43 research outputs found

    Construction of smooth closed surfaces by ball functions on a cube

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    In Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), surface constructions are basically formed from collections of surface patches, by placing a certain continuity condition between adjacent patches. Even though tensor product BŽzier patches are currently used extensively in most CAGD systems to model free-form surfaces, this method can only be used to generate closed surface of genus one, i.e. a surface which is equivalent to a torus. A surface with tangent plane continuity is known as a first order geometrically smooth surface or a G1 surface. This paper presents a simple G1 surface construction method, i.e. a surface of genus zero, by defining Ball bicubic functions on faces of a cube. The constructed basis functions have small support and sum to one. The functions are useful for designing, approximating and interpolating a simple closed surface of genus zero. This construction method was first introduced by Goodman in 1991 who defined biquadratic generalised B-spline functions on faces of a simple quadrilateral mesh. Several examples of surfaces/objects which are constructed by the proposed method are presented in this paper

    Ship Hull Representation by Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline Surface Patches

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    The purpose of this work is to propose a new method for representing the ship hull shape with mathematic surfaces so that geometric data can be generated for any point on the hull where required to assist the production process. An extensive survey of previous work is presented covering both the use of parametric curves and surfaces to model the ship hull and also the most relevant software systems developed for that purpose. The main methods and algorithms available for the generation and edition of curves and surfaces are presented and compared taking into consideration the intended application. From the analysis of the formulations available it was concluded that the most adequate one, which however had not yet been extensively used to model ship hulls was the Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), due to the potential of their capability to represent exactly conic curves and surfaces. Therefore these surfaces were selected as the basis of the method developed in this thesis. A procedure is proposed for the representation of a given hull form in a two step approach, creating first a wireframe model over which the surface patches are generated. Both curves and surfaces are based on the NURBS formulation. To create the wireframe model, first a set of longitudinal boundary lines is selected, dividing the surface into areas of similar shape. Then, these lines are fitted by curves and faired to some extent. Next, transverse sections are defined and split by the boundary lines. Surface patches are then generated over the transverse section curves within the limits of each patch. Finally, to obtain the traditional representation of the ship surface by transverse sections, buttocks and waterlines, contour lines are generated for constant values of x, y and z coordinates. A computer system has been developed incorporating an interface that allows the visualization of the curves and surfaces being modeled. The system incorporates several algorithms for generation and edition of curves and surfaces, in addition to the main contribution of this thesis which is the use of NURBS to represent the ship hull surface. The system also incorporates curve and surface analysis tools and some basic fairing algorithms so that during the several steps of the creation of the model, the fairness of the curves and surfaces can be evaluated and improved to some extent. The procedure is tested and compared with an existing commercial system through some application examples, of a complete hull and in more detail in the bow region, showing that good results can be obtained with the system presented here

    Improved Operational Matrices of DP-Ball Polynomials for Solving Singular Second Order Linear Dirichlet-type Boundary Value Problems

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    Solving Dirichlet-type boundary value problems (BVPs) using a novel numerical approach is presented in this study. The operational matrices of DP-Ball Polynomials are used to solve the linear second-order BVPs. The modification of the operational matrix eliminates the BVP\u27s singularity. Consequently, guaranteeing a solution is reached. In this article, three different examples were taken into consideration in order to demonstrate the applicability of the method. Based on the findings, it seems that the methodology may be used effectively to provide accurate solutions

    Ball surface representations using partial differential equations

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    Over two decades ago, geometric modelling using partial differential equations (PDEs) approach was widely studied in Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD). This approach was initially introduced by some researchers to deal with Bèzier surface related to the minimal surface area determined by prescribed boundary curves. However, Bèzier surface representation can be improved in terms of computation time and minimal surface area by employing Ball surface representation. Thus, this research develops an algorithm to generalise Ball surfaces from boundary curves using elliptic PDEs. Two specific Ball surfaces, namely harmonic and biharmonic, are first constructed in developing the proposed algorithm. The former and later surfaces require two and four boundary conditions respectively. In order to generalise Ball surfaces in the polynomial solution of any fourth order PDEs, the Dirichlet method is then employed. The numerical results obtained on well-known example of data points show that the proposed generalised Ball surfaces algorithm performs better than BCzier surface representation in terms of computation time and minimal surface area. Moreover, the new constructed algorithm also holds for any surfaces in CAGD including the Bèzier surface. This algorithm is then tested in positivity preserving of surface and image enlargement problems. The results show that the proposed algorithm is comparable with the existing methods in terms of accuracy. Hence, this new algorithm is a viable alternative for constructing generalized Ball surfaces. The findings of this study contribute towards the body of knowledge for surface reconstruction based on PDEs approach in the area of geometric modelling and computer graphics

