5,763 research outputs found

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    Evidence-based robust design of deflection actions for near Earth objects

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    This paper presents a novel approach to the robust design of deflection actions for Near Earth Objects (NEO). In particular, the case of deflection by means of Solar-pumped Laser ablation is studied here in detail. The basic idea behind Laser ablation is that of inducing a sublimation of the NEO surface, which produces a low thrust thereby slowly deviating the asteroid from its initial Earth threatening trajectory. This work investigates the integrated design of the Space-based Laser system and the deflection action generated by laser ablation under uncertainty. The integrated design is formulated as a multi-objective optimisation problem in which the deviation is maximised and the total system mass is minimised. Both the model for the estimation of the thrust produced by surface laser ablation and the spacecraft system model are assumed to be affected by epistemic uncertainties (partial or complete lack of knowledge). Evidence Theory is used to quantify these uncertainties and introduce them in the optimisation process. The propagation of the trajectory of the NEO under the laser-ablation action is performed with a novel approach based on an approximated analytical solution of Gauss’ Variational Equations. An example of design of the deflection of asteroid Apophis with a swarm of spacecraft is presented

    Communication Subsystems for Emerging Wireless Technologies

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    The paper describes a multi-disciplinary design of modern communication systems. The design starts with the analysis of a system in order to define requirements on its individual components. The design exploits proper models of communication channels to adapt the systems to expected transmission conditions. Input filtering of signals both in the frequency domain and in the spatial domain is ensured by a properly designed antenna. Further signal processing (amplification and further filtering) is done by electronics circuits. Finally, signal processing techniques are applied to yield information about current properties of frequency spectrum and to distribute the transmission over free subcarrier channels


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    Minicell-based manufacturing system is used in identifying best minicell designs. The existing method of minicell design generates best minicell designs by designing and scheduling minicells simultaneously. While in this research designing of minicells and scheduling of jobs in minicells is done separately. This research evaluates the effectiveness of hierarchical approach and compares with simultaneous method. Minicell designs with respect to average flow times and machine capacities and both are identified in a multi-stage flow shop environment. Rules for the extraction of good minicell designs in mass customization manufacturing systems are also established

    Data-driven Product-Process Optimization of N-isopropylacrylamide Microgel Flow-Synthesis

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    Microgels are cross-linked, colloidal polymer networks with great potential for stimuli-response release in drug-delivery applications, as their size in the nanometer range allows them to pass human cell boundaries. For applications with specified requirements regarding size, producing tailored microgels in a continuous flow reactor is advantageous because the microgel properties can be controlled tightly. However, no fully-specified mechanistic models are available for continuous microgel synthesis, as the physical properties of the included components are only studied partly. To address this gap and accelerate tailor-made microgel development, we propose a data-driven optimization in a hardware-in-the-loop approach to efficiently synthesize microgels with defined sizes. We optimize the synthesis regarding conflicting objectives (maximum production efficiency, minimum energy consumption, and the desired microgel radius) by applying Bayesian optimization via the solver ``Thompson sampling efficient multi-objective optimization'' (TS-EMO). We validate the optimization using the deterministic global solver ``McCormick-based Algorithm for mixed-integer Nonlinear Global Optimization'' (MAiNGO) and verify three computed Pareto optimal solutions via experiments. The proposed framework can be applied to other desired microgel properties and reactor setups and has the potential of efficient development by minimizing number of experiments and modelling effort needed.Comment: Manuscript: 24 pages, 8 figures; SI: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Multi-objective Optimisation in Additive Manufacturing

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    Additive Manufacturing (AM) has demonstrated great potential to advance product design and manufacturing, and has showed higher flexibility than conventional manufacturing techniques for the production of small volume, complex and customised components. In an economy focused on the need to develop customised and hi-tech products, there is increasing interest in establishing AM technologies as a more efficient production approach for high value products such as aerospace and biomedical products. Nevertheless, the use of AM processes, for even small to medium volume production faces a number of issues in the current state of the technology. AM production is normally used for making parts with complex geometry which implicates the assessment of numerous processing options or choices; the wrong choice of process parameters can result in poor surface quality, onerous manufacturing time and energy waste, and thus increased production costs and resources. A few commonly used AM processes require the presence of cellular support structures for the production of overhanging parts. Depending on the object complexity their removal can be impossible or very time (and resources) consuming. Currently, there is a lack of tools to advise the AM operator on the optimal choice of process parameters. This prevents the diffusion of AM as an efficient production process for enterprises, and as affordable access to democratic product development for individual users. Research in literature has focused mainly on the optimisation of single criteria for AM production. An integrated predictive modelling and optimisation technique has not yet been well established for identifying an efficient process set up for complicated products which often involve critical building requirements. For instance, there are no robust methods for the optimal design of complex cellular support structures, and most of the software commercially available today does not provide adequate guidance on how to optimally orientate the part into the machine bed, or which particular combination of cellular structures need to be used as support. The choice of wrong support and orientation can degenerate into structure collapse during an AM process such as Selective Laser Melting (SLM), due to the high thermal stress in the junctions between fillets of different cells. Another issue of AM production is the limited parts’ surface quality typically generated by the discrete deposition and fusion of material. This research has focused on the formation of surface morphology of AM parts. Analysis of SLM parts showed that roughness measured was different from that predicted through a classic model based on pure geometrical consideration on the stair step profile. Experiments also revealed the presence of partially bonded particles on the surface; an explanation of this phenomenon has been proposed. Results have been integrated into a novel mathematical model for the prediction of surface roughness of SLM parts. The model formulated correctly describes the observed trend of the experimental data, and thus provides an accurate prediction of surface roughness. This thesis aims to deliver an effective computational methodology for the multi- objective optimisation of the main building conditions that affect process efficiency of AM production. For this purpose, mathematical models have been formulated for the determination of parts’ surface quality, manufacturing time and energy consumption, and for the design of optimal cellular support structures. All the predictive models have been used to evaluate multiple performance and costs objectives; all the objectives are typically contrasting; and all greatly affected by the part’s build orientation. A multi-objective optimisation technique has been developed to visualise and identify optimal trade-offs between all the contrastive objectives for the most efficient AM production. Hence, this thesis has delivered a decision support system to assist the operator in the "process planning" stage, in order to achieve optimal efficiency and sustainability in AM production through maximum material, time and energy savings.EADS Airbus, Great Western Researc

    Dynamic Facility Layout for Cellular and Reconfigurable Manufacturing using Dynamic Programming and Multi-Objective Metaheuristics

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    The facility layout problem is one of the most classical yet influential problems in the planning of production systems. A well-designed layout minimizes the material handling costs (MHC), personnel flow distances, work in process, and improves the performance of these systems in terms of operating costs and time. Because of this importance, facility layout has a rich literature in industrial engineering and operations research. Facility layout problems (FLPs) are generally concerned with positioning a set of facilities to satisfy some criteria or objectives under certain constraints. Traditional FLPs try to put facilities with the high material flow as close as possible to minimize the MHC. In static facility layout problems (SFLP), the product demands and mixes are considered deterministic parameters with constant values. The material flow between facilities is fixed over the planning horizon. However, in today’s market, manufacturing systems are constantly facing changes in product demands and mixes. These changes make it necessary to change the layout from one period to the other to be adapted to the changes. Consequently, there is a need for dynamic approaches of FLP that aim to generate layouts with high adaptation concerning changes in product demand and mix. This thesis focuses on studying the layout problems, with an emphasis on the changing environment of manufacturing systems. Despite the fact that designing layouts within the dynamic environment context is more realistic, the SFLP is observed to have been remained worthy to be analyzed. Hence, a math-heuristic approach is developed to solve an SFLP. To this aim, first, the facilities are grouped into many possible vertical clusters, second, the best combination of the generated clusters to be in the final layout are selected by solving a linear programming model, and finally, the selected clusters are sequenced within the shop floor. Although the presented math-heuristic approach is effective in solving SFLP, applying approaches to cope with the changing manufacturing environment is required. One of the most well-known approaches to deal with the changing manufacturing environment is the dynamic facility layout problem (DFLP). DFLP suits reconfigurable manufacturing systems since their machinery and material handling devices are reconfigurable to encounter the new necessities for the variations of product mix and demand. In DFLP, the planning horizon is divided into some periods. The goal is to find a layout for each period to minimize the total MHC for all periods and the total rearrangement costs between the periods. Dynamic programming (DP) has been known as one of the effective methods to optimize DFLP. In the DP method, all the possible layouts for every single period are generated and given to DP as its state-space. However, by increasing the number of facilities, it is impossible to give all the possible layouts to DP and only a restricted number of layouts should be fed to DP. This leads to ignoring some layouts and losing the optimality; to deal with this difficulty, an improved DP approach is proposed. It uses a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm to select the initial layouts for DP that lead to the best solution of DP for DFLP. The proposed approach includes two phases. In the first phase, a large set of layouts are generated through a heuristic method. In the second phase, a genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to search for the best subset of layouts to be given to DP. DP, improved by starting with the most promising initial layouts, is applied to find the multi-period layout. Finally, a tabu search algorithm is utilized for further improvement of the solution obtained by improved DP. Computational experiments show that improved DP provides more efficient solutions than DP approaches in the literature. The improved DP can efficiently solve DFLP and find the best layout for each period considering both material handling and layout rearrangement costs. However, rearrangement costs may include some unpredictable costs concerning interruption in production or moving of facilities. Therefore, in some cases, managerial decisions tend to avoid any rearrangements. To this aim, a semi-robust approach is developed to optimize an FLP in a cellular manufacturing system (CMS). In this approach, the pick-up/drop-off (P/D) points of the cells are changed to adapt the layout with changes in product demand and mix. This approach suits more a cellular flexible manufacturing system or a conventional system. A multi-objective nonlinear mixed-integer programming model is proposed to simultaneously search for the optimum number of cells, optimum allocation of facilities to cells, optimum intra- and inter-cellular layout design, and the optimum locations of the P/D points of the cells in each period. A modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (MNSGA-II) enhanced by an improved non-dominated sorting strategy and a modified dynamic crowding distance procedure is used to find Pareto-optimal solutions. The computational experiments are carried out to show the effectiveness of the proposed MNSGA-II against other popular metaheuristic algorithms

    A hybrid multi objective cellular spotted hyena optimizer for wellbore trajectory optimization

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    Cost and safety are critical factors in the oil and gas industry for optimizing wellbore trajectory, which is a constrained and nonlinear optimization problem. In this work, the wellbore trajectory is optimized using the true measured depth, well profile energy, and torque. Numerous metaheuristic algorithms were employed to optimize these objectives by tuning 17 constrained variables, with notable drawbacks including decreased exploitation/exploration capability, local optima trapping, non-uniform distribution of non-dominated solutions, and inability to track isolated minima. The purpose of this work is to propose a modified multi-objective cellular spotted hyena algorithm (MOCSHOPSO) for optimizing true measured depth, well profile energy, and torque. To overcome the aforementioned difficulties, the modification incorporates cellular automata (CA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). By adding CA, the SHO\u27s exploration phase is enhanced, and the SHO\u27s hunting mechanisms are modified with PSO\u27s velocity update property. Several geophysical and operational constraints have been utilized during trajectory optimization and data has been collected from the Gulf of Suez oil field. The proposed algorithm was compared with the standard methods (MOCPSO, MOSHO, MOCGWO) and observed significant improvements in terms of better distribution of non-dominated solutions, better-searching capability, a minimum number of isolated minima, and better Pareto optimal front. These significant improvements were validated by analysing the algorithms in terms of some statistical analysis, such as IGD, MS, SP, and ER. The proposed algorithm has obtained the lowest values in IGD, SP and ER, on the other side highest values in MS. Finally, an adaptive neighbourhood mechanism has been proposed which showed better performance than the fixed neighbourhood topology such as L5, L9, C9, C13, C21, and C25. Hopefully, this newly proposed modified algorithm will pave the way for better wellbore trajectory optimization
