5 research outputs found

    Scheduling multicasts on unit-capacity trees and meshes

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    This paper studies the multicast routing and admission control problem on unit-capacity tree and mesh topologies in the throughput-model. The problem is a generalization of the edge-disjoint paths problem and is NP-hard both on trees and meshes. We study both the offline and the online version of the problem: In the offline setting, we give the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for trees, and an O((log log n)^2)-factor approximation algorithm for meshes. In the online setting, we give the first polylogarithmic competitive online algorithm for tree and mesh topologies. No polylogarithmic-competitive algorithm is possible on general network topologies [Bartal,Fiat,Leonardi, 96], and there exists a polylogarithmic lower bound on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm on tree topologies [Awerbuch,Azar,Fiat,Leighton, 96]. We prove the same lower bound for meshes

    Problèmes de routages dans les réseaux optiques

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    Scheduling multicasts on unit-capacity trees and meshes

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    This paper studies the multicast routing and admission control problem on unit-capacity tree and mesh topologies in the throughput model. The problem is a generalization of the edge-disjoint paths problem and is NP-hard both on trees and meshes. We study both the offline and the online version of the problem: In the offline setting, we give the first constant-factor approximation algorithm for trees, and an O((log log n)2)-factor approximation algorithm for meshes. In the online setting, we give the first polylogarithmic competitive online algorithm for tree and mesh topologies. No polylogarithmic-competitive algorithm is possible on general network topologies (Lower bounds for on-line graph problems with application to on-line circuits and optical routing, in: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1996, pp. 531-540) and there exists a polygarithmic lower bound on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm on tree topologies (Making commitments in the face of uncertainity: how to pick a winner almost every time, in: Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1996, pp. 519-530). We prove the same lower bound for meshes

    Path Coloring on the Mesh

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    In the minimum path coloring problem, we are given a list of pairs of vertices of a graph. We are asked to connect each pair by a colored path. Paths of the same color must be edge disjoint. Our objective is to minimize the number of colors used. This problem was raised by Aggarwal et al [1] and Raghavan and Upfal [22] as a model for routing in all-optical networks. It is also related to questions in circuit routing. In this paper, we improve the O(ln N ) approximation result of Kleinberg and Tardos [14] for path coloring on the N \Theta N mesh. We give an O(1) approximation algorithm to the number of colors needed, and a poly(ln ln N ) approximation algorithm to the choice of paths and colors. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first sub-logarithmic bounds for any network other than trees, rings, or trees of rings. Our results are based on developing new techniques for randomized rounding. These techniques iteratively improve a fractional solution until it approaches integral..