5 research outputs found

    Multi-Way FPGA Partitioning by F ully Exploiting Design Hierarchy

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    Abstract In this paper, we present a new integrated synthesis and partitioning method for multiple-FPGA applications. This method rst synthesizes a design speci cation in a ne-grained way so that functional clusters can be preserved b ased on the structural nature of the design speci cation. Then, it applies a hierarchical set-covering partitioning method to form the nal FPGA partitions. Our approach bridges the gap between HDL synthesis and physical partitioning by fully exploiting the design hierarchy. Experimental results on a number of benchmarks and industrial designs demonstrate that I O limits are the bottleneck for CLB utilization when applying a traditional multiple-FPGA synthesis method on attened netlists. In contrast, by fully exploiting the design structural hierarchy during the multiple-FPGA partitioning, our proposed method p r o duces fewer FPGA partitions with higher CLB and lower I O-pin utilizations

    A timing-driven soft-macro placement and resynthesis method in interaction with chip floorplanning

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    Timing Aware Partitioning for Multi-FPGA based Logic Simulation using Top-down Selective Flattening

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    In order to accelerate logic simulation, it is highly beneficial to simulate the circuit design on FPGA hardware. However, limited hardware resources on FPGAs prevent large designs from being implemented on a single FPGA. Hence there is a need to partition the design and simulate it on a multi-FPGA platform. In contrast to existing FPGA-based post-synthesis partitioning approaches which first completely flatten the circuit and then possibly perform bottom-up clustering, we perform a selective top-down flattening and thereby avoid the potential netlist blowup. This also allows us to preserve the design hierarchy to guide the partitioning and to make subsequent debugging easier. Our approach analyzes the hierarchical design and selectively flattens instances using two metrics based on slack. The resulting partially flattened netlist is converted to a hypergraph, partitioned using a public domain partitioner (hMetis), and reconverted back to a plurality of FPGA netlists, one for each FPGA of the FPGA-based accelerated logic simulation platform. We compare our approach with a partitioning approach that operates on a completely flattened netlist. Static timing analysis was performed for both approaches, and over 15 examples from the OpenCores project, our approach yields a 52% logic simulation speedup and about 0.74x runtime for the entire flow, compared to the completely flat approach. The entire tool chain of our approach is automated in an end-to-end flow from hierarchy extraction, selective flattening, partitioning, and netlist reconstruction. Compared to an existing method which also performs slack-based partitioning of a hierarchical netlist, we obtain a 35% simulation speedup

    Untersuchungen zur Kostenoptimierung für Hardware-Emulatoren durch Anwendung von Methoden der partiellen Laufzeitrekonfiguration

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    Der vorliegende Band der wissenschaftlichen Schriftenreihe Eingebettete Selbstorganisierende Systeme widmet sich der Optimierung von Hardware Emulatoren durch die Anwendung von Methoden der partiellen Laufzeitrekonfiguration. An aktuelle Schaltkreis- und Systementwürfe werden zunehmend divergente Anforderungen gestellt. Einer sehr kurzen Entwicklungszeit für eine schnelle Markteinführung steht, um teure und aufwändige Re-Desings zu verhindern, eine möglichst umfangreiche Testabdeckung des Entwurfs gegenüber. Um die Zeit für die Tests zu reduzieren, kommen überwiegend FPGA-basierte HW-Emulatoren zum Einsatz. Durch den Einfluss der steigenden Komplexität aktueller Entwürfe auf die Emulator-Plattform reduziert sich jedoch signifikant die Performance der Emulatoren. Die in Emulatoren eingesetzten FPGAs sind aber zunehmend partiell zur Laufzeit rekonfigurierbar. Der in der vorliegenden Arbeit umgesetzte Ansatz behandelt die Anwendung von Methoden der Laufzeitrekonfiguration auf dem Gebiet der Hardware-Emulation. Dafür ist zunächst eine Partitionierung des zu testenden Entwurfs in möglichst funktional unabhängige Systemteile notwendig. Für eine optimierte und ressourceneffiziente Platzierung der einzelnen HW-Module während der Emulation, ist ein ebenfalls auf dem FPGA platziertes Kommunikationsnetzwerk implementiert. Der vorgestellte Ansatz wird an verschiedenen Beispielen anschaulich illustriert. So kann der Leser die Mächtigkeit der entwickelten Methodik nachvollziehen und wird motiviert, das Verfahren auch auf weitere Anwendungsfälle zu übertragen.Current circuit and system designs consist a lot of gate numbers and divergent requirements. In contrast to a short development and time to market schedule, the needs for perfect test coverage and quality are rising. One approach to cover this problem is the FPGA based functional test of electronic circuits. State of the art FPGA platforms doesn't consist enough gates to support fully custom designs. The thesis catches this problem and gives some approaches to use partial dynamic reconfiguration to solve the size problem. A fully automated design flow demonstrates partial partitioning of designs, modifications to use dynamic reconfiguration and its schedule. At the end of the work, some examples demonstrates the power of the approach