208 research outputs found

    Prototyping - a Technique for Participative Information Systems Design

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    Prototyping as a technique in Information Systems Development (ISD) is introduced and scrutinised. A number of taxonomies of ISD Prototyping are reviewed in the context of a some ISD process enactment models. Three contingencies, innovativeness, dialectic style and organisational affectedness, are suggested in addition to those promoted elsewhere for selecting development process paths. The need for Participative Systems Design is established and Hirschheim \u27s classification of Participative Systems Design methodologies is used to examine whether Prototyping can be used with the methodologies in question. A research agenda is suggested for verifying the effectiveness of prototyping for participative Information Systems Development

    Relevant Participants\u27 Participation in Systems Development: When is Particitipation Irrelevant?

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    User participation and involvement (UPI) are complex concepts with many factors. This complexity stems from the different ways in how users are defined, how they participate and are involved, from the characteristics of the system, and the various phases within systems development. Managing UPI is important to change agents, i.e., managers, information technology experts, and consultants because they are the ones who are tasked with choosing the best participants at the right time to contribute to the systems development process to ensure a successful system. By reviewing relevant literature, this paper examines when participants should not participate in specific phases of systems development so as to not impede success or contribute to the failure of the systems development project

    How was it for you? Experiences of participatory design in the UK health service

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    Improving co-design methods implies that we need to understand those methods, paying attention to not only the effect of method choices on design outcomes, but also how methods affect the people involved in co-design. In this article, we explore participants' experiences from a year-long participatory health service design project to develop ‘Better Outpatient Services for Older People’. The project followed a defined method called experience-based design (EBD), which represented the state of the art in participatory service design within the UK National Health Service. A sample of participants in the project took part in semi-structured interviews reflecting on their involvement in and their feelings about the project. Our findings suggest that the EBD method that we employed was successful in establishing positive working relationships among the different groups of stakeholders (staff, patients, carers, advocates and design researchers), although conflicts remained throughout the project. Participants' experiences highlighted issues of wider relevance in such participatory design: cost versus benefit, sense of project momentum, locus of control, and assumptions about how change takes place in a complex environment. We propose tactics for dealing with these issues that inform the future development of techniques in user-centred healthcare design

    Involvement of People in the Design of Community Building in Developing Countries

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    Although public participation concept or technique to enhance and /or influence decision making is a fact of life in many governments nowadays and has been used by many industries to improve their products and increase end-users satisfaction, it is still new to the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. The extent to which participation should occur and the role that it plays still remains uncertain in the AEC industry. Participation has been the predominant conception for many years by many researchers. In practice, this has meant that public participation often has occurred late in the planning process. This research will focus on the involvement of people in the design process of community buildings in developing countries. During the last five decade, many community buildings were built and many of these buildings did not performed well as planned. Many of these problems in were related to design, hence the choice of architectural design of these buildings for this research. If the end-users of these buildings were involved in the planning and design stages, many of these problems would not occur. Thus, the aim of this research is to develop a conceptual framework to involve the public in the design of community buildings in developing countries. A thorough review of previous works related to the public participation in the design of community buildings has been conducted as part of this research. The review revealed most of these works in this area were done on developed countries and no research works were conducted on developing countries so far

    Individual emergence in contextual analysis

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    Located within the tradition of Hermeneutic Dialectics (HD) this paper offers an approach which can further an analysis of a fit between information and organizational systems. Drawn upon Information Systems Development projects a relationship between theory and practice is aided through a multi-disciplinary approach to sense making activity. Using a contemporary version of contextual analysis to understand a way in which individuals construct adapt and create meaning from their environment offers a route to improve a systems analysis process. This type of enquiry into contextual dependencies of knowledge creation can help direct a development of systems that have the intention to serve specific organizational actors and their needs. Combining methods outside of a traditional polar divide, sense making research undertaken within a systems thinking arena can enrich understanding by complementing qualitative and / or quantitative analysis with reflective depth. Drawing together interdisciplinary strands through a critical systems thinking approach offers new levels of professionalism for computer- and management-, practitioners or researchers in the 21st Century

    The Role of Users in Prototypical and Infrastructural Systems Design

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    This theoretical study examines the role of users in an infrastructural systems design. We analyzed different perspectives and used theories on infrastructure, long-term factors in infrastructure, and the role of users in infrastructural systems design. By doing this we demonstrated how prototypical design has been used in infrastructural systems design and how the users’ role has been taken into account. This study summarizes infrastructuring modes, purposes, activities, and methods and also offers both theoretical and practical contributions. First, we offer a new view on prototypical design as it is conceptualized for infrastructural systems design. Second, as a practical contribution, this study provides valuable knowledge to end users and domain and information systems practitioners, especially regarding how information systems artefacts can contribute to infrastructural design and vice versa

