype peak with fixed slope. The non-linearity of the sieving process is analyzed. It is shown that the sieving process can approach an approximate linearity at positions where the input signal has sharp peaks (i.e., the slopes are large). The spatial discriminating properties of the size information extractors are also very important

    Research data for 'All-optical pattern recognition and image processing on a metamaterial beam splitter'

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    Research data for &#39;All-optical pattern recognition and image processing on a metamaterial beam splitter&#39;</span

    Handwritten Character Recognition of South Indian Scripts: A Review

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    Handwritten character recognition is always a frontier area of research in the field of pattern recognition and image processing and there is a large demand for OCR on hand written documents. Even though, sufficient studies have performed in foreign scripts like Chinese, Japanese and Arabic characters, only a very few work can be traced for handwritten character recognition of Indian scripts especially for the South Indian scripts. This paper provides an overview of offline handwritten character recognition in South Indian Scripts, namely Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada and Telungu.Comment: Paper presented on the "National Conference on Indian Language Computing", Kochi, February 19-20, 2011. 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dairy cattle sub-clinical uterine disease diagnosis using pattern recognition and image processing techniques

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    This work presents a framework for diagnosing sub-clinical endometritis, a common uterine disease in dairy cattle, based in the analysis of ultrasound images of the uterine horn. The main contribution consists in the feature extraction proposal, based on the characteristics that the expert takes into account for diagnosing, such as statistics measures, image textures, shape, custom thickness measures and histogram, among others. Given the segmentation of the different regions of the uterine horn, a fully automatic supervised classification is performed, using a model based on C-SVM. Two different datasets of ultrasound images were used, acquired and tagged by an expert. The proposed framework shows promising results, allowing to consider the development of a complete automatic procedure to measure morphological features of the uterine horn that may contribute in the diagnosis of the pathology

    Image Processing for Cartographic Applications

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    The goal of classifying objects of cartographic interest in aerial photographs was approached using techniques from pattern recognition and image processing. Bridge and airport images were chosen as the initial objects of interest and segments of photographs containing them were digitized for the data base. Edge-detection and Hough transform algorithms identified structures as candidate bridges; additional decision logic (using global contrast and other attributes) further reduced the set. Results indicate the feasibility and low computational cost of the approach

    Fuzzy logic applications to expert systems and control

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    A considerable amount of work on the development of fuzzy logic algorithms and application to space related control problems has been done at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) over the past few years. Particularly, guidance control systems for space vehicles during proximity operations, learning systems utilizing neural networks, control of data processing during rendezvous navigation, collision avoidance algorithms, camera tracking controllers, and tether controllers have been developed utilizing fuzzy logic technology. Several other areas in which fuzzy sets and related concepts are being considered at JSC are diagnostic systems, control of robot arms, pattern recognition, and image processing. It has become evident, based on the commercial applications of fuzzy technology in Japan and China during the last few years, that this technology should be exploited by the government as well as private industry for energy savings

    Выделение характеристических признаков изображений с помощью преобразования Радона и возможность его аппаратной реализации в клеточных автоматах

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    Розглянуто принципи реалізації клітинних автоматів з гексагональним покриттям для розпізнавання і обробки зображень на основі перетворення Радона. Проведено програмне і апаратне моделювання розробленої структури в середовищі Alcive-HDL. Представлено результати знаходження прямих ліній і відрізків, а також розпізнавання зображень.The realization principles of cellular automata with hexagonal coverage for pattern recognition and image processing based on Radon transformation are considered. The software and hardware simulation of the developed structure in the Alcive-HDL environment is performed. The results of finding straight lines and segments and of artificial perception are presented

    Data processing in remote sensing

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    A brief overview of pattern recognition and image processing with special emphasis on the first topic and its application to remote sensing is presented. Some of the recent areas of work in pattern recognition are also highlighted

    Hybrid Computerized Decision Support System for Infrastructure Assessment

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    Currently, assessment techniques are performed subjectively, time consuming, and rely mostly on human visual inspection. Such subjective assessment methods have been identified as a critical obstacle to effective infrastructure management. The hybrid computerized decision support system for construction quality assessment applies concepts in the fields of machine learning, pattern recognition, and image processing. The system will automate the assessment process by acquiring digital images of the areas to be assessed and analyzing the images to identify and measure defects. Moreover, sample images will be used to train the system to acquire expert knowledge in identifying the defects and using this knowledge to later assess other cases