230 research outputs found

    Paraphrase Detection on Noisy Subtitles in Six Languages

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    We perform automatic paraphrase detection on subtitle data from the Opusparcus corpus comprising six European languages: German, English, Finnish, French, Russian, and Swedish. We train two types of supervised sentence embedding models: a word-averaging (WA) model and a gated recurrent averaging network (GRAN) model. We find out that GRAN outperforms WA and is more robust to noisy training data. Better results are obtained with more and noisier data than less and cleaner data. Additionally, we experiment on other datasets, without reaching the same level of performance, because of domain mismatch between training and test data.Peer reviewe

    Annotation of subtitle paraphrases using a new web tool

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    This paper analyzes the manual annotation effort carried out to produce Opusparcus, the Open Subtitles Paraphrase Corpus for six European languages. Within the scope of the project, a new web-based annotation tool was created. We discuss the design choices behind the tool as well as the setup of the annotation task. We also evaluate the annotations obtained. Two independent annotators needed to decide to what extent two sentences approximately meant the same thing. The sentences originate from subtitles from movies and TV shows, which constitutes an interesting genre of mostly colloquial language. Inter-annotator agreement was found to be on par with a well-known previous paraphrase resource from the news domain, the Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MSRPC). Our annotation tool is open source. The tool can be used for closed projects with restricted access and controlled user authentification as well as open crowdsourced projects, in which anyone can participate and user identification takes place based on IP addresses.Peer reviewe

    Modeling Noise in Paraphrase Detection

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    Noisy labels in training data present a challenging issue in classification tasks, misleading a model towards incorrect decisions during training. In this paper, we propose the use of a linear noise model to augment pre-trained language models to account for label noise in fine-tuning. We test our approach in a paraphrase detection task with various levels of noise and five different languages. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the additional noise model in making the training procedures more robust and stable. Furthermore, we show that this model can be applied without further knowledge about annotation confidence and reliability of individual training examples and we analyse our results in light of data selection and sampling strategies.Peer reviewe

    Paraphrase Generation and Evaluation on Colloquial-Style Sentences

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    This paper presents FISKMÖ, a project that focuses on the development of resources and tools for cross-linguistic research and machine translation between Finnish and Swedish. The goal of the project is the compilation of a massive parallel corpus out of translated material collected from web sources, public and private organisations and language service providers in Finland with its two official languages. The project also aims at the development of open and freely accessible translation services for those two languages for the general purpose and for domain-specific use. We have released new data sets with over 3 million translation units, a benchmark test set for MT development, pre-trained neural MT models with high coverage and competitive performance and a self-contained MT plugin for a popular CAT tool. The latter enables offline translation without dependencies on external services making it possible to work with highly sensitive data without compromising security concerns.In this paper, we investigate paraphrase generation in the colloquial domain. We use state-of-the-art neural machine translation models trained on the Opusparcus corpus to generate paraphrases in six languages: German, English, Finnish, French, Russian, and Swedish. We perform experiments to understand how data selection and filtering for diverse paraphrase pairs affects the generated paraphrases. We compare two different model architectures, an RNN and a Transformer model, and find that the Transformer does not generally outperform the RNN. We also conduct human evaluation on five of the six languages and compare the results to the automatic evaluation metrics BLEU and the recently proposed BERTScore. The results advance our understanding of the trade-offs between the quality and novelty of generated paraphrases, affected by the data selection method. In addition, our comparison of the evaluation methods shows that while BLEU correlates well with human judgments at the corpus level, BERTScore outperforms BLEU in both corpus and sentence-level evaluation.Peer reviewe

    Toward automatic improvement of language produced by non-native language learners

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    It is important for language learners to practice speaking and writing in realistic scenarios. The learners also need feedback on how to express themselves better in the new language. In this paper, we perform automatic paraphrase generation on language-learner texts. Our goal is to devise tools that can help language learners write more correct and natural sounding sentences. We use a pivoting method with a character-based neural machine translation system trained on subtitle data to paraphrase and improve learner texts that contain grammatical errors and other types of noise. We perform experiments in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. We experiment with monolingual data as well as error-augmented monolingual and bilingual data in addition to parallel subtitle data during training. Our results show that our baseline model trained only on parallel bilingual data sets is surprisingly robust to different types of noise in the source sentence, but introducing artificial errors can improve performance. In addition to error correction, the results show promise for using the models to improve fluency and make language-learner texts more idiomatic.Peer reviewe

