1,162 research outputs found

    Deep Stacked Stochastic Configuration Networks for Lifelong Learning of Non-Stationary Data Streams

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    The concept of SCN offers a fast framework with universal approximation guarantee for lifelong learning of non-stationary data streams. Its adaptive scope selection property enables for proper random generation of hidden unit parameters advancing conventional randomized approaches constrained with a fixed scope of random parameters. This paper proposes deep stacked stochastic configuration network (DSSCN) for continual learning of non-stationary data streams which contributes two major aspects: 1) DSSCN features a self-constructing methodology of deep stacked network structure where hidden unit and hidden layer are extracted automatically from continuously generated data streams; 2) the concept of SCN is developed to randomly assign inverse covariance matrix of multivariate Gaussian function in the hidden node addition step bypassing its computationally prohibitive tuning phase. Numerical evaluation and comparison with prominent data stream algorithms under two procedures: periodic hold-out and prequential test-then-train processes demonstrate the advantage of proposed methodology.Comment: This paper has been published in Information Science

    A kernelized genetic algorithm decision tree with information criteria

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    Decision trees are one of the most widely used data mining models with a long history in machine learning, statistics, and pattern recognition. A main advantage of the decision trees is that the resulting data partitioning model can be easily understood by both the data analyst and customer. This is in comparison to some more powerful kernel related models such as Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks and Support Vector Machines. In recent literature, the decision tree has been used as part of a two-step training algorithm for RBF networks. However, the primary function of the decision tree is not model visualization but dividing the input data into initial potential radial basis spaces. In this dissertation, the kernel trick using Mercer\u27s condition is applied during the splitting of the input data through the guidance of a decision tree. This allows the algorithm to search for the best split using the projected feature space information while remaining in the current data space. The decision tree will capture the information of the linear split in the projected feature space and present the corresponding non-linear split of the input data space. Using a genetic search algorithm, Bozdogan\u27s Information Complexity criterion (ICOMP) performs as a fitness function to determine the best splits, control model complexity, subset input variables, and decide the optimal choice of kernel function. The decision tree is then applied to radial basis function networks in the areas of regression, nominal classification, and ordinal prediction

    Dimensionality reduction using genetic algorithms

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    Research on an online self-organizing radial basis function neural network

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    A new growing and pruning algorithm is proposed for radial basis function (RBF) neural network structure design in this paper, which is named as self-organizing RBF (SORBF). The structure of the RBF neural network is introduced in this paper first, and then the growing and pruning algorithm is used to design the structure of the RBF neural network automatically. The growing and pruning approach is based on the radius of the receptive field of the RBF nodes. Meanwhile, the parameters adjusting algorithms are proposed for the whole RBF neural network. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated through functions approximation and dynamic system identification. Then, the method is used to capture the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) concentration in a wastewater treatment system. Experimental results show that the proposed method is efficient for network structure optimization, and it achieves better performance than some of the existing algorithms

    A randomized neural network for data streams

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    © 2017 IEEE. Randomized neural network (RNN) is a highly feasible solution in the era of big data because it offers a simple and fast working principle in processing dynamic and evolving data streams. This paper proposes a novel RNN, namely recurrent type-2 random vector functional link network (RT2McRVFLN), which provides a highly scalable solution for data streams in a strictly online and integrated framework. It is built upon the psychologically inspired concept of metacognitive learning, which covers three basic components of human learning: what-to-learn, how-to-learn, and when-to-learn. The what-to-learn selects important samples on the fly with the use of online active learning scenario, which renders our algorithm an online semi-supervised algorithm. The how-to-learn process combines an open structure of evolving concept and a randomized learning algorithm of random vector functional link network (RVFLN). The efficacy of the RT2McRVFLN has been numerically validated through two real-world case studies and comparisons with its counterparts, which arrive at a conclusive finding that our algorithm delivers a tradeoff between accuracy and simplicity

    Parsimonious Random Vector Functional Link Network for Data Streams

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    The majority of the existing work on random vector functional link networks (RVFLNs) is not scalable for data stream analytics because they work under a batch learning scenario and lack a self-organizing property. A novel RVLFN, namely the parsimonious random vector functional link network (pRVFLN), is proposed in this paper. pRVFLN adopts a fully flexible and adaptive working principle where its network structure can be configured from scratch and can be automatically generated, pruned and recalled from data streams. pRVFLN is capable of selecting and deselecting input attributes on the fly as well as capable of extracting important training samples for model updates. In addition, pRVFLN introduces a non-parametric type of hidden node which completely reflects the real data distribution and is not constrained by a specific shape of the cluster. All learning procedures of pRVFLN follow a strictly single-pass learning mode, which is applicable for online time-critical applications. The advantage of pRVFLN is verified through numerous simulations with real-world data streams. It was benchmarked against recently published algorithms where it demonstrated comparable and even higher predictive accuracies while imposing the lowest complexities