142,637 research outputs found

    Patriotism and Character: Some Aristotelian Observations

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    This chapter defends an Aristotelian account of patriotism that differs from, and improves upon, the ‘extreme’ account of Aristotelian patriotism defended by Alasdair MacIntyre in a famous lecture. The virtue of patriotism is modeled on Aristotle’s account of the virtue of friendship; and the resulting account of patriotism falls between MacIntyre’s extreme patriotism and Marcia Baron’s moderate patriotism. The chapter illustrates how this plausible Aristotelian account of patriotism can avoid the dilemma that Baron has pressed against MacIntyre’s extreme account. It also illustrates why the virtue of patriotism cannot coexist with willful forms of ignorance. In its discussion of patriotism and ignorance the chapter draws on a recent study (2018) of the especially strong connection in the United States between patriotism and poverty

    Patriotism, Rebuffed

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    During the three decades that Diamond Kimm spent in the United States, he confronted the most powerful judicial and legislative authorities in the country.  As a leader in the Korean American community in Los Angeles, Kimm spoke publicly about his political beliefs and criticized U.S. policies overseas and military intervention on the Korean peninsula.  Immigration officials sought to deport Kimm on the basis of his suspected communist affiliations and Kimm’s subsequent fight to remain in the country illuminates a significant chapter in the development of constitutional protections for immigrants, as well as the history of Asian Americans in the United States

    The Effect of Historical Narratives and Flag Type

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    This research will examine the effect of mainstream or marginalized historical narratives and the Confederate or American flag on temporal distancing, patriotism, perception of injustice, and assimilationist national identity. We expect that participants exposed to marginalized narratives will indicate higher perceived distance, especially when exposed to the Confederate flag. We expect that participants exposed to mainstream narratives will be highest on blind patriotism, especially when exposed to the American flag. We expect that participants in the American flag marginalized narrative condition would perceive the most racism and would reject more assimilationist conceptions of national identity. For the dependent measures of patriotism, perception of injustice, and national identity, we expect to find differences within the Confederate flag condition according to the meaning participants associate with the Confederate flag. These results will help us understand how people may respond to threatening narratives, how flag exposure may impact that response, and how historical narratives or flags can be presented to increase social justice awareness

    “Polarity, Patriotism, and Dissent in Great War Canada, 1914-1919 (Book Review)” by Brock Millman

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    Review of Polarity, Patriotism, and Dissent in Great War Canada, 1914-1919 by Brock Millma

    Elements of patriotism in "Pahlawan Pasir Salak" novel

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    This study focuses on the elements of patriotism in the novel "Pahlawan Pasir Salak" by Mohd Ismail Sarbini. This novel is a compulsory Bahasa Melayu text used as a Literature Component for Form Two. The setting of this novel is during the British Colonial Era. There are seven elements of patriotism adopted as the basis for the study which are Personal Patriotism, Official Patriotism, Icon Patriotism, Symbolic Patriotism, Capital Patriotism, Environment Patriotism and Symbolic Nationalists Patriotism. According to the study, the personal, icons, symbolic nationalist as well as capital patriotism is found to be very dorminant through the characters and certain events occurring in this novel. These patriotism elements are very important to be instilled in the next generation of our country that is emerging in the golden era for the betterment of the nation

    From Constitutional to Civic Patriotism

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    The Internet and the Iraq War

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    Presents findings from a survey conducted in March 2003. Looks at how supporters and opponents of the war are using the Internet differently, and how Americans are using email to debate, express concerns, and show their patriotism

    Imagined and imaginary whales: Benedict Anderson, Salman Rushdie and George Orwell

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    George Orwell, anticipating many of the arguments made by Benedict Anderson in the “Patriotism and Racism” chapter of Imagined Communities, illuminated patriotism and nationalism as shifting aspects of a wider dialectical interplay between an identification with imagined communities and a loyalty to humanity. Orwell's essay “Inside the Whale” can be seen, contrary to Salman Rushdie's criticism that it advocates quietism, as an essay about imaginary homelands. In this reading the whale is a metaphor for a dialectical space created by a writer in order to gain purchase on the unceasing dialectic of history. Analysis of The Lion and the Unicorn in this article links Orwell's work with that of Anderson and Rushdie by exploring in his vision of a classless England the relationship between the personal imaginary homeland and the political imagined community

    Menakar Kurikulum Geografi 2013 dalam Pengembangan Nilai Patriotisme

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    This study has the objective to measure the Geography Curriculum in 2013Curriculum (K-13) in the development of the value of patriotism. The method employedis the analysis of documents related to the geography curriculum. There are four findingsin this research, they are (1) based on documents from the Pusat Kurikulum dan Buku(Centre for Curriculum and Books), curriculum Geography has a goal to build characterand cultivate patriotism as to be pride as an Indonesian; (2) compared with the previouscurriculum, geography subjects in the K-13 greatly accentuate the materials of Indonesiangeography; (3) Content of the patriotism value has Sumpah Pemuda's spirit (IndonesianYouths' Vow for Indonesian Independence) as its background; and (4) to develop thevalue of patriotism, Geography learning uses a direct approach (instructional effects) andindirect approach (nurturant effects) to develop the value of patriotism. In direct approach,values of patriotism are delivered through advice by creating a learning environment thatenables the emergence of opportunities for teachers to give advices. In inndirec approach,the values of patriotism are developed through methods of recitation and media that havea positive impact on the development of patriotism

    The relationship between patriotism and regional identification: a cross-country analysis

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    Patriotism—as an ambivalent attitude towards the nation—has less exclusionary characteristics than nationalism and regional identification, because it does not require comparisons and hierarchies. What is less clear, however, is how to explain the positive evaluation of patriotism in the wider population. The article analyses the positive relationship of patriotism with nationalism and regional identification in 29 national and 421 regional contexts. The paper clearly shows that different factors explain the positive evaluation of patriotism and the mind-set of patriotism itself. While a nationalist attitude and regional identification at the individual level are strongly associated with a positive evaluation of patriotism and patriotism itself, institutionalised forms of regional autonomy are shown to be insignificant for the evaluation of patriotism and ambivalent for patriotism itself at the context level. The article concludes by discussing these results in the context of a Janus-faced nature of regional identification that can contribute to an inclusive society as much as to a nationalist-chauvinist attitude and which has so far been overlooked in regional science