    Workshop on Aircraft Surface Representation for Aerodynamic Computation

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    Papers and discussions on surface representation and its integration with aerodynamics, computers, graphics, wind tunnel model fabrication, and flow field grid generation are presented. Surface definition is emphasized

    A Numerical scheme to Solve Boundary Value Problems Involving Singular Perturbation

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    نستخدم المصفوفات العملياتية لمشتقات وانج-بول متعددة الحدود في هذه الدراسة لحل المعادلات التفاضلية الشاذه المضطربة من الدرجة الثانية (WPSODEs) ذات الشروط الحدية. باستخدام مصفوفة كثيرات حدود وانج-بول، يمكن تحويل مشكلة الاضطراب الرئيسية الشاذ إلى أنظمة معادلات جبرية خطية. كما يمكن الحصول على معاملات الحل التقريبي المطلوبة عن طريق حل نظام المعادلات المذكور. وتم استخدام أسلوب الخطاء المتبقي أيضًا لتحسين الخطأ، كما تمت مقارنة النتائج بالطرق المنشورة في عدد من المقالات العلمية. استُخدِمت العديد من الأمثلة لتوضيح موثوقية وفائدة مصفوفات وانج بول العملياتية. طريقة وانج بول لديها القدرة على تحسين النتائج عن طريق تقليل درجة الخطأ بين الحلول التقريبية والدقيقة. أظهرت سلسلة وانج-بول فائدتها في حل أي نموذج واقعي كمعادلات تفاضلية من الدرجة الأولى أو الثانيةThe Wang-Ball polynomials operational matrices of the derivatives are used in this study to solve singular perturbed second-order differential equations (SPSODEs) with boundary conditions. Using the matrix of Wang-Ball polynomials, the main singular perturbation problem is converted into linear algebraic equation systems. The coefficients of the required approximate solution are obtained from the solution of this system. The residual correction approach was also used to improve an error, and the results were compared to other reported numerical methods. Several examples are used to illustrate both the reliability and usefulness of the Wang-Ball operational matrices. The Wang Ball approach has the ability to improve the outcomes by minimizing the degree of error between approximate and exact solutions. The Wang-Ball series has shown its usefulness in solving any real-life scenario model as first- or second-order differential equations (DEs)

    Computer-Aided Geometry Modeling

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    Techniques in computer-aided geometry modeling and their application are addressed. Mathematical modeling, solid geometry models, management of geometric data, development of geometry standards, and interactive and graphic procedures are discussed. The applications include aeronautical and aerospace structures design, fluid flow modeling, and gas turbine design

    TiGL - An Open Source Computational Geometry Library for Parametric Aircraft Design

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    This paper introduces the software TiGL: TiGL is an open source high-fidelity geometry modeler that is used in the conceptual and preliminary aircraft and helicopter design phase. It creates full three-dimensional models of aircraft from their parametric CPACS description. Due to its parametric nature, it is typically used for aircraft design analysis and optimization. First, we present the use-case and architecture of TiGL. Then, we discuss it's geometry module, which is used to generate the B-spline based surfaces of the aircraft. The backbone of TiGL is its surface generator for curve network interpolation, based on Gordon surfaces. One major part of this paper explains the mathematical foundation of Gordon surfaces on B-splines and how we achieve the required curve network compatibility. Finally, TiGL's aircraft component module is introduced, which is used to create the external and internal parts of aircraft, such as wings, flaps, fuselages, engines or structural elements