8,196 research outputs found

    Parametric study for an ant algorithm applied to water distribution system optimization

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    © 2005 IEEE.Much research has been carried out on the optimization of water distribution systems (WDSs). Within the last decade, the focus has shifted from the use of traditional optimization methods, such as linear and nonlinear programming, to the use of heuristics derived from nature (HDNs), namely, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and more recently, ant colony optimization (ACO), an optimization algorithm based on the foraging behavior of ants. HDNs have been seen to perform better than more traditional optimization methods and amongst the HDNs applied to WDS optimization, a recent study found ACO to outperform other HDNs for two well-known case studies. One of the major problems that exists with the use of HDNs, particularly ACO, is that their searching behavior and, hence, performance, is governed by a set of user-selected parameters. Consequently, a large calibration phase is required for successful application to new problems. The aim of this paper is to provide a deeper understanding of ACO parameters and to develop parametric guidelines for the application of ACO to WDS optimization. For the adopted ACO algorithm, called AS/sub i-best/ (as it uses an iteration-best pheromone updating scheme), seven parameters are used: two decision policy control parameters /spl alpha/ and /spl beta/, initial pheromone value /spl tau//sub 0/, pheromone persistence factor /spl rho/, number of ants m, pheromone addition factor Q, and the penalty factor (PEN). Deterministic and semi-deterministic expressions for Q and PEN are developed. For the remaining parameters, a parametric study is performed, from which guidelines for appropriate parameter settings are developed. Based on the use of these heuristics, the performance of AS/sub i-best/ was assessed for two case studies from the literature (the New York Tunnels Problem, and the Hanoi Problem) and an additional larger case study (the Doubled New York Tunnels Problem). The results show that AS/sub i-best/ achieves the best performance presented in the literature, in terms of efficiency and solution quality, for the New York Tunnels Problem. Although AS/sub i-best/ does not perform as well as other algorithms from the literature for the Hanoi Problem (a notably difficult problem), it successfully finds the known least cost - solution for the larger Doubled New York Tunnels Problem.Aaron C. Zecchin, Angus R. Simpson, Holger R. Maier, and John B. Nixo

    SamACO: variable sampling ant colony optimization algorithm for continuous optimization

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    An ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm offers algorithmic techniques for optimization by simulating the foraging behavior of a group of ants to perform incremental solution constructions and to realize a pheromone laying-and-following mechanism. Although ACO is first designed for solving discrete (combinatorial) optimization problems, the ACO procedure is also applicable to continuous optimization. This paper presents a new way of extending ACO to solving continuous optimization problems by focusing on continuous variable sampling as a key to transforming ACO from discrete optimization to continuous optimization. The proposed SamACO algorithm consists of three major steps, i.e., the generation of candidate variable values for selection, the ants’ solution construction, and the pheromone update process. The distinct characteristics of SamACO are the cooperation of a novel sampling method for discretizing the continuous search space and an efficient incremental solution construction method based on the sampled values. The performance of SamACO is tested using continuous numerical functions with unimodal and multimodal features. Compared with some state-of-the-art algorithms, including traditional ant-based algorithms and representative computational intelligence algorithms for continuous optimization, the performance of SamACO is seen competitive and promising

    Flexible protein folding by ant colony optimization

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    Protein structure prediction is one of the most challenging topics in bioinformatics. As the protein structure is found to be closely related to its functions, predicting the folding structure of a protein to judge its functions is meaningful to the humanity. This chapter proposes a flexible ant colony (FAC) algorithm for solving protein folding problems (PFPs) based on the hydrophobic-polar (HP) square lattice model. Different from the previous ant algorithms for PFPs, the pheromones in the proposed algorithm are placed on the arcs connecting adjacent squares in the lattice. Such pheromone placement model is similar to the one used in the traveling salesmen problems (TSPs), where pheromones are released on the arcs connecting the cities. Moreover, the collaboration of effective heuristic and pheromone strategies greatly enhances the performance of the algorithm so that the algorithm can achieve good results without local search methods. By testing some benchmark two-dimensional hydrophobic-polar (2D-HP) protein sequences, the performance shows that the proposed algorithm is quite competitive compared with some other well-known methods for solving the same protein folding problems

    Nature-inspired Methods for Stochastic, Robust and Dynamic Optimization

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    Nature-inspired algorithms have a great popularity in the current scientific community, being the focused scope of many research contributions in the literature year by year. The rationale behind the acquired momentum by this broad family of methods lies on their outstanding performance evinced in hundreds of research fields and problem instances. This book gravitates on the development of nature-inspired methods and their application to stochastic, dynamic and robust optimization. Topics covered by this book include the design and development of evolutionary algorithms, bio-inspired metaheuristics, or memetic methods, with empirical, innovative findings when used in different subfields of mathematical optimization, such as stochastic, dynamic, multimodal and robust optimization, as well as noisy optimization and dynamic and constraint satisfaction problems

    Bat Algorithm: Literature Review and Applications

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    Bat algorithm (BA) is a bio-inspired algorithm developed by Yang in 2010 and BA has been found to be very efficient. As a result, the literature has expanded significantly in the last 3 years. This paper provides a timely review of the bat algorithm and its new variants. A wide range of diverse applications and case studies are also reviewed and summarized briefly here. Further research topics are also discussed.Comment: 10 page

    An ant colony optimization approach for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a challenging problem. Although some methods exist to address the problem in homogeneous WSNs, research on this problem in heterogeneous WSNs have progressed at a slow pace. Inspired by the promising performance of ant colony optimization (ACO) to solve combinatorial problems, this paper proposes an ACO-based approach that can maximize the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs. The methodology is based on finding the maximum number of disjoint connected covers that satisfy both sensing coverage and network connectivity. A construction graph is designed with each vertex denoting the assignment of a device in a subset. Based on pheromone and heuristic information, the ants seek an optimal path on the construction graph to maximize the number of connected covers. The pheromone serves as a metaphor for the search experiences in building connected covers. The heuristic information is used to reflect the desirability of device assignments. A local search procedure is designed to further improve the search efficiency. The proposed approach has been applied to a variety of heterogeneous WSNs. The results show that the approach is effective and efficient in finding high-quality solutions for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs