11 research outputs found

    Relationship between problem-based learning experience and self-directed learning readiness

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    Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia (UTHM) has been implementing Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to some degree in various subjects. However, to this day no empirical data has been gathered on the effectiveness of PBL as a methodology to develop self-directed learning (SDL) skills. The purpose of this \ud study is to investigate self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) among UTHM students exposed to vaiying PBL exposure intensity. SDLR was measured using the modified version of Self-Directed Learning Readiness (SDLRS). Participants in this study were first-year undergraduate students at UTHM. The instrument was administrated to students in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Technical Education (N=260). Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the independent /'-test for equal variance for hypotheses testing. The results of this study indicate that overall SDLR level increase with PBL exposure up to exposure intensity twice, beyond which no increase in SDLR was observed with increase in PBL exposure. Within the same academic programme, results did not show a statistically significant difference of SDLR level between groups exposed to varying PBL exposure intensity. However, significant difference was found in some dimensions of the SDLR for the Technical Education students. Within the same education background, results did not show a statistically significant difference of SDLR level between groups exposed to varying PBL intensity. However, significant difference was found in some dimensions of the SDLR for students with both Matriculations and STPM background. A statistically significant difference of SDLR level was found between Electrical Engineering and Technical Education students for exposure once and in some SDLR dimensions. No statistically significant difference was found between students from different academic programme for exposure twice or thrice. The data supports the conclusion that SDLR level increases with increase in PBL exposure intensity up to a certain extent only, beyond which no increase of SDLR can be observed. The data also suggest that only certain dimensions of the SDLR improve with increased exposure to PBL


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    Within this paper, to be able to provide reliable architectures with this formula, a competent concurrent error recognition plan for that selected SHA-3 formula, i.e., Keccak, is suggested. To the very best of our understanding, effective countermeasures for potential reliability issues within the hardware implementations of the formula haven't been given to date. The secure hash formula (SHA)-3 continues to be selected this year and will also be accustomed to provide security to the application which requires hashing, pseudo-random number generation, and integrity checking. This formula continues to be selected according to various benchmarks for example security, performance, and complexity. In proposing the mistake recognition approach, goal to possess acceptable complexity and gratification overheads while keeping high error coverage. In connection with this, we present a minimal-complexity recomposing with rotated operands-based plan that is a step-forward toward lowering the hardware overhead from the suggested error recognition approach. Through the use of the suggested high-performance concurrent error recognition plan, more reliable and powerful hardware implementations for that recently-standardized SHA-3 are recognized. Furthermore, we perform injection-based fault simulations and reveal that the mistake coverage of near to 100% comes. In addition, we've designed the suggested plan and thru ASIC analysis, it's proven that acceptable complexity and gratification overheads are arrived at

    Education and Research Integration of Emerging Multidisciplinary Medical Devices Security

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    Traditional embedded systems such as secure smart cards and nano-sensor networks have been utilized in various usage models. Nevertheless, emerging secure deeply-embedded systems, e.g., implantable and wearable medical devices, have comparably larger “attack surface”. Specifically, with respect to medical devices, a security breach can be life-threatening (for which adopting traditional solutions might not be practical due to tight constraints of these often-battery-powered systems), and unlike traditional embedded systems, it is not only a matter of financial loss. Unfortunately, although emerging cryptographic engineering research mechanisms for such deeply-embedded systems have started solving this critical, vital problem, university education (at both graduate and undergraduate level) lags comparably. One of the pivotal reasons for such a lag is the multi-disciplinary nature of the emerging security bottlenecks. Based on the aforementioned motivation, in this work, at Rochester Institute of Technology, we present an effective research and education integration strategy to overcome this issue in one of the most critical deeply-embedded systems, i.e., medical devices. Moreover, we present the results of two years of implementation of the presented strategy at graduate-level through fault analysis attacks, a variant of side-channel attacks. We note that the authors also supervise an undergraduate student and the outcome of the presented work has been assessed for that student as well; however, the emphasis is on graduate-level integration. The results of the presented work show the success of the presented methodology while pinpointing the challenges encountered compared to traditional embedded system security research/teaching integration of medical devices security. We would like to emphasize that our integration approaches are general and scalable to other critical infrastructures as well

