16,980 research outputs found

    Testing Lorentz symmetry with planetary orbital dynamics

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    Planetary ephemerides are a very powerful tool to constrain deviations from the theory of General Relativity using orbital dynamics. The effective field theory framework called the Standard-Model Extension (SME) has been developed in order to systematically parametrize hypothetical violations of Lorentz symmetry (in the Standard Model and in the gravitational sector). In this communication, we use the latest determinations of the supplementary advances of the perihelia and of the nodes obtained by planetary ephemerides analysis to constrain SME coefficients from the pure gravity sector and also from gravity-matter couplings. Our results do not show any deviation from GR and they improve current constraints. Moreover, combinations with existing constraints from Lunar Laser Ranging and from atom interferometry gravimetry allow us to disentangle contributions from the pure gravity sector from the gravity-matter couplings.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Adjustable reach in a network centrality based on current flows

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    Centrality, which quantifies the "importance" of individual nodes, is among the most essential concepts in modern network theory. Most prominent centrality measures can be expressed as an aggregation of influence flows between pairs of nodes. As there are many ways in which influence can be defined, many different centrality measures are in use. Parametrized centralities allow further flexibility and utility by tuning the centrality calculation to the regime most appropriate for a given network. Here, we identify two categories of centrality parameters. Reach parameters control the attenuation of influence flows between distant nodes. Grasp parameters control the centrality's potential to send influence flows along multiple, often nongeodesic paths. Combining these categories with Borgatti's centrality types [S. P. Borgatti, Social Networks 27, 55-71 (2005)], we arrive at a novel classification system for parametrized centralities. Using this classification, we identify the notable absence of any centrality measures that are radial, reach parametrized, and based on acyclic, conservative flows of influence. We therefore introduce the ground-current centrality, which is a measure of precisely this type. Because of its unique position in the taxonomy, the ground-current centrality has significant advantages over similar centralities. We demonstrate that, compared to other conserved-flow centralities, it has a simpler mathematical description. Compared to other reach centralities, it robustly preserves an intuitive rank ordering across a wide range of network architectures. We also show that it produces a consistent distribution of centrality values among the nodes, neither trivially equally spread (delocalization), nor overly focused on a few nodes (localization). Other reach centralities exhibit both of these behaviors on regular networks and hub networks, respectively

    An Analysis of the Shapes of Interstellar Extinction Curves. V. The IR-Through-UV Curve Morphology

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    We study the IR-through-UV interstellar extinction curves towards 328 Galactic B and late-O stars. We use a new technique which employs stellar atmosphere models in lieu of unreddened "standard" stars. This technique is capable of virtually eliminating spectral mismatch errors in the curves. It also allows a quantitative assessment of the errors and enables a rigorous testing of the significance of relationships between various curve parameters, regardless of whether their uncertainties are correlated. Analysis of the curves gives the following results: (1) In accord with our previous findings, the central position of the 2175 A extinction bump is mildly variable, its width is highly variable, and the two variations are unrelated. (2) Strong correlations are found among some extinction properties within the UV region, and within the IR region. (3) With the exception of a few curves with extreme (i.e., large) values of R(V), the UV and IR portions of Galactic extinction curves are not correlated with each other. (4) The large sightline-to-sightline variation seen in our sample implies that any average Galactic extinction curve will always reflect the biases of its parent sample. (5) The use of an average curve to deredden a spectral energy distribution (SED) will result in significant errors, and a realistic error budget for the dereddened SED must include the observed variance of Galactic curves. While the observed large sightline-to-sightline variations, and the lack of correlation among the various features of the curves, make it difficult to meaningfully characterize average extinction properties, they demonstrate that extinction curves respond sensitively to local conditions. Thus, each curve contains potentially unique information about the grains along its sightline.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, July 1, 2007. Figures and Tables which will appear only in the electronic version of the Journal can be obtained via anonymous ftp from ftp://ftp.astronomy.villanova.edu . After logging in, change directories to "fitz/FMV_EXTINCTION". A README file describes the various files present in the director
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