7,908 research outputs found

    Atomic radius and charge parameter uncertainty in biomolecular solvation energy calculations

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    Atomic radii and charges are two major parameters used in implicit solvent electrostatics and energy calculations. The optimization problem for charges and radii is under-determined, leading to uncertainty in the values of these parameters and in the results of solvation energy calculations using these parameters. This paper presents a new method for quantifying this uncertainty in implicit solvation calculations of small molecules using surrogate models based on generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) expansions. There are relatively few atom types used to specify radii parameters in implicit solvation calculations; therefore, surrogate models for these low-dimensional spaces could be constructed using least-squares fitting. However, there are many more types of atomic charges; therefore, construction of surrogate models for the charge parameter space requires compressed sensing combined with an iterative rotation method to enhance problem sparsity. We demonstrate the application of the method by presenting results for the uncertainties in small molecule solvation energies based on these approaches. The method presented in this paper is a promising approach for efficiently quantifying uncertainty in a wide range of force field parameterization problems, including those beyond continuum solvation calculations.The intent of this study is to provide a way for developers of implicit solvent model parameter sets to understand the sensitivity of their target properties (solvation energy) on underlying choices for solute radius and charge parameters

    Revised self-consistent continuum solvation in electronic-structure calculations

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    The solvation model proposed by Fattebert and Gygi [Journal of Computational Chemistry 23, 662 (2002)] and Scherlis et al. [Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 074103 (2006)] is reformulated, overcoming some of the numerical limitations encountered and extending its range of applicability. We first recast the problem in terms of induced polarization charges that act as a direct mapping of the self-consistent continuum dielectric; this allows to define a functional form for the dielectric that is well behaved both in the high-density region of the nuclear charges and in the low-density region where the electronic wavefunctions decay into the solvent. Second, we outline an iterative procedure to solve the Poisson equation for the quantum fragment embedded in the solvent that does not require multi-grid algorithms, is trivially parallel, and can be applied to any Bravais crystallographic system. Last, we capture some of the non-electrostatic or cavitation terms via a combined use of the quantum volume and quantum surface [Physical Review Letters 94, 145501 (2005)] of the solute. The resulting self-consistent continuum solvation (SCCS) model provides a very effective and compact fit of computational and experimental data, whereby the static dielectric constant of the solvent and one parameter allow to fit the electrostatic energy provided by the PCM model with a mean absolute error of 0.3 kcal/mol on a set of 240 neutral solutes. Two parameters allow to fit experimental solvation energies on the same set with a mean absolute error of 1.3 kcal/mol. A detailed analysis of these results, broken down along different classes of chemical compounds, shows that several classes of organic compounds display very high accuracy, with solvation energies in error of 0.3-0.4 kcal/mol, whereby larger discrepancies are mostly limited to self-dissociating species and strong hydrogen-bond forming compounds.Comment: The following article has been accepted by The Journal of Chemical Physics. After it is published, it will be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?jcp

    On the origin of the extremely different solubilities of polyethers in water

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    The solubilities of polyethers are surprisingly counter-intuitive. The best-known example is the difference between polyethylene glycol ([–CH2–CH2–O–]n) which is infinitely soluble, and polyoxymethylene ([–CH2–O–]n) which is completely insoluble in water, exactly the opposite of what one expects from the C/O ratios of these molecules. Similar anomalies exist for oligomeric and cyclic polyethers. To solve this apparent mystery, we use femtosecond vibrational and GHz dielectric spectroscopy with complementary ab initio calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the dynamics of water molecules solvating polyethers is fundamentally different depending on their C/O composition. The ab initio calculations and simulations show that this is not because of steric effects (as is commonly believed), but because the partial charge on the O atoms depends on the number of C atoms by which they are separated. Our results thus show that inductive effects can have a major impact on aqueous solubilities
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