206 research outputs found

    Experience-Based Planning with Sparse Roadmap Spanners

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    We present an experienced-based planning framework called Thunder that learns to reduce computation time required to solve high-dimensional planning problems in varying environments. The approach is especially suited for large configuration spaces that include many invariant constraints, such as those found with whole body humanoid motion planning. Experiences are generated using probabilistic sampling and stored in a sparse roadmap spanner (SPARS), which provides asymptotically near-optimal coverage of the configuration space, making storing, retrieving, and repairing past experiences very efficient with respect to memory and time. The Thunder framework improves upon past experience-based planners by storing experiences in a graph rather than in individual paths, eliminating redundant information, providing more opportunities for path reuse, and providing a theoretical limit to the size of the experience graph. These properties also lead to improved handling of dynamically changing environments, reasoning about optimal paths, and reducing query resolution time. The approach is demonstrated on a 30 degrees of freedom humanoid robot and compared with the Lightning framework, an experience-based planner that uses individual paths to store past experiences. In environments with variable obstacles and stability constraints, experiments show that Thunder is on average an order of magnitude faster than Lightning and planning from scratch. Thunder also uses 98.8% less memory to store its experiences after 10,000 trials when compared to Lightning. Our framework is implemented and freely available in the Open Motion Planning Library.Comment: Submitted to ICRA 201

    RoboTSP - A Fast Solution to the Robotic Task Sequencing Problem

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    In many industrial robotics applications, such as spot-welding, spray-painting or drilling, the robot is required to visit successively multiple targets. The robot travel time among the targets is a significant component of the overall execution time. This travel time is in turn greatly affected by the order of visit of the targets, and by the robot configurations used to reach each target. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize these two elements, a problem known in the literature as the Robotic Task Sequencing Problem (RTSP). Our contribution in this paper is two-fold. First, we propose a fast, near-optimal, algorithm to solve RTSP. The key to our approach is to exploit the classical distinction between task space and configuration space, which, surprisingly, has been so far overlooked in the RTSP literature. Second, we provide an open-source implementation of the above algorithm, which has been carefully benchmarked to yield an efficient, ready-to-use, software solution. We discuss the relationship between RTSP and other Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) variants, such as the Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP), and show experimentally that our method finds motion sequences of the same quality but using several orders of magnitude less computation time than existing approaches.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    The Provable Virtue of Laziness in Motion Planning

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    The Lazy Shortest Path (LazySP) class consists of motion-planning algorithms that only evaluate edges along shortest paths between the source and target. These algorithms were designed to minimize the number of edge evaluations in settings where edge evaluation dominates the running time of the algorithm; but how close to optimal are LazySP algorithms in terms of this objective? Our main result is an analytical upper bound, in a probabilistic model, on the number of edge evaluations required by LazySP algorithms; a matching lower bound shows that these algorithms are asymptotically optimal in the worst case

    Bayesian Active Edge Evaluation on Expensive Graphs

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    Robots operate in environments with varying implicit structure. For instance, a helicopter flying over terrain encounters a very different arrangement of obstacles than a robotic arm manipulating objects on a cluttered table top. State-of-the-art motion planning systems do not exploit this structure, thereby expending valuable planning effort searching for implausible solutions. We are interested in planning algorithms that actively infer the underlying structure of the valid configuration space during planning in order to find solutions with minimal effort. Consider the problem of evaluating edges on a graph to quickly discover collision-free paths. Evaluating edges is expensive, both for robots with complex geometries like robot arms, and for robots with limited onboard computation like UAVs. Until now, this challenge has been addressed via laziness i.e. deferring edge evaluation until absolutely necessary, with the hope that edges turn out to be valid. However, all edges are not alike in value - some have a lot of potentially good paths flowing through them, and some others encode the likelihood of neighbouring edges being valid. This leads to our key insight - instead of passive laziness, we can actively choose edges that reduce the uncertainty about the validity of paths. We show that this is equivalent to the Bayesian active learning paradigm of decision region determination (DRD). However, the DRD problem is not only combinatorially hard, but also requires explicit enumeration of all possible worlds. We propose a novel framework that combines two DRD algorithms, DIRECT and BISECT, to overcome both issues. We show that our approach outperforms several state-of-the-art algorithms on a spectrum of planning problems for mobile robots, manipulators and autonomous helicopters

    Dynamic collision avoidance system for a manipulator based on RGB-D data

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    The new paradigms of Industry 4.0 demand the collabora- tion between robot and humans. They could help and collaborate each other without any additional safety unlike other manipulators. The robot should have the ability of acquire the environment and plan (or re-plan) on-the- y the movement avoiding the obstacles and people. This paper proposes a system that acquires the environment space, based on a kinect sensor, performs the path planning of a UR5 manipulator for pick and place tasks while avoiding the objects, based on the point cloud from kinect. Results allow to validate the proposed system.Project ”TEC4Growth - Pervasive Intelligence, Enhancers and Proofs of Concept with Industrial Impact/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000020” is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational. Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work is also financed by the ERDF – European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation -COMPETE 2020 Programme within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006961, and by National Funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) as part of project UID/EEA/50014/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio