538 research outputs found

    Global defensive k-alliances in graphs

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    Let Ξ“=(V,E)\Gamma=(V,E) be a simple graph. For a nonempty set XβŠ†VX\subseteq V, and a vertex v∈Vv\in V, Ξ΄X(v)\delta_{X}(v) denotes the number of neighbors vv has in XX. A nonempty set SβŠ†VS\subseteq V is a \emph{defensive kk-alliance} in Ξ“=(V,E)\Gamma=(V,E) if Ξ΄S(v)β‰₯Ξ΄SΛ‰(v)+k,\delta_S(v)\ge \delta_{\bar{S}}(v)+k, βˆ€v∈S.\forall v\in S. A defensive kk-alliance SS is called \emph{global} if it forms a dominating set. The \emph{global defensive kk-alliance number} of Ξ“\Gamma, denoted by Ξ³ka(Ξ“)\gamma_{k}^{a}(\Gamma), is the minimum cardinality of a defensive kk-alliance in Ξ“\Gamma. We study the mathematical properties of Ξ³ka(Ξ“)\gamma_{k}^{a}(\Gamma)

    Defensive alliances in graphs: a survey

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    A set SS of vertices of a graph GG is a defensive kk-alliance in GG if every vertex of SS has at least kk more neighbors inside of SS than outside. This is primarily an expository article surveying the principal known results on defensive alliances in graph. Its seven sections are: Introduction, Computational complexity and realizability, Defensive kk-alliance number, Boundary defensive kk-alliances, Defensive alliances in Cartesian product graphs, Partitioning a graph into defensive kk-alliances, and Defensive kk-alliance free sets.Comment: 25 page

    Open k-monopolies in graphs: complexity and related concepts

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    Closed monopolies in graphs have a quite long range of applications in several problems related to overcoming failures, since they frequently have some common approaches around the notion of majorities, for instance to consensus problems, diagnosis problems or voting systems. We introduce here open kk-monopolies in graphs which are closely related to different parameters in graphs. Given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and XβŠ†VX\subseteq V, if Ξ΄X(v)\delta_X(v) is the number of neighbors vv has in XX, kk is an integer and tt is a positive integer, then we establish in this article a connection between the following three concepts: - Given a nonempty set MβŠ†VM\subseteq V a vertex vv of GG is said to be kk-controlled by MM if Ξ΄M(v)β‰₯Ξ΄V(v)2+k\delta_M(v)\ge \frac{\delta_V(v)}{2}+k. The set MM is called an open kk-monopoly for GG if it kk-controls every vertex vv of GG. - A function f:Vβ†’{βˆ’1,1}f: V\rightarrow \{-1,1\} is called a signed total tt-dominating function for GG if f(N(v))=βˆ‘v∈N(v)f(v)β‰₯tf(N(v))=\sum_{v\in N(v)}f(v)\geq t for all v∈Vv\in V. - A nonempty set SβŠ†VS\subseteq V is a global (defensive and offensive) kk-alliance in GG if Ξ΄S(v)β‰₯Ξ΄Vβˆ’S(v)+k\delta_S(v)\ge \delta_{V-S}(v)+k holds for every v∈Vv\in V. In this article we prove that the problem of computing the minimum cardinality of an open 00-monopoly in a graph is NP-complete even restricted to bipartite or chordal graphs. In addition we present some general bounds for the minimum cardinality of open kk-monopolies and we derive some exact values.Comment: 18 pages, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (2016

    Partitioning A Graph In Alliances And Its Application To Data Clustering

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    Any reasonably large group of individuals, families, states, and parties exhibits the phenomenon of subgroup formations within the group such that the members of each group have a strong connection or bonding between each other. The reasons of the formation of these subgroups that we call alliances differ in different situations, such as, kinship and friendship (in the case of individuals), common economic interests (for both individuals and states), common political interests, and geographical proximity. This structure of alliances is not only prevalent in social networks, but it is also an important characteristic of similarity networks of natural and unnatural objects. (A similarity network defines the links between two objects based on their similarities). Discovery of such structure in a data set is called clustering or unsupervised learning and the ability to do it automatically is desirable for many applications in the areas of pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence, behavioral and social sciences, life sciences, earth sciences, medicine, and information theory. In this dissertation, we study a graph theoretical model of alliances where an alliance of the vertices of a graph is a set of vertices in the graph, such that every vertex in the set is adjacent to equal or more vertices inside the set than the vertices outside it. We study the problem of partitioning a graph into alliances and identify classes of graphs that have such a partition. We present results on the relationship between the existence of such a partition and other well known graph parameters, such as connectivity, subgraph structure, and degrees of vertices. We also present results on the computational complexity of finding such a partition. An alliance cover set is a set of vertices in a graph that contains at least one vertex from every alliance of the graph. The complement of an alliance cover set is an alliance free set, that is, a set that does not contain any alliance as a subset. We study the properties of these sets and present tight bounds on their cardinalities. In addition, we also characterize the graphs that can be partitioned into alliance free and alliance cover sets. Finally, we present an approximate algorithm to discover alliances in a given graph. At each step, the algorithm finds a partition of the vertices into two alliances such that the alliances are strongest among all such partitions. The strength of an alliance is defined as a real number p, such that every vertex in the alliance has at least p times more neighbors in the set than its total number of neighbors in the graph). We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm on standard data sets

    Alliance free sets in Cartesian product graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a graph. For a non-empty subset of vertices SβŠ†VS\subseteq V, and vertex v∈Vv\in V, let Ξ΄S(v)=∣{u∈S:uv∈E}∣\delta_S(v)=|\{u\in S:uv\in E\}| denote the cardinality of the set of neighbors of vv in SS, and let SΛ‰=Vβˆ’S\bar{S}=V-S. Consider the following condition: {equation}\label{alliancecondition} \delta_S(v)\ge \delta_{\bar{S}}(v)+k, \{equation} which states that a vertex vv has at least kk more neighbors in SS than it has in SΛ‰\bar{S}. A set SβŠ†VS\subseteq V that satisfies Condition (\ref{alliancecondition}) for every vertex v∈Sv \in S is called a \emph{defensive} kk-\emph{alliance}; for every vertex vv in the neighborhood of SS is called an \emph{offensive} kk-\emph{alliance}. A subset of vertices SβŠ†VS\subseteq V, is a \emph{powerful} kk-\emph{alliance} if it is both a defensive kk-alliance and an offensive (k+2)(k +2)-alliance. Moreover, a subset XβŠ‚VX\subset V is a defensive (an offensive or a powerful) kk-alliance free set if XX does not contain any defensive (offensive or powerful, respectively) kk-alliance. In this article we study the relationships between defensive (offensive, powerful) kk-alliance free sets in Cartesian product graphs and defensive (offensive, powerful) kk-alliance free sets in the factor graphs
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