    Reformulation and Decomposition: Multitask learning approaches to Long Document Problems

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    Recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have led to success across a wide range of tasks including machine translation, summarization, and classification. Yet, the field still faces major challenges. This thesis addresses two key under-researched areas: the absence of general multitask learning capabilities, and the inability to scale to long, complex documents. Firstly, this thesis explores a form of multitasking where NLP tasks are reformulated as question answering problems. I examine existing models and measure their robustness to paraphrasing of their input. I contribute an annotated dataset which enables detailed analysis of model failures as well as evaluating methods for improving model robustness. Secondly, a set of long document tasks; MuLD, is introduced which forms a benchmark for evaluating the performance of models on large inputs with long-range dependencies. I show that this is a challenging task for baseline models. I then design an approach using task-decomposition to provide an interpretable solution which easily allows for multitask learning. I then explore how these themes of task reformulation for multitask learning, and task-decomposition for long inputs can be applied to other modalities. I show how visual modelling: a visual analogue of language modelling, can be used to predict missing frames from videos of simple physics simulations, and probe what knowledge about the physical world this induces in such models. Finally, I demonstrate how this task can be used to unite vision and NLP using the same framework, describing how task-reformulation and task-decomposition can be used for this purpose

    Understanding the structure and meaning of Finnish texts: From corpus creation to deep language modelling

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a cross-disciplinary field combining elements of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics, with the objective of developing means for computational analysis, understanding or generation of human language. The primary aim of this thesis is to advance natural language processing in Finnish by providing more resources and investigating the most effective machine learning based practices for their use. The thesis focuses on NLP topics related to understanding the structure and meaning of written language, mainly concentrating on structural analysis (syntactic parsing) as well as exploring the semantic equivalence of statements that vary in their surface realization (paraphrase modelling). While the new resources presented in the thesis are developed for Finnish, most of the methodological contributions are language-agnostic, and the accompanying papers demonstrate the application and evaluation of these methods across multiple languages. The first set of contributions of this thesis revolve around the development of a state-of-the-art Finnish dependency parsing pipeline. Firstly, the necessary Finnish training data was converted to the Universal Dependencies scheme, integrating Finnish into this important treebank collection and establishing the foundations for Finnish UD parsing. Secondly, a novel word lemmatization method based on deep neural networks is introduced and assessed across a diverse set of over 50 languages. And finally, the overall dependency parsing pipeline is evaluated on a large number of languages, securing top ranks in two competitive shared tasks focused on multilingual dependency parsing. The overall outcome of this line of research is a parsing pipeline reaching state-of-the-art accuracy in Finnish dependency parsing, the parsing numbers obtained with the latest pre-trained language models approaching (at least near) human-level performance. The achievement of large language models in the area of dependency parsing— as well as in many other structured prediction tasks— brings up the hope of the large pre-trained language models genuinely comprehending language, rather than merely relying on simple surface cues. However, datasets designed to measure semantic comprehension in Finnish have been non-existent, or very scarce at the best. To address this limitation, and to reflect the general change of emphasis in the field towards task more semantic in nature, the second part of the thesis shifts its focus to language understanding through an exploration of paraphrase modelling. The second contribution of the thesis is the creation of a novel, large-scale, manually annotated corpus of Finnish paraphrases. A unique aspect of this corpus is that its examples have been manually extracted from two related text documents, with the objective of obtaining non-trivial paraphrase pairs valuable for training and evaluating various language understanding models on paraphrasing. We show that manual paraphrase extraction can yield a corpus featuring pairs that are both notably longer and less lexically overlapping than those produced through automated candidate selection, the current prevailing practice in paraphrase corpus construction. Another distinctive feature in the corpus is that the paraphrases are identified and distributed within their document context, allowing for richer modelling and novel tasks to be defined