676 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study of Online Consumer Review Spam: A Design Science Approach

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    Because of the sheer volume of consumer reviews posted to the Internet, a manual approach for the detection and analysis of fake reviews is not practical. However, automated detection of fake reviews is a very challenging research problem given the fact that fake reviews could just look like legitimate reviews. Guided by the design science research methodology, one of the main contributions of our research work is the development of a novel methodology and an instantiation which can effectively detect untruthful consumer reviews. The results of our experiment confirm that the proposed methodology outperforms other well-known baseline methods for detecting untruthful reviews collected from amazon.com. Above all, the designed artifacts enable us to conduct an econometric analysis to examine the impact of fake reviews on product sales. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical study conducted to analyze the economic impact of fake consumer reviews

    Improving spam email classification accuracy using ensemble techniques: a stacking approach

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    Spam emails pose a substantial cybersecurity danger, necessitating accurate classification to reduce unwanted messages and mitigate risks. This study focuses on enhancing spam email classification accuracy using stacking ensemble machine learning techniques.We trained and tested five classifiers: logistic regression, decision tree, K-nearest neighbors (KNN), Gaussian naive Bayes and AdaBoost. To address overfitting, two distinct datasets of spam emails were aggregated and balanced. Evaluating individual classifiers based on recall, precision and F1 score metrics revealed AdaBoost as the top performer. Considering evolving spam technology and new message types challenging traditional approaches, we propose a stacking method. By combining predictions from multiple base models, the stacking method aims to improve classification accuracy. The results demonstrate superior performance of the stacking method with the highest accuracy (98.8%), recall (98.8%) and F1 score (98.9%) among tested methods. Additional experiments validated our approach by varying dataset sizes and testing different classifier combinations. Our study presents an innovative combination of classifiers that significantly improves accuracy, contributing to the growing body of research on stacking techniques. Moreover, we compare classifier performances using a unique combination of two datasets, highlighting the potential of ensemble techniques, specifically stacking, in enhancing spam email classification accuracy. The implications extend beyond spam classification systems, offering insights applicable to other classification tasks. Continued research on emerging spam techniques is vital to ensure long-term effectiveness

    A pipeline and comparative study of 12 machine learning models for text classification

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    Text-based communication is highly favoured as a communication method, especially in business environments. As a result, it is often abused by sending malicious messages, e.g., spam emails, to deceive users into relaying personal information, including online accounts credentials or banking details. For this reason, many machine learning methods for text classification have been proposed and incorporated into the services of most email providers. However, optimising text classification algorithms and finding the right tradeoff on their aggressiveness is still a major research problem. We present an updated survey of 12 machine learning text classifiers applied to a public spam corpus. A new pipeline is proposed to optimise hyperparameter selection and improve the models' performance by applying specific methods (based on natural language processing) in the preprocessing stage. Our study aims to provide a new methodology to investigate and optimise the effect of different feature sizes and hyperparameters in machine learning classifiers that are widely used in text classification problems. The classifiers are tested and evaluated on different metrics including F-score (accuracy), precision, recall, and run time. By analysing all these aspects, we show how the proposed pipeline can be used to achieve a good accuracy towards spam filtering on the Enron dataset, a widely used public email corpus. Statistical tests and explainability techniques are applied to provide a robust analysis of the proposed pipeline and interpret the classification outcomes of the 12 machine learning models, also identifying words that drive the classification results. Our analysis shows that it is possible to identify an effective machine learning model to classify the Enron dataset with an F-score of 94%.Comment: This article has been accepted for publication in Expert Systems with Applications, April 2022. Published by Elsevier. All data, models, and code used in this work are available on GitHub at https://github.com/Angione-Lab/12-machine-learning-models-for-text-classificatio

    Mining Frequency of Drug Side Effects Over a Large Twitter Dataset Using Apache Spark

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    Despite clinical trials by pharmaceutical companies as well as current FDA reporting systems, there are still drug side effects that have not been caught. To find a larger sample of reports, a possible way is to mine online social media. With its current widespread use, social media such as Twitter has given rise to massive amounts of data, which can be used as reports for drug side effects. To process these large datasets, Apache Spark has become popular for fast, distributed batch processing. In this work, we have improved on previous pipelines in sentimental analysis-based mining, processing, and extracting tweets with drug-caused side effects. We have also added a new ensemble classifier using a combination of sentiment analysis features to increase the accuracy of identifying drug-caused side effects. In addition, the frequency count for the side effects is also provided. Furthermore, we have also implemented the same pipeline in Apache Spark to improve the speed of processing of tweets by 2.5 times, as well as to support the process of large tweet datasets. As the frequency count of drug side effects opens a wide door for further analysis, we present a preliminary study on this issue, including the side effects of simultaneously using two drugs, and the potential danger of using less-common combination of drugs. We believe the pipeline design and the results present in this work would have great implication on studying drug side effects and on big data analysis in general