    RĂĄmec pro posouzenĂ­ kvalitativnĂ­ch hledisek informačnĂ­ch systĂ©mĆŻ

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    ZĂĄměrem pƙedloĆŸenĂ© disertačnĂ­ prĂĄce je porozumět tomu, jak investoƙi v konkrĂ©tnĂ­m společenskĂ©m kontextu vnĂ­majĂ­ vĂœznam kvality informačnĂ­ch systĂ©mĆŻ. Ze studia literatury zabĂœvajĂ­cĂ­ se pƙístupy a rĂĄmci hodnocenĂ­ kvality informačnĂ­ch systĂ©mĆŻ vyplĂœvĂĄ, ĆŸe tato kvalita je obecně hodnocena z hlediska striktnĂ­ho pƙístupu. V tĂ©to prĂĄci je ukĂĄzĂĄno, ĆŸe kvalitu informačnĂ­ho systĂ©mu lze smysluplně pochopit pouĆŸitĂ­m interpretačnĂ­ho paradigmatu a ĆŸe kvalita informačnĂ­ho systĂ©mu je definovĂĄna společensky a ovlivƈovĂĄna kontextem tohoto systĂ©mu. Studie byla zahĂĄjena prĆŻzkumem dvaceti libyjskĂœch organizacĂ­. PodrobnějĆĄĂ­ data byla zĂ­skĂĄna z pƙípadovĂ© studie dvou vybranĂœch libyjskĂœch organizacĂ­ pĆŻsobĂ­cĂ­ch ve veƙejnĂ©m sektoru. Pƙi empirickĂ© analĂœze nashromĂĄĆŸděnĂœch dat bylo vyuĆŸito rĂĄmce mnohočetnĂ© perspektivy, kterĂœ zahrnuje hlediska teorie strukturalizace, pojem mnohočetnĂœch perspektiv a metodologii měkkĂœch systĂ©mĆŻ. V prĂĄci se dospělo ke zjiĆĄtěnĂ­, ĆŸe: a) kvalita informačnĂ­ch systĂ©mĆŻ je pojata ơíƙe, neĆŸ je tomu u tradičnĂ­ definice kvality, b) mnohočetnĂ© perspektivy kvality informačnĂ­ch systĂ©mĆŻ jsou ovlivněny opakovanou interakcĂ­ mezi investorem a institucionĂĄlnĂ­mi vlastnostmi kontextu informačnĂ­ho systĂ©mu a ĆŸe c) rozdĂ­lnĂ© hodnoty v kulturnĂ­m prostƙedĂ­ a vnějĆĄĂ­m kontextu ovlivƈujĂ­ rozsah pĆŻsobnosti investora a interakce v kontextu informačnĂ­ho systĂ©mu. Ze zĂĄvěru prĂĄce vyplĂœvĂĄ, ĆŸe společenskĂĄ skladba mnohočetnĂœch perspektiv kvality informačnĂ­ho systĂ©mu je ovlivněna strukturalizačnĂ­mi procesy mezi investory a vlastnostmi v kontextu informačnĂ­ho systĂ©mu.This thesis is concerned with understanding how stakeholders in a particular cultural context construct the multiple meanings of ‘Information Systems Quality’ (IS Quality). A review of literature on approaches and frameworks for IS quality shows that the IS quality is generally examined through a ‘hard approach’. This study demonstrates that IS quality can be meaningfully understood through an interpretive paradigm, and that IS quality is socially constructed and influenced by the IS context. The study began with an exploratory survey of twenty Libyan organizations. Data were gathered through a case study of two public sector organizations in Libya. A Multiple Perspective Framework (MPF) that incorporates ideas from structuration theory, multiple perspectives concept, and soft systems methodology (SSM) was used to analyze the empirical work. The findings revealed that: (a) IS quality is a broader conception than the traditional quality definition, (b) the multiple perspectives of IS quality are influenced by repeated interaction between the stakeholder and institutional properties in the IS context, and (c) mediation of different values in the culture system and in the external context influence the extent of stakeholder agency and interaction in the IS context. The study concluded that the social construction of multiple perspectives of IS quality is influenced by the structuration processes between stakeholders and properties in the IS context.

    A goals/questions/metrics plan for monitoring user involvement and participation in ERP (...)

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    ERP implementation success is influenced by a large number of factors. User involvement and participation is one of the most cited critical success factors in ERP implementation projects, and one of the most critical ones for their satisfactory outcome. This study attempts to define a set of metrics for monitoring user involvement and participation within ERP implementation projects by using the Goals/Questions/Metrics method. First, a literature review is presented. Second, a framework for monitoring user involvement and participation in ERP implementation projects is proposed. And third, a Goals/Questions/Metrics preliminary plan is proposed to monitor and control user involvement.ERP, Involvement, Participation, Metrics, Goals, Questions
