51 research outputs found

    Chinese-Bumiputera Partnership In Technology-Based Industries In Post NEP And Post NDP Malaysia.

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    This paper discusses ChineseBumiputera partnership in technology based industries in post National Economic Policy (NEP) and post National Development Policy (NDP) Malaysia

    Public Private Partnership in Technology Transfer A New Initiative in Oil Palm Development

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    Not AvailableThe present transfer of technology mechanism is adding little to assist farmers, in perusing new opportunities and has very limited capacity to assist farmers in taking advantage of new global opportunities. Transfer of technology has to perform far more sophisticated tasks, for equipping the farmers, to meet the challenges not only in terms of access to information, but also to make them empowered. Reasons to stagnant productivity in the country in many areas as been as a result of a slow and formal transfer of technology system and an outdated extension management policy. A new approach in transfer of technology in terms competency in technical, organizational, managerial, communicational and business skills need to be adopted to meet the global challenges. Transfer of technology process has to be reoriented to give appropriate exposure on the global scenario of trade. Role of public extension in the context of globalization and privatization cannot be undermined and it should be strengthened which otherwise will lead to serious damages. All India value of extension effectiveness index is 47% indicating moderately effective extension mechanism in India (Mishra 1996)Not Availabl

    Economic Empowerment for Santri By Making Pulp Paper in Dayah of Ulumuddin, Lhokseumawe

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    Ulumuddin foundation situated between the coastal area and forest area is surrounded bytraditional and industry plantation. The foundation has been holding some bording school education such as SDIT, MTs, MA, and SMK, and esspecially Traditional Islamic School (Dayah). Most of santri look like lack ofliving cost because they only hope the morney from their parent who is only pre whealfers’ family. Given thesecircumstances, an effort was needed to improve the santris’ life. A partnership in technology, mentoring andcapital provision was taken through the Ipteks bagi Masyarakat (IbM) Program. A design of big blender wasprepared and introduced to two group of santri. A group of ten santri was involved to the program of makingpulp system technology aimed to increase the partners’ revenue. The results of the cost analysis concluded thatthe rate of return was 30%; the Break Event Point (BEP) was Rp.7.500/kg pulp; and return of inverment periodwas 0.6 years in-service. Copyright © 2017 Department of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved

    Method Using IOT Low Earth Orbit Satellite to Monitor Forest Temperature in Indonesia

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    The Purpose of this paper is to ensure the proper functioning of the Monitoring Forest Temperature program in Indonesia using the IoT Narrow-Band Low earth orbit Satellite. As a new technology for monitoring the temperature continue to expand, its implementation in developing countries particularly in Indonesia requires strategic guidance of how the whole process will be executed. Nevertheless, due to this, cross-sectoral partnership in technology, policy, budget, industry is essential to be addressed. The World Bank has recorded the loss from forest fire where 28 million people directly affected including 19 people who died and over 500 thousand people suffered from respiratory problems. Smokes from forest and land fires have also struck Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam respectively. To respond to this, the IoT ( Internet of Things ) now comes with an extensive feature, using the capability of satellite reach. The Narrow Band Low Earth Orbit Satellite has released a feature for IoT connect to Low Orbit Satellite and transmit the data from the sensor directly. Therefore, we argue that this technology is crucial and needs to be functioned immediately to monitor forest temperature in Indonesia

    Multiplicity of Entrepreneurship : An Analysis of Chinese, Malay and Indian Entrepreneurs in Malaysia.

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    The paper is based on an ongoing research project. It aims to provide a descriptive account on the concept of entrepreneurship in a multicultural, multilingual and multi religious society of Malaysia. The research traces the sources of influence on the emergence and development of entrepreneurship, link types of entrepreneurship to levels of sustainability and types of business activities

    Technology Transfer in Construction and Management: A Case for Nigeria Construction and Management Sectors

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    The main aim of the study is investigating the trends in partnership between China and Nigeria, the contribution of partnership for economic development and technology transfer. In addition, the study will investigate the challenges to effective technology transfer associated with the construction and management sectors. The data for the research was retrieved from secondary data. Some of the sources of data comprise of publications, peer-reviewed journals, reports by government agencies, published books and trusted websites such as Nigerian Bureau of Statistics. From the research, it was stated that the partnership between Nigeria and China encourages growth of innovation and technology sharing. In addition, technology transfer allows the effective performance of the local talents and skills that are crucial in the expansion of the industry. However, despite these benefits, there are still challenges that limit the effective transfer of technology. The challenges cited comprises of high corruption cases that limit the effective implementation of policies, poor commitment of Chinese firms in hiring local management and professionals in management and construction, and Chinese firms acquiring raw products from China that are cheap and of different characteristic making it difficult for efficient transfer of technology from China to Nigeria. Future research should seek effective methods of increasing technology diffusion in Nigeria

    Investing in New Technology in Pulmonary Medicine–Navigating the Tortuous Path to Success.

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    The introduction of new technologies offer the promise to advance medicine. This occurs alongside improved efforts to control costs of healthcare by hospital administrators, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) pivot to value programs, and commercial payers’ efforts to reduce reimbursement. These trends present a challenge for the pulmonologist, among others, who must navigate increasingly complex and highly scrutinized evaluation processes used to secure new technologies. Healthcare providers are turning toward value assessments, while simultaneously tasked with a mission of offering state-of-the art technologies and services. Pulmonologists desiring new technologies are thus faced with increased scrutiny in their evaluation of costs and clinical data to support investments. Consideration of this scrutiny and further evidence to temper the evaluation will improve the likelihood of adoption and patient access to clinically-impactful technology. The identification of this evidence may provide – to both administrators and pulmonary clinicians – a comprehensive view of the clinical and economic benefits of such technologies. It is imperative that all parties involved in the decision process work collaboratively to deploy value-added and clinically-impactful technologies. While a physician group might invest in such new technologies, the capital required often leads such decisions to a larger organization such as a hospital, healthcare system, or privately owned entity. This article aims to provide a framework for pulmonary clinicians to better understand the processes that purchasers use to evaluate new technologies, the pressures that influence their consideration, and what resources may be leveraged towards success