2 research outputs found

    Faster Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization via GALE, the Geometric Active Learner

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    Goal optimization has long been a topic of great interest in computer science. The literature contains many thousands of papers that discuss methods for the search of optimal solutions to complex problems. In the case of multi-objective optimization, such a search yields iteratively improved approximations to the Pareto frontier, i.e. the set of best solutions contained along a trade-off curve of competing objectives.;To approximate the Pareto frontier, one method that is ubiquitous throughout the field of optimization is stochastic search. Stochastic search engines explore solution spaces by randomly mutating candidate guesses to generate new solutions. This mutation policy is employed by the most commonly used tools (e.g. NSGA-II, SPEA2, etc.), with the goal of a) avoiding local optima, and b) expand upon diversity in the set of generated approximations. Such blind mutation policies explore many sub-optimal solutions that are discarded when better solutions are found. Hence, this approach has two problems. Firstly, stochastic search can be unnecessarily computationally expensive due to evaluating an overwhelming number of candidates. Secondly, the generated approximations to the Pareto frontier are usually very large, and can be difficult to understand.;To solve these two problems, a more-directed, less-stochastic approach than standard search tools is necessary. This thesis presents GALE (Geometric Active Learning). GALE is an active learner that finds approximations to the Pareto frontier by spectrally clustering candidates using a near-linear time recursive descent algorithm that iteratively divides candidates into halves (called leaves at the bottom level). Active learning in GALE selects a minimally most-informative subset of candidates by only evaluating the two-most different candidates during each descending split; hence, GALE only requires at most, 2Log2(N) evaluations per generation. The candidates of each leaf are thereafter non-stochastically mutated in the most promising directions along each piece. Those leafs are piece-wise approximations to the Pareto frontier.;The experiments of this thesis lead to the following conclusion: a near-linear time recursive binary division of the decision space of candidates in a multi-objective optimization algorithm can find useful directions to mutate instances and find quality solutions much faster than traditional randomization approaches. Specifically, in comparative studies with standard methods (NSGA-II and SPEA2) applied to a variety of models, GALE required orders of magnitude fewer evaluations to find solutions. As a result, GALE can perform dramatically faster than the other methods, especially for realistic models

    Optimum Allocation of Inspection Stations in Multistage Manufacturing Processes by Using Max-Min Ant System

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    In multistage manufacturing processes it is common to locate inspection stations after some or all of the processing workstations. The purpose of the inspection is to reduce the total manufacturing cost, resulted from unidentified defective items being processed unnecessarily through subsequent manufacturing operations. This total cost is the sum of the costs of production, inspection and failures (during production and after shipment). Introducing inspection stations into a serial multistage manufacturing process, although constituting an additional cost, is expected to be a profitable course of action. Specifically, at some positions the associated inspection costs will be recovered from the benefits realised through the detection of defective items, before wasting additional cost by continuing to process them. In this research, a novel general cost modelling for allocating a limited number of inspection stations in serial multistage manufacturing processes is formulated. In allocation of inspection station (AOIS) problem, as the number of workstations increases, the number of inspection station allocation possibilities increases exponentially. To identify the appropriate approach for the AOIS problem, different optimisation methods are investigated. The MAX-MIN Ant System (MMAS) algorithm is proposed as a novel approach to explore AOIS in serial multistage manufacturing processes. MMAS is an ant colony optimisation algorithm that was designed originally to begin an explorative search phase and, subsequently, to make a slow transition to the intensive exploitation of the best solutions found during the search, by allowing only one ant to update the pheromone trails. Two novel heuristics information for the MMAS algorithm are created. The heuristic information for the MMAS algorithm is exploited as a novel means to guide ants to build reasonably good solutions from the very beginning of the search. To improve the performance of the MMAS algorithm, six local search methods which are well-known and suitable for the AOIS problem are used. Selecting relevant parameter values for the MMAS algorithm can have a great impact on the algorithm’s performance. As a result, a method for tuning the most influential parameter values for the MMAS algorithm is developed. The contribution of this research is, for the first time, a methodology using MMAS to solve the AOIS problem in serial multistage manufacturing processes has been developed. The methodology takes into account the constraints on inspection resources, in terms of a limited number of inspection stations. As a result, the total manufacturing cost of a product can be reduced, while maintaining the quality of the product. Four numerical experiments are conducted to assess the MMAS algorithm for the AOIS problem. The performance of the MMAS algorithm is compared with a number of other methods this includes the complete enumeration method (CEM), rule of thumb, a pure random search algorithm, particle swarm optimisation, simulated annealing and genetic algorithm. The experimental results show that the effectiveness of the MMAS algorithm lies in its considerably shorter execution time and robustness. Further, in certain conditions results obtained by the MMAS algorithm are identical to the CEM. In addition, the results show that applying local search to the MMAS algorithm has significantly improved the performance of the algorithm. Also the results demonstrate that it is essential to use heuristic information with the MMAS algorithm for the AOIS problem, in order to obtain a high quality solution. It was found that the main parameters of MMAS include the pheromone trail intensity, heuristic information and evaporation of pheromone are less sensitive within the specified range as the number of workstations is significantly increased