11 research outputs found

    Challenges of achieving good environmental status in the Northeast Atlantic

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    The sustainable exploitation of marine ecosystem services is dependent on achieving and maintaining an adequate ecosystem state to prevent undue deterioration. Within the European Union, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires member states to achieve Good Environmental Status (GEnS), specified in terms of 11 descriptors. We analyzed the complexity of social-ecological factors to identify common critical issues that are likely to influence the achievement of GEnS in the Northeast Atlantic (NEA) more broadly, using three case studies. A conceptual model developed using a soft systems approach highlights the complexity of social and ecological phenomena that influence, and are likely to continue to influence, the state of ecosystems in the NEA. The development of the conceptual model raised four issues that complicate the implementation of the MSFD, the majority of which arose in the Pressures and State sections of the model: variability in the system, cumulative effects, ecosystem resilience, and conflicting policy targets. The achievement of GEnS targets for the marine environment requires the recognition and negotiation of trade-offs across a broad policy landscape involving a wide variety of stakeholders in the public and private sectors. Furthermore, potential cumulative effects may introduce uncertainty, particularly in selecting appropriate management measures. There also are endogenous pressures that society cannot control. This uncertainty is even more obvious when variability within the system, e.g., climate change, is accounted for. Also, questions related to the resilience of the affected ecosystem to specific pressures must be raised, despite a lack of current knowledge. Achieving good management and reaching GEnS require multidisciplinary assessments. The soft systems approach provides one mechanism for bringing multidisciplinary information together to look at the problems in a different light

    The impact of climate change on marine spatial planning and the blue economy: vulnerability assessment and implications for a sustainable use of the ocean services

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    Tese de mestrado em Ecologia Marinha, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020O ordenamento do espaço marítimo (OEM) surgiu com o objetivo de promover uma melhor gestão e governança do oceano, procurando gerir espacialmente e temporalmente os usos do oceano, reduzindo conflitos e promovendo compatibilidades entre os diversos usos. Nos últimos 30 anos, muitos decisores políticos começaram a concentrar atenção neste tema, e os planos de ordenamento do espaço marítimo, tornaram-se um importante instrumento político, estando atualmente em desenvolvimento em 70 países, representando 45 % de todos os estados costeiros. Com o aumento dos fenómenos provocados pelas alterações climáticas, novas ameaças ao ambiente marinho e costeiro irão surgir, como também aos bens e serviços de que a população humana depende. Isto, trará inúmeros problemas no que respeita aos usos e atividades económicas correspondentes que dependem destes ecossistemas, sendo necessário medidas de adaptação efetivas. Estas adaptações, poderão provocar novos conflitos, problemas legais e novos impactos ambientais, afetando o crescimento da economia azul. Assim, reconhecer o desafio que as alterações climáticas irão trazer para o OEM e para a economia azul é fundamental para assegurar uma visão a longo prazo de um uso sustentável do oceano. Atualmente, são poucos os estudos que aplicaram uma abordagem holística para estimar e discutir os efeitos das alterações climáticas nos planos de ordenamento e na economia azul, bem como integrá-los nos processos. Por esta razão, este trabalho consiste na revisão da literatura existente sobre estudos de avaliação de vulnerabilidade no ambiente marinho, e no desenvolvimento de um índice de vulnerabilidade do OEM e economia azul dos Estados-Membros costeiros da União Europeia (UE), face às alterações climáticas. Os resultados obtidos e as implicações que poderão ter no OEM e na economia azul, são discutidos no âmbito desta tese. O presente estudo de avaliação de vulnerabilidade pode servir como suporte às políticas dos Estados-Membros costeiros da União Europeia, informando quais os usos do oceano mais relevantes em termos socioeconómicos e, simultaneamente, mais vulneráveis, como também, quais os planos de ordenamento e economias azuis mais vulneráveis às alterações climáticas. Servindo, assim, como reconhecimento da importância da integração das alterações climáticas nos futuros planos de gestão e ordenamento do oceano.Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) arose with the aim of promoting a better management and governance of the ocean, seeking to plan temporal and spatially the ocean uses, trying to reduce conflicts and arranging compatibility between uses. In the past 30 years, policy-makers have dedicated increasing attention to this issue, and MSP has become an important instrument, being currently under development in 70 countries, representing 45% of all coastal states. With the intensification of climate change, new threats are emerging for the marine and coastal environment, but also for the goods and services on which so many human populations depend. This poses numerous problems for the uses and activities that rely on these ecosystems, requiring effective adaptation. This adaptation could bring new conflicts, legal problems and new impacts on the environment, therefore affecting the Blue Economy (BE). Thus, recognizing the challenge that climate change will bring to MSP and to the BE is part of the solution to ensure a long-term vision of a sustainable ocean use. So far, few studies have applied a comprehensive approach to estimate and discuss the effects of climate change on marine spatial plans and on BE as well as integrating them within the process. For this reason, a review of the existing literature on Vulnerability Assessments was conducted to support the development of an MSP and BE vulnerability index for the European Union (EU) coastal Member States, as regards climate change. The obtained results and the implications they may have for the MSP and the BE, are discussed in this thesis. Our comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment can inform policy-making in coastal Member States, by identifying the ocean uses more vulnerable to climate change, considering social, economic and productivity factors. Moreover, the assessment also allows us to identify the marine spatial plans and BEs most vulnerable to climate change, emphasizing the importance of integrating climate change in future ocean management plans

