487 research outputs found

    The effect of baroque music on the PassPoints graphical password

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    Graphical passwords have been demonstrated to be the possible alternatives to traditional alphanumeric passwords. However, they still tend to follow predictable patterns that are easier to attack. The crux of the problem is users’ memory limitations. Users are the weakest link in password authentication mechanism. It shows that baroque music has positive effects on human memorizing and learning. We introduce baroque music to the PassPoints graphical password scheme and conduct a laboratory study in this paper. Results shown that there is no statistic difference between the music group and the control group without music in short-term recall experiments, both had high recall success rates. But in long-term recall, the music group performed significantly better. We also found that the music group tended to set significantly more complicated passwords, which are usually more resistant to dictionary and other guess attacks. But compared with the control group, the music group took more time to log in both in short-term and long-term tests. Besides, it appears that background music does not work in terms of hotspots

    Making company of darkness

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    Spartan Daily, August 27, 2003

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    Volume 121, Issue 2https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9868/thumbnail.jp

    Connemara Moonshine

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    Vol. 58, No. 10B, April 3, 2008

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    •Questions & Answers About Your Future •Preview Weekend Schedule •Spotlight on Snack Bar Staff •Best of Ann Arbor •Student Org. Open House Map •Between the Briefs •Bathroom Surve

    Managing law practice technology

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    Presented by Barron K. Henley, at a seminar by the same name, held November 17, 2020

    Ekstraksi Fitur Produk dan Bug Potensial dari Data Opini Pengguna

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    Proses evolusi dan pemeliharaan ini dikenal sebagai proses yang memiliki biaya dan waktu tinggi. Maka dari itu sangat penting untuk dapat mengidentifikasi masalah yang ada pada perangkat lunak guna meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi proses. Salah satu sumber yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah data opini pengguna. Timbal balik yang diberikan oleh pengguna ini merepresentasikan keinginan pengguna dan dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengarahkan alokasi usaha pengembangan dan pemeliharaan perangkat lunak serta meningkatkan kualitas produk. Metode terbaru yang bisa dimanfaatkan adalah metode collocation finding. Akan tetapi, metode ini belum mampu menangkap fitur-fitur yang jarang disebutkan seperti pada opini pengguna yang termasuk saran fitur baru. Peningkatan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan aturan bahasa dalam mendapatkan fitur yang jarang disebutkan. Penelitian menganalisa pola linguistik yang umumnya terdapat pada data opini untuk mendapatkan aturan ekstraksi fitur. Selain itu juga ditambahkan proses pruning untuk menghilangkan hasil ekstraksi yang kurang relevan. Data yang digunakan merupakan data opini dari Application distribution platform atau app store. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode ini mampu meningkatkan nilai presisi dan recall dari metode collocation. Dengan pendekatan tersebut diharapkan rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih lengkap pada pengembang perangkat lunak. =============================================================================================== Evolution and maintenance process are known by the huge cost and slow implementation. It is important for developers to determine what features that should be improved and new features that should be built. For this purpose, developer can utilize user opinion data. Opinion provided by user represents user requirement and can be used to direct the allocation of development and maintenance effort as well as improving the quality of software. One of the most recent method that can be used is collocation finding. However, this method is not able to capture the features that are rarely mentioned as in the new feature suggestions. We built a model to improve the quality of product features extraction by utilizing the dependency rules. We analyzed common linguistic pattern of opinion data to construct the extraction rule. Beside that, we also perform pruning process to eliminate unrelevant result from the extraction process. We use data review from application distribution platform or app store. The result shows that the proposed method is better in recall and precision compared to collocation method itself. This approach is expected to provide more information for the developer

    The Cord Weekly (January 7, 1999)

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    Many Faces of Blair

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    Published in June 2001.This publication may contain explicit sexual literary descriptions and/or artistic depictions.E-zineRevised August 2009Released for open distribution at request of the publisher on 2020-12-08; by Jeannette Ho 2020-12-17
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