    Multidisciplinary Approaches and Challenges in Integrating Emerging Medical Devices Security Research and Education

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    Traditional embedded systems such as secure smart cards and nano-sensor networks have been utilized in various usage models. Nevertheless, emerging secure deeply-embedded systems, e.g., implantable and wearable medical devices, have comparably larger “attack surface”. Specifically, with respect to medical devices, a security breach can be life-threatening (for which adopting traditional solutions might not be practical due to tight constraints of these often-battery-powered systems), and unlike traditional embedded systems, it is not only a matter of financial loss. Unfortunately, although emerging cryptographic engineering research mechanisms for such deeply-embedded systems have started solving this critical, vital problem, university education (at both graduate and undergraduate level) lags comparably. One of the pivotal reasons for such a lag is the multi-disciplinary nature of the emerging security bottlenecks. Based on the aforementioned motivation, in this work, at Rochester Institute of Technology, we present an effective research and education integration strategy to overcome this issue in one of the most critical deeply-embedded systems, i.e., medical devices. Moreover, we present the results of two years of implementation of the presented strategy at graduate-level through fault analysis attacks, a variant of side-channel attacks. We note that the authors also supervise an undergraduate student and the outcome of the presented work has been assessed for that student as well; however, the emphasis is on graduate-level integration. The results of the presented work show the success of the presented methodology while pinpointing the challenges encountered compared to traditional embedded system security research/teaching integration of medical devices security. We would like to emphasize that our integration approaches are general and scalable to other critical infrastructures as well

    Integrating emerging cryptographic engineering research and security education

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    Unlike traditional embedded systems such as secure smart cards, emerging secure deeply embedded systems, e.g., implantable and wearable medical devices, have larger “attack surface”. A security breach in such systems which are embedded deeply in human bodies or objects would be life-threatening, for which adopting traditional solutions might not be practical due to tight constraints of these often-battery-powered systems. Unfortunately, although emerging cryptographic engineering research mechanisms have started solving this critical problem, university education (at both graduate and undergraduate level) lags comparably. One of the pivotal reasons for such a lag is the multi-disciplinary nature of the emerging security bottlenecks (mathematics, engineering, science, and medicine, to name a few). Based on the aforementioned motivation, in this paper, we present an effective research and education integration strategy to overcome this issue at Rochester Institute of Technology. Moreover, we present the results of more than one year implementation of the presented strategy at graduate level through “side-channel analysis attacks” case studies. The results of the presented work show the success of the presented methodology while pinpointing the challenges encountered compared to traditional embedded system security research/teaching integration

    Reliable Low-Latency and Low-Complexity Viterbi Architectures Benchmarked on ASIC and FPGA

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    The Viterbi algorithm is commonly applied in a number of sensitive usage models including decoding convolutional codes used in communications such as satellite communication, cellular relay, and wireless local area networks. Moreover, the algorithm has been applied to automatic speech recognition and storage devices. In this thesis, efficient error detection schemes for architectures based on low-latency, low-complexity Viterbi decoders are presented. The merit of the proposed schemes is that reliability requirements, overhead tolerance, and performance degradation limits are embedded in the structures and can be adapted accordingly. We also present three variants of recomputing with encoded operands and its modifications to detect both transient and permanent faults, coupled with signature-based schemes. The instrumented decoder architecture has been subjected to extensive error detection assessments through simulations, and application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) [32nm library] and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) [Xilinx Virtex-6 family] implementations for benchmark. The proposed fine-grained approaches can be utilized based on reliability objectives and performance/implementation metrics degradation tolerance