    Structuring cumulative effects assessments to support regional and local marine management and planning obligations

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    Cumulative effects assessments are a legal requirement in many jurisdictions and are key to informing marine policy. However, practice does not yet deliver fit-for-purpose assessments relative to sustainable development and environmental protection obligations. The complexity of cumulative effect questions, which are embedded in complex social-ecological systems, makes multiple, methodologically diverse assessments a necessity. Using the expansion of marine renewable energy developments in European Union waters as a case study, this paper explores how social-ecological systems thinking and cumulative effects assessment theory can combine to structure CEAs that better support the management and regulation of maritime activities at regional scales. A general perspective for cumulative effects assessment is proposed to remove ambiguity of intent and to orient assessments towards a common objective. Candidate principles for practice are presented for consideration. These principles are integrated into a stepped assessment approach that seeks to improve cumulative effects assessments of localised activities relative to the information needs of decision-makers implementing the ecosystem approach

    Challenges, insights and perspectives associated with using social-ecological science for marine conservation

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    Here, we synthesize conceptual frameworks, applied modeling approaches, and as case studies to highlight complex social-ecological system (SES) dynamics that inform environmental policy, conservati ..

    Protecting Europe’s Future Seas

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    Modelos de padrões espaciais como apoio ao ordenamento do espaço marítimo português

