11 research outputs found

    Deep Learning and Statistical Models for Time-Critical Pedestrian Behaviour Prediction

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    The time it takes for a classifier to make an accurate prediction can be crucial in many behaviour recognition problems. For example, an autonomous vehicle should detect hazardous pedestrian behaviour early enough for it to take appropriate measures. In this context, we compare the switching linear dynamical system (SLDS) and a three-layered bi-directional long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network, which are applied to infer pedestrian behaviour from motion tracks. We show that, though the neural network model achieves an accuracy of 80%, it requires long sequences to achieve this (100 samples or more). The SLDS, has a lower accuracy of 74%, but it achieves this result with short sequences (10 samples). To our knowledge, such a comparison on sequence length has not been considered in the literature before. The results provide a key intuition of the suitability of the models in time-critical problems

    Machine Learning With Observers Predicts Complex Spatiotemporal Behavior

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    Chimeras and branching are two archetypical complex phenomena that appear in many physical systems; because of their different intrinsic dynamics, they delineate opposite non-trivial limits in the complexity of wave motion and present severe challenges in predicting chaotic and singular behavior in extended physical systems. We report on the long-term forecasting capability of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and reservoir computing (RC) recurrent neural networks, when they are applied to the spatiotemporal evolution of turbulent chimeras in simulated arrays of coupled superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) or lasers, and branching in the electronic flow of two-dimensional graphene with random potential. We propose a new method in which we assign one LSTM network to each system node except for “observer” nodes which provide continual “ground truth” measurements as input; we refer to this method as “Observer LSTM” (OLSTM). We demonstrate that even a small number of observers greatly improves the data-driven (model-free) long-term forecasting capability of the LSTM networks and provide the framework for a consistent comparison between the RC and LSTM methods. We find that RC requires smaller training datasets than OLSTMs, but the latter require fewer observers. Both methods are benchmarked against Feed-Forward neural networks (FNNs), also trained to make predictions with observers (OFNNs)

    Dynamic Switching State Systems for Visual Tracking

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    This work addresses the problem of how to capture the dynamics of maneuvering objects for visual tracking. Towards this end, the perspective of recursive Bayesian filters and the perspective of deep learning approaches for state estimation are considered and their functional viewpoints are brought together

    Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    The Proceeding of the annual joint workshop of the Fraunhofer IOSB and the Vision and Fusion Laboratory (IES) 2018 of the KIT contain technical reports of the PhD-stundents on the status of their research. The discussed topics ranging from computer vision and optical metrology to network security and machine learning. This volume provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the research program of the IES Laboratory and the Fraunhofer IOSB