    Reliable and Fault-Resilient Schemes for Efficient Radix-4 Complex Division

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    Complex division is commonly used in various applications in signal processing and control theory including astronomy and nonlinear RF measurements. Nevertheless, unless reliability and assurance are embedded into the architectures of such structures, the suboptimal (and thus erroneous) results could undermine the objectives of such applications. As such, in this thesis, we present schemes to provide complex number division architectures based on (Sweeney, Robertson, and Tocher) SRT-division with fault diagnosis mechanisms. Different fault resilient architectures are proposed in this thesis which can be tailored based on the eventual objectives of the designs in terms of area and time requirements, among which we pinpoint carefully the schemes based on recomputing with shifted operands (RESO) to be able to detect both natural and malicious faults and with proper modification achieve high throughputs. The design also implements a minimized look up table approach which favors in error detection based designs and provides high fault coverage with relatively-low overhead. Additionally, to benchmark the effectiveness of the proposed schemes, extensive fault diagnosis assessments are performed for the proposed designs through fault simulations and FPGA implementations; the design is implemented on Xilinx Spartan-VI and Xilinx Virtex-VI FPGA families

    Reliable Hardware Architectures of CORDIC Algorithm with Fixed Angle of Rotations

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    Fixed-angle rotation operation of vectors is widely used in signal processing, graphics, and robotics. Various optimized coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) designs have been proposed for uniform rotation of vectors through known and specified angles. Nevertheless, in the presence of faults, such hardware architectures are potentially vulnerable. In this thesis, we propose efficient error detection schemes for two fixed-angle rotation designs, i.e., the Interleaved Scaling and Cascaded Single-rotation CORDIC. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first in providing reliable architectures for these variants of CORDIC. The former is suitable for low-area applications and, hence, we propose recomputing with encoded operands schemes which add negligible area overhead to the designs. Moreover, the proposed error detection schemes for the latter variant are optimized for efficient applications which hamper the performance of the architectures negligibly. We present three variants of recomputing with encoded operands to detect both transient and permanent faults, coupled with signature-based schemes. The overheads of the proposed designs are assessed through Xilinx FPGA implementations and their effectiveness is benchmarked through error simulations. The results give confidence for the proposed efficient architectures which can be tailored based on the reliability requirements and the overhead to be tolerated

    Parity-Based Fault Detection Architecture of S-box for Advanced Encryption Standard

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    In this paper, the authors present parity-based fault detection architecture of the S-box for designing high performance fault detection structures of the advanced encryption standard. Instead of using look-up tables for the S-box and its parity prediction, logical gate implementations based on the composite field are utilized. After analyzing the error propagation for injected single faults, the authors modify the original S-box and suggest fault detection architecture for the S-box. Using the closed formulations for the predicted parity bits, the authors propose a parity-based fault detection scheme for reaching the maximum fault coverage. Moreover, the overhead costs, including space complexity and time delay of our modified S-box and the parity predictions are also compared to those of the previously reported ones

    CRAFT: Lightweight Tweakable Block Cipher with Efficient Protection Against DFA Attacks

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    Traditionally, countermeasures against physical attacks are integrated into the implementation of cryptographic primitives after the algorithms have been designed for achieving a certain level of cryptanalytic security. This picture has been changed by the introduction of PICARO, ZORRO, and FIDES, where efficient protection against Side-Channel Analysis (SCA) attacks has been considered in their design. In this work we present the tweakable block cipher CRAFT: the efficient protection of its implementations against Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) attacks has been one of the main design criteria, while we provide strong bounds for its security in the related-tweak model. Considering the area footprint of round-based hardware implementations, CRAFT outperforms the other lightweight ciphers with the same state and key size. This holds not only for unprotected implementations but also when fault-detection facilities, side-channel protection, and their combination are integrated into the implementation. In addition to supporting a 64-bit tweak, CRAFT has the additional property that the circuit realizing the encryption can support the decryption functionality as well with very little area overhead