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    Sea space is increasingly occupied and leading to rising pressures on species and habitats. Marine and coastal policy framework is acknowledging this fact and using Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) as a tool for achieving a better integrated management and planning of maritime spaces. The European Directive on Maritime Spatial Planning (Directive 2014/89/EU) aims to achieve an integrated approach to marine governance, whilst securing and maintaining the healthy status of marine and coastal waters, following an Ecosystem Based Management Approach (EBM). Moreover, Member States must produce plans until 2021. In 2014, Portugal enacted the law establishing the Basis of the National Maritime Space and in 2015 followed the framework for elaboration of the national Maritime Spatial Plan, named as Situation Plan. The Portuguese Situation Plan, developed for Mainland, Madeira and Extended Platform Subdivisions was approved in December 2019. This thesis’ main contribution is the development of a set of spatial patterns for addressing coasts and seas with comparable information, moving away from the sectorial approach to the sea. The patterns are used to classify maritime spaces and gather evidence on potentials opportunities and challenges for the development of regions. Therefore, this thesis develops methodological approaches for planners and managers to support the MSP process in a time and resource data limited setting using the Portuguese Mainland Subdivision as a case study. The approaches are easy to use, accessible and easily understood by planners and decision-makers. Most of the outputs were produced in the forms of maps showing combined information, and in some cases, different scenarios for selection of best available options. The focus was given to environmental impacts conservation and socio-ecological assessment in line with an EBM approach. The tools presented in this thesis can be of value in the years to come to provide MSP with relevant information to support an EBM approach to the sea management of ocean uses.O espaço marinho está cada vez mais ocupado conduzindo a pressões crescentes sobre as espécies e habitats. O quadro político marinho e costeiro está a reconhecer este facto e a utilizar o Ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo (OEM) como um instrumento para alcançar uma melhor gestão e planeamento integrados dos espaços marítimos. A Diretiva Europeia sobre Ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo (Diretiva 2014/89/UE) visa alcançar uma abordagem integrada da governação marinha, assegurando e mantendo simultaneamente o estado saudável das águas marinhas e costeiras, seguindo uma abordagem de Gestão Baseada em Ecossistemas (GBE). Além disso, os Estados Membros devem produzir planos até 2021. Em 2014, Portugal promulgou a lei que estabelece a Base do Espaço Marítimo Nacional e em 2015 seguiu-se o quadro para a elaboração do Plano de Ordenamento do Espaço Marítimo Nacional, denominado Plano de Situação. O Plano de Situação Português desenvolvido para o Continente, Madeira e Subdivisões da Plataforma Alargada foi aprovado em dezembro de 2019. A principal contribuição desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de padrões espaciais para abordar espaços costeiros e marinhos com informação comparável, afastando-se da abordagem sectorial ao mar. Os padrões são utilizados para classificar os espaços marítimos e recolher informações sobre potenciais oportunidades e desafios para o desenvolvimento das regiões. Esta tese desenvolve abordagens metodológicas para planeadores para apoiar o processo do OEM num contexto limitado de tempo e recursos, utilizando a Subdivisão Portuguesa do Continente como um estudo de caso. As abordagens são fáceis de utilizar, acessíveis e facilmente compreendidas por planeadores e decisores políticos. A maioria dos resultados foram produzidos sob a forma de mapas mostrando informação combinada, e em alguns casos, mostrando diferentes cenários para seleção das melhores opções disponíveis. O foco foi atribuído à conservação dos impactos ambientais e à avaliação sócio-ecológica, em linha com uma abordagem GBE. As ferramentas apresentadas nesta tese são úteis para fornecer ao OEM informações relevantes para apoiar uma abordagem GBE para a gestão dos oceanos.Programa Doutoral em Ciência, Tecnologia e Gestão do Ma

    Developing a novel approach to assess the cumulative effects of human activities to support contemporary marine management and planning.

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    The challenges of assessing and managing the cumulative impacts of human activities on the environment remain major obstacles to sustainable development. This challenge is highlighted by the worldwide expansion of marine renewable energy developments (MREDs) in areas already subject to multiple activities and where climate change is rapidly changing the environment. Cumulative effects assessments (CEAs) in theory provide decision makers with adequate information about how the environment will respond to the incremental effects of licensed activities and are a legal requirement in many nations. In practise, however, such assessments are beset by uncertainties that, in context of MREDs, resulting in substantial delays during the licensing process that limit progress towards meeting carbon emission reduction targets. At a broader level, poor CEA practice risks developments and activities being permitted that contribute to environmental degradation with negative implications for connected human societies. This thesis investigates the origins of CEA to understand why improved practice remains challenging and to identify key CEA considerations that need to be addressed to improve CEA. Shortcomings in current practice were evaluated to refine the key CEA considerations. A conceptual analysis of the underpinnings of CEA was completed that resulted in a tiered conception of CEA being proposed to support regional coherence between CEAs, and the elaboration of principles and a CEA pathway to support consistent CEA practice. The CEA pathway was tested by defining and collating evidence to populate the steps of the pathway, which was then applied to a case-study to investigate the potential for novel approaches to support improved CEA. Insights and directions for future research were discussed to contribute to the evidence base required to improve CEA and to advocate for a change in CEA, from being a sub-discipline of project- and plan- level assessments, to becoming the overarching purpose of such assessments.PhD in Environment and Agrifoo

    El cambio en las políticas públicas medioambientales desde el neo-institucionalismo transaccional: el caso de la política pesquera común

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, leída el 24-07-2017Este trabajo de investigación parte de la constatación del insuficiente cambio en las políticas públicas como un síntoma de las limitaciones del sistema político democrático. Éste último, entendido como mecanismo de gestión de riesgos para la sociedad (Zolo, 1992), tiene en la degradación medioambiental un desafío claro. Las repercusiones son intergeneracionales (Jonas, 1995) y la agravación de la crisis ecológica representa un fracaso político (Sinden, 2004). Las instituciones democráticas tendrían entonces limitaciones en el proceso decisional para generar policy change (PCh, cambios no incrementales) en las políticas públicas medioambientales. La investigación fundamenta el cuestionamiento en tres corrientes académicas: 1) los enfoques desde la ecología para la política subrayan la inoperancia de las instituciones; 2) las teorías del proceso de las políticas no explican los limitantes al PCh; 3) los costes de transacción (TCs) ofrecen una herramienta explicativa heurística.En la primera literatura se puede analizar la relación entre el medioambiente y la política desde tres principales perspectivas: el medioambiente desde la ciencia política como disciplina, el medioambiente en la política (Cf. Paulson, Gezon y Watts, 2003) y la acción política desde el medioambiente. En la tercera se han generado tres enfoques principales in crescendo (Dobson, 1997): el desarrollo sostenible (DS), la modernización (ME) y democratización ecológica (DE). Según ésta, para revertir el fracaso de la modernización ecológica (Warner 2010) se deberían refundar las instituciones democráticas (Bourg, 2010): el proceso decisional debería integrar los intereses de actores hoy in-visibilizados o infra-representados.El objetivo final de esta investigación es falsear la tesis de la democratización ecológica sobre la necesidad de un cambio en la representación de actores no involucrados en la toma de decisiones para generar PCh en las políticas públicas medioambientales...Fac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEunpu

    El cambio en las políticas públicas medioambientales desde el neo-institucionalismo transaccional: el caso de la política pesquera común

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    Este trabajo de investigación parte de la constatación del insuficiente cambio en las políticas públicas como un síntoma de las limitaciones del sistema político democrático. Éste último, entendido como mecanismo de gestión de riesgos para la sociedad (Zolo, 1992), tiene en la degradación medioambiental un desafío claro. Las repercusiones son intergeneracionales (Jonas, 1995) y la agravación de la crisis ecológica representa un fracaso político (Sinden, 2004). Las instituciones democráticas tendrían entonces limitaciones en el proceso decisional para generar policy change (PCh, cambios no incrementales) en las políticas públicas medioambientales. La investigación fundamenta el cuestionamiento en tres corrientes académicas: 1) los enfoques desde la ecología para la política subrayan la inoperancia de las instituciones; 2) las teorías del proceso de las políticas no explican los limitantes al PCh; 3) los costes de transacción (TCs) ofrecen una herramienta explicativa heurística.En la primera literatura se puede analizar la relación entre el medioambiente y la política desde tres principales perspectivas: el medioambiente desde la ciencia política como disciplina, el medioambiente en la política (Cf. Paulson, Gezon y Watts, 2003) y la acción política desde el medioambiente. En la tercera se han generado tres enfoques principales in crescendo (Dobson, 1997): el desarrollo sostenible (DS), la modernización (ME) y democratización ecológica (DE). Según ésta, para revertir el fracaso de la modernización ecológica (Warner 2010) se deberían refundar las instituciones democráticas (Bourg, 2010): el proceso decisional debería integrar los intereses de actores hoy in-visibilizados o infra-representados.El objetivo final de esta investigación es falsear la tesis de la democratización ecológica sobre la necesidad de un cambio en la representación de actores no involucrados en la toma de decisiones para generar PCh en las políticas públicas